Презентации по Английскому языку

Современные технологии на уроках английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС
Современные технологии на уроках английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС
В основу стандарта положен системно-деятельностный подход, который базируется на соответствии учебной деятельности и индивидуальных особенностей ученика. Ученик самостоятельно планирует свои действия, добывает знания, делает выводы, осуществляет контроль и самоконтроль. Неотъемлемой частью ФГОС является формирование у обучающихся в универсально учебных действиях, которые способствуют развитию личностных,предметных и метапредметных результатов. Среди многообразия современных образовательных технологий выделяю те, которые, на мой взгляд необходимо использовать в работе с учащимися в рамках ФГОС: Технологии Игровые информационно-коммуникационные проектно-исследовательские Здоровьесберегающие
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Philosophy of Existentialism
Philosophy of Existentialism
The crisis of the European civilization in the XX century undermined the belief in reason and the moral values. The key idea of the existentialists is that the technological and scientific progress brings in the loss of stability to a human being. The more the social life gets complicated the more is the alienation of a person from the actual life. It causes a careful insight into the inner world of a human life. The only possible way of the confrontation to the challenges caused by life is the spiritual resistance. If that is the reality then the vital issue for a human is the philosophy of the inner world or existence of an individual and not the philosophy of Nature. A human is not the vehicle and the means of generating capital or cognition. He is a sensible and reasonable subject of a free, self sufficient and responsible being. To make it clear we should trace the basic notions of this philosophy which are Existence and Essence. Any animal comes into being with its essence while a human is helpless and gets to his essence in the course of development. Here we mean the process of upbringing and socialization. It takes a while until he gets the sense of life and can be self standing. In the philosophy of existentialism much of attention is paid to the category of “boundary situation”. This state of his feelings comes to his mind when his life is at stake. The mind is stuffed with fear, horror, despair and loss. In the situation when one is close or on the verge of death there comes some considerable reconsideration and reshuffling of his entire life. Under such an incredible stress a person gains some exclusive vision of his being. The notion of freedom is the central one in existentialism. Freedom is the natural and generic sense of one’s being. It is not the realized necessity as it is treated in Marxism. A human is a self producing self (causa sui). There is nothing beyond a human that can dominate him. J-P.Sartre makes a point that freedom is a great moral burden in front of himself and other people. That is the reason why people try to stay away from freedom as something related to the responsibility. The fundamental piece of the philosophy of existentialism is the transcendence as the penetration beyond its real boundaries to the extremes and infinity. What is idea of this strive? The religious section of existentialism ( K.Jaspers, G.Marcel) identifies a human with the God. A human should be fused with the God in search of the actual freedom. The atheistic section of existentialism identifies it with nothing as the mystery of the human existence. So, nothing is the room of the human’s existence with the limits and termination.
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