Energy and power, solar energy resources, solar astronomy. (Lecture 5)


Слайд 2

Notion of the Cost per peak watt installed “Peak Watt” =

Notion of the Cost per peak watt installed

“Peak Watt” = 1000W

= 1kW
Is the power produced at normal incidence of solar radiation @ 1000W/m2.
$/Wp - Easy way to compare various solar conversion devices.
Mostly useful for electric power generation devices, such as for: Hydro; PV; Wind, Solar Thermal Electric, etc.

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 3

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring However, each geographical

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring

However, each geographical location has

its characteristic insolation.
For that purpose we need to have a number of solar monitoring stations
AUA has the first automated solar monitoring station in Armenia.
There are >24 SMS-s in San Francisco
Слайд 4

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Components of Solar Radiation Direct

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Components of Solar Radiation

Direct Normal, DN

– pure direct sun rays that hit a surface, normal to the rays.
Diffuse Horisontal, DH
Global Horisontal, GH
Слайд 5

Direct Normal realization Concentration Tracking: DN + inclined Diffuse (PV panel)

Direct Normal realization

Tracking: DN + inclined Diffuse (PV panel)

Lecture # 5

- Energy Resources
Слайд 6

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 7

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd

Meteo Station
Слайд 8

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd

Meteo Station
Слайд 9

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd

Meteo Station
Слайд 10

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd

Meteo Station
Слайд 11

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd Meteo Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar Monitoring in Armenia – Amberd

Meteo Station
Слайд 12

Solar position Calculator Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Solar position Calculator

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 13

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data since 1995

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data

since 1995
Слайд 14

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 15

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources AUA Solar Monitoring Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

AUA Solar Monitoring Station

Слайд 16

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources AUA Solar Monitoring Station

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

AUA Solar Monitoring Station

Слайд 17

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources AUA SMS RESULTS Total Annual

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources


Total Annual Global horizontal:

Average of 4.7 kWh/m2 per day across years (DN+DH).
January about 6.6 times less than in June:
January: ≈ 1.1 kWh/m2 per day.
June: ≈ 8.3 kWh/m2 per day.
Слайд 18

PVGIS - Europe Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

PVGIS - Europe

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 19

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 20

üì ѳñóÏÝ»ñÇ ûåïÇÙ³É Ã»ùáõÃÛáõÝÁ` ï³ñ»Ï³Ý Ù³ùëÇÙáõÙ ¿Ý»ñ·Ç³Ý ëï³Ý³Éáõ ѳٳñ Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

üì ѳñóÏÝ»ñÇ ûåïÇÙ³É Ã»ùáõÃÛáõÝÁ` ï³ñ»Ï³Ý Ù³ùëÇÙáõÙ ¿Ý»ñ·Ç³Ý ëï³Ý³Éáõ ѳٳñ

Lecture #

5 - Energy Resources
Слайд 21

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data since 1995

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

AUA Solar Monitoring Station Collecting data

since 1995
Слайд 22

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Best day of June

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Best day of June

Слайд 23

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Worst Day in January

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Worst Day in January

Слайд 24

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources Best day of January

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Best day of January

Слайд 25

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources More SMS graphs

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

More SMS graphs

Слайд 26

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources More SMS graphs

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

More SMS graphs

Слайд 27

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 28

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 29

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 30

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 31

This info is available @: Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

This info is available @:

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 32

European Global Horizontal ØÇçÇÝ »íñáå³Ï³ÝÁ` ßáõñç 1000 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2.ï³ñÇ) Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

European Global Horizontal

ØÇçÇÝ »íñáå³Ï³ÝÁ` ßáõñç 1000 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2.ï³ñÇ)

Lecture # 5 - Energy

Слайд 33

Global Horizontal in Armenia Average: 1700 kWh/m2 annually Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Global Horizontal in Armenia

1700 kWh/m2 annually

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 34

Solar Radiation in Armenia ÐáñǽáÝ³Ï³Ý Ù³Ï»ñևáõÛÃÇ ³é³í»É³·áõÛÝ ·áõÙ³ñ³ÛÇÝ Ö³é³·³ÛÃáõÙÁ ÙÇçÇÝ ³Ùå³Ù³ÍáõÃÛ³Ý

Solar Radiation in Armenia

ÐáñǽáÝ³Ï³Ý Ù³Ï»ñևáõÛÃÇ ³é³í»É³·áõÛÝ ·áõÙ³ñ³ÛÇÝ Ö³é³·³ÛÃáõÙÁ ÙÇçÇÝ ³Ùå³Ù³ÍáõÃÛ³Ý å³ÛÙ³ÝÝ»ñáõÙ`

1740-1770 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2.ï³ñÇ) êÇëdzÝ, æ»ñÙáõÏ, ³ÉÇÝ և ³ÛÉÝ,
ÜáõÛÝÁ Ýí³½³·áõÛÝÁ` 1230-1240 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2.ï³ñÇ) ì³Ý³Óáñ, î³ßÇñ, êï»փ³Ý³í³Ý, ¸ÇÉÇç³Ý և ³ÛÉÝ,
ØÃÝáÉáñïÇ ÙÇçÇÝ ï³ñ»Ï³Ý “óփ³Ýó»ÉÇáõÃÛáõÝÁ”` 0.73-0.78,
ºñև³ÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ ` 0.94, ÑáõÝí³ñÇÝ` 0.62,
ì³Ý³ÓáñáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ ` 0.51, ÑáõÝí³ñÇÝ` 0.67,
êև³ÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ` 0.78, ÑáõÝí³ñÇÝ` 0.72

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources

Слайд 35

Solar Radiation in Armenia ºñև³ÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ ÑáñǽáÝ³Ï³Ý Ù³Ï»ñևáõÛÃÇ ûñ³Ï³Ý ·áõÙ³ñ³ÛÇÝ ճ³é³·³ÛóѳñáõÙÁ`

Solar Radiation in Armenia

ºñև³ÝáõÙ ÑáõÉÇëÇÝ ÑáñǽáÝ³Ï³Ý Ù³Ï»ñևáõÛÃÇ ûñ³Ï³Ý ·áõÙ³ñ³ÛÇÝ ճ³é³·³ÛóѳñáõÙÁ` 8.14

ÜáõÛÝÁ ÑáõÝí³ñÇÝ ÑáõÉÇëÇ Ýϳïٳٵ` 20-22% or less,
ú·ï³Ï³ñ ç»ñÙ³ÛÇÝ ¿Ý»ñ·Ç³Ý ¹»åÇ Ñ³ñ³í ÏáÕÙ-Ýáñáßí³Í և 300-Ç Ã»ùáõÃÛ³Ùµ ٳϻñևáõÛÃÇÝ` ÙÇÝãև ßáõñç 900 ÏìïÅ/(Ù2.ï³ñÇ),
ú·ï³Ï³ñ ç»ñÙ³¿Ý»ñ·Ç³ÛÇ ù³Ý³ÏÝ ¿³å»ë ϳËí³Í ¿ ѳñà ÏáÉ»ÏïáñÇ ß³Ñ³·áñÍÙ³Ý é»ÅÇÙÝ»ñÇó և ÁÝÏÝáÕ ճ³é³·³ÛóÛÇÝ ÑáëùÇ ËïáõÃÛáõÝÇó:

Lecture # 5 - Energy Resources