Exploring space from ancient time to nowadays

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Just over 400 years ago, Galileo invented a device that allowed

Just over 400 years ago, Galileo invented a device that allowed

viewers to see very distant objects as if they were nearby (the first telescope). Since that time astronomy started developing rapidly – people began making discoveries.
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Then the era of space flights started in the 20 century.

Then the era of space flights started in the 20 century.

1957, Laika, a Soviet Space dog was the first animal to orbit the Earth on board “Sputnik 2”.

Then August, 1960 dogs Belka and Strelka were sent into space on board “Sputnik 5”. The flight lasted more than 25 hours.

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Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space

Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space when

his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961. The flight lasted 108 minutes.
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Conditions on board a space vehicle orbiting Earth greatly differ from

Conditions on board a space vehicle orbiting Earth greatly differ from

those on its surface – everything on board a ship is in the state of prolonged weightlessness. What can weightlessness be used for? Many well-known processes go on differently due to the absence of weight.
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The burning candle. There have been experiments in space to this

The burning candle. There have been experiments in space to this

effect, the flame reacts to gravity and burns up on earth. In low to no gravity places, the flame makes a more spherical shape.