Презентации по Английскому языку

Revision. Communication
Revision. Communication
UNIT 1 COMMUNICATION Complete the definitions with a suitable adjective from the box. If you do not easily show your feelings or express your opinions, you are …………… If you do not lose sight of the main message when you speak, you are ……………… If you express your ideas in a clear and structured way, you are …………………… and ………………………. . If you are happy and lively in social situations, you are ………………………………. . If you are ……………… , you are embarrassed and find it difficult to behave naturally. If you are ………………… to other people’s needs or feelings, you care about them and try not to cause offence. sensitive coherent extrovert focussed inhibited reserved articulate 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word from the box. The presenter …………… a little to give the audience some background information. Despite your explanations, I’m not sure I understand, so I hope you ……………… your position soon. Good communicators avoid complicated terminology and jargon so as not to ………..their listeners. Our discussion was ……………… by several phone calls, so I soon lost the thread. The best sales reps are those who can ………… with customers as well as with colleagues. Practical examples, illustrations and graphs can all be more useful than words when you are trying to ………… something complex. The speaker tended to …………… a lot, so that many in the audience forgot what the main topic was or stopped ……………… altogether. 3. Translate the sentences above from English into Russian. clarify confuse digress engage explain interrupt listen ramble UNIT 1 COMMUNICATION
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