Презентации по Английскому языку

Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check
Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check
1. Where is the child? He … (to play) in his room. Where is the child? He is playing in his room. 2. My friend … (to look) for a job. He hopes to find a good one. My friend is looking for a job. He hopes to find a good one. 3. Oil prices … (to increase) fast. Oil prices are increasing fast. 4. We need to have a snack. We … (to get) hungry. We need to have a snack. We are getting hungry. 5. What … (he, to do) these days? What is he doing these days? 6. I want to lose weight, so this month I … (to eat) bread at all. I want to lose weight, so this month I am not eating bread at all. 7. We … (to look) for our manager. Don’t you know where he is? We are looking for our manager. Don’t you know where he is? 8. I … (not, to work) at weekends. I don’t work at weekends. 9. Do you know what this word … (to mean)? Do you know what this word means? 10. What … (you, to do)? I work in the office. What do you do? I work in the office. 11. Tom … (to promise) he will be on time. Tom promises he will be on time. 12. I … (to refuse) to call them now. I refuse to call them now. 13. My son … (not, to speak) Spanish fluently. My son doesn’t speak Spanish fluently. 14. She is fit and healthy. She … (to do) sport regularly. She is fit and healthy. She does sport regularly. 15. He … (to advise) me to eat more fruit. He advises me to eat more fruit. 16. How often … (you, to play) football? How often do you play football? 17. How long … (it, to take) you to get home from work? How long does it take you to get home from work? 18. We need to call a taxi. It … (to get) late. We need to call a taxi. It is getting late. 19. What time … (shops, to open) here? What time do shops open here? 20. My colleague … (to live) in France now. He … (to like) it very much. My colleague is living in France now. He likes it very much.
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Условные предложения. Conditionals
Условные предложения. Conditionals
CONDITIONALS Условные предложения – это сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых в придаточном предложении называется условие, а в главном предложении – следствие, результат этого условия. И условие, и следствие могут относится к настоящему, прошедшему и будущему. Придаточные предложения условия чаще всего вводятся союзом if если. В отличие от русского языка, запятая в сложноподчиненном предложении ставится только в случае, если придаточное предложение находится перед главным, и то это правило не всегда соблюдается. Обычно  условные предложения делят на три типа в зависимости от того, насколько вероятно событие, о котором идет речь. Эти три типа – основные, а на самом деле их больше. Условные предложения ZERO CONDITIONAL Речь  в таких предложениях идет не об одной конкретной ситуации, а о чем-то, что верно всегда – такая «универсальная правда». If we heat water it boils. – Если мы нагреем воду, она закипит. В обеих частях предложения употребляется Present Simple.
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