DNA Replication, RNA Structure & Function, and Compare DNA & RNA


Слайд 2

Success Criteria Can apply Chargaff’s rule to calculate a correct number

Success Criteria
Can apply Chargaff’s rule to calculate a correct number of

X bases presented from the information taken from Y bases. Know and explain two rules:
Quantity A = Quantity T
Quantity G = Quantity C
Relative quantity of DNA varies from one sample to another one particularly in relative quantity of reasons ATGC
Know and understand the process of DNA replication. Apply knowledge in completing diagram. Use correctly and explain terms.
Analyze structure of RNA and DNA molecules. Find similarities and differences. Complete the table correctly.

Meselson and Stahl (watch until 5.18 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gdWOWjioBE&t=52s
Professor Dave DNA replication (6.14 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kp9wiYMQUU
Mrs Cooper DNA replication (13 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NhDY3IDp00

Слайд 3

Terminology – Replication flash cards https://quizlet.com/140046226/as-biology-dna-replication-and-the-genetic-code-flash-cards

Terminology – Replication flash cards https://quizlet.com/140046226/as-biology-dna-replication-and-the-genetic-code-flash-cards

Слайд 4

When does DNA replication occur in a eukaryotic cell?

When does DNA replication occur in a eukaryotic cell?

Слайд 5

Question: When and where does DNA Replication take place? S phase


When and where does DNA Replication take place?

S phase of interphase

of the cell cycle
IN Eukaryotic cells
Слайд 6

Mechanisms of DNA Replication Meselsohn and Stahl Experiment There were three

Mechanisms of DNA Replication
Meselsohn and Stahl Experiment

There were three

theories of how DNA might replication.
Слайд 7

Scientists had three theories of how DNA Replicated.

Scientists had three theories of how DNA Replicated.

Слайд 8

Meselson and Stahl – How does DNA replicate? In class ?

Meselson and Stahl – How does DNA replicate? In class ?

(watch until 5.18 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gdWOWjioBE&t=52s

Bacteria was grown until all DNA contained 15N as nitrogen source. Density = 100% Heavy 15N
Then bacteria was grown using only 14N – as nitrogen source.
Generation 0 Density = 100% of 15N
Generation 1 Density = 100% of 15N +14N mixed equally as one molecule.
Generation 2 Density = 50% of 15N + 14N and 50% of only 14N
Generation 3 Density = 25% of 15N + 14N and 75% of only 14N
Generation 4 Density = 12% of 15N + 14N and 88% of only 14N

Bacteria was grown on nutrient 15N
as nitrogen source. Gen = 0

Bacteria was grown on nutrient 14N
as nitrogen source. Gen = 1-4

14 N

15 N

Слайд 9

The experiments of Meselsohn and Stahl to support semi-conservative replication. Same experiment – different graphic

The experiments of
Meselsohn and Stahl
to support semi-conservative replication.

Same experiment – different

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

DNA Replication - Semiconservative

DNA Replication - Semiconservative

Слайд 12

Replication Bubbles Eukaroyotic genomes are so large that replication must occur

Replication Bubbles
Eukaroyotic genomes are
so large that replication must occur simutaniously

on many parts of the strand to ensure that it is complete.

one old and one new strand both
are identical to the parent strand.

-Why does DNA replicate?
-During what process does
replication take place in a eukaryotic cell?


Watch this now ☺ Professor Dave DNA replication (6.14 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kp9wiYMQUU

Слайд 13

Since DNA is antiparallel – it must replicate continuously and discontinuously.

Since DNA is antiparallel – it must replicate continuously and discontinuously.

Слайд 14

Steps of DNA Replication 1. Topoisomerase binds and relaxes the double

Steps of DNA Replication
1. Topoisomerase binds and relaxes the double

2. Helicase unwinds the parental double helix.
3. Single stranded binding proteins stabilize the unwound parental DNA.
4. The leading strand is synthesized continually in the 5’ to 3’ direction by DNA polymerase III.
5. The lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously. Primase synthesizes a short RNA primer, which is extended by DNA polymerase I to form and Okazaki fragment.
6. After the RNA primer is replaced by DNA polymerase, DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragment to the growing chain.
Слайд 15

DNA Replication Origins of replication 1. Replication Forks: hundreds of Y-shaped

DNA Replication

Origins of replication
1. Replication Forks: hundreds of Y-shaped regions of replicating

DNA molecules where new strands are growing.
Слайд 16

DNA Replication Origins of replication 2. Replication Bubbles: a. Hundreds of

DNA Replication

Origins of replication
2. Replication Bubbles:
a. Hundreds of replicating bubbles (Eukaryotes).
b. Single

replication fork (bacteria).
Слайд 17

DNA Replication Strand Separation: 1. Topoisomerase: enzyme which relieves stress on

DNA Replication

Strand Separation:
1. Topoisomerase: enzyme which relieves stress on the DNA molecule

by allowing free rotation around a single strand.
Слайд 18

DNA Replication Strand Separation: 2. Helicase: enzyme which catalyze the unwinding

DNA Replication

Strand Separation:
2. Helicase: enzyme which catalyze the unwinding and separation

(breaking H-Bonds) of the parental double helix.
3. Single-Strand Binding Proteins (SSBP): proteins which attach and help keep the separated strands apart.
Слайд 19

DNA Replication Priming: 2. RNA primers: before new DNA strands can

DNA Replication

2. RNA primers: before new DNA strands can form, there

must be small pre-existing primers (RNA) present to start the addition of new nucleotides (DNA Polymerase).
3. Primase: enzyme that polymerizes (synthesizes) the RNA Primer.
Слайд 20

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 1. DNA Polymerase

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
1. DNA Polymerase III: with a

RNA primer in place, DNA Polymerase (enzyme) catalyze the synthesis of a new DNA strand in the 5’ ? 3’ direction.
Слайд 21

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 2. Leading Strand:

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
2. Leading Strand: synthesized as a

single polymer in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
Слайд 22

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 3. Lagging Strand

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
3. Lagging Strand uses DNA polymerase

I: is also synthesized in the 5’ to 3’ direction, but discontinuously against overall direction of replication.
Слайд 23

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 4. Okazaki Fragments:

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
4. Okazaki Fragments: series of short

segments on the lagging strand.
Слайд 24

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 5. DNA ligase:

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
5. DNA ligase: a linking enzyme

that catalyzes the formation of a covalent bond from the 3’ to 5’ end of joining stands.
Example: joining two Okazaki fragments together.
Слайд 25

DNA Replication Synthesis of the new DNA Strands: 6. Proofreading: initial

DNA Replication

Synthesis of the new DNA Strands:
6. Proofreading: initial base-pairing errors may

be corrected by DNA polymerase I or III.
Слайд 26

DNA ? DNA DNA ? mRNA mRNA ? amino acid



mRNA ? amino acid

Слайд 27

Слайд 28

TRANSLATION: RNA⇒PROTEIN OCCURS -In the cytoplasm on free ribosomes -mRNA directs

-In the cytoplasm on free ribosomes
-mRNA directs the RNA to

the ribosome where tRNA translates (decodes) the codon (sequence of three bases) to a specific amino acid.
-Then the amino acids combine to make a specific protein (polypeptide).
amina-acyl tRNA synthetase – binds the amino acid to specific tRNA


mRNA ? amino acid


Mitosis / Meiosis

Слайд 29

RNA _________________________________________________________ mRNA – messenger RNA(codon) takes message of DNA, edits

RNA _________________________________________________________
mRNA – messenger RNA(codon) takes message of DNA, edits

it, then takes it through the nuclear pores to the cytoplasm.
rRNA – ribosomal RNA – RNA that assists with protein synthesis. Found in cytoplasm and on rough ER.
tRNA – transferRNA(anticodon) – RNA that transfers a specific amino acid to the ribosomes for protein synthesis


mRNA ? amino acid


Mitosis / Meiosis

Слайд 30

RNA Major Differences DNA RNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L3zO8t1lsE Professor Dave DNA RNA (7.0)


Major Differences DNA RNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L3zO8t1lsE
Professor Dave DNA RNA (7.0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NhDY3IDp00

in DNA RNA (2.40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruUf7ntRCk8
Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Слайд 33

Слайд 34

Compare DNA to RNA

Compare DNA to RNA

Слайд 35

Complete the chart by reading each term or phrase and placing

Complete the chart by reading each term or phrase and placing

a check in the appropriate column.
Слайд 36

Compare DNA to RNA

Compare DNA to RNA

Слайд 37

Слайд 38

Quiz Formative

Quiz Formative

Слайд 39

Слайд 40

Слайд 41

Слайд 42

Слайд 43

Слайд 44

DNA Structure Review In your notebook, place the template under the

DNA Structure Review

In your notebook, place the template under the page

and trace.
Next, use the template to find the completementary strand.
Why is DNA said to be “antiparallel”?
Circle a nucleotide
Label hydrogen bonds G=C , A=T see diagram.
Number the carbons of a sugar.
Label a phosphodiester bond.




DNA Nucleotide



RNA Nucleotide



Слайд 45

Antiparallel Phosphodiester Bonds Nucleotide




Слайд 46

Nitrogenous Bases DNA: G-C A-T mRNA: C-G U-A Thymine Guanine Adenine

Nitrogenous Bases









GCAT – meow!

Слайд 47

DNA Replication

DNA Replication

Слайд 48

Three types of RNA

Three types of RNA

Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Слайд 51

Слайд 52