Evidence for Evolution


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Australopithecus H. hablis H. ecrectus H. neanderthalensis H. sapiens Comparison of Brain

Australopithecus H. hablis H. ecrectus H. neanderthalensis H. sapiens

Comparison of Brain

Слайд 5

Evidence: Brain Capacity in cubic centimeters (cm3)

Evidence: Brain Capacity in cubic centimeters (cm3)

Слайд 6

Evidence: Comparison of phalanges – finger bones

Evidence: Comparison of phalanges – finger bones

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Hybrid – two different species that mate, producing sterile offspring.

Hybrid – two different species that mate, producing sterile offspring.

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Research Criteria -Anthropogenesis Smithsonian http://humanorigins.si.edu/research -timeline and other Handprint https://www.handprint.com/LS/ANC/evol.html Human

Research Criteria -Anthropogenesis
Smithsonian http://humanorigins.si.edu/research
-timeline and other
Handprint https://www.handprint.com/LS/ANC/evol.html
Human Evolution Timeline –

a. Did they co-exist with any of the other hominds?
b. Time range when they existed.
c. Essay -

Your group is assigned one Hominid to research.
Create an poster with the main criteria
Create a stick figure with the head attached. (height)
Use information given, notes and website to create posters of comparision.

Слайд 12

Some characteristics are thought to be a result of neoteny: when

Some characteristics are thought to be a result of neoteny: when

juvenile characteristics are retained by the adults of a species
Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Genus Australopithecus The Australopithecines are early hominins existing between 4.4-1.2 mya.

Genus Australopithecus

The Australopithecines are early hominins existing between 4.4-1.2 mya.
There are

up to 10 species and three genera (Australopithecus, Ardipithecus, Paranthropus), depending on the view of the particular paleoanthropologist.
They are the first known habitually bipedal primates
(mixed skeletal traits suited for arboreal and bipedal locomotion)
Suited to herbivorous diet
Small brains.
No evidence of stone tool use.
Draw a rough timeline of these early hominins.
Ardipithecus ramidus (4.5-4.2 mya)
Australopithecus anamensis (4.2-3.8 mya)
Australopithecus afarensis (3.9-3 mya)
Australopithecus africanus (3-2.3 mya)
Australopithecus / Paranthropus robustus (2.2-1.5 mya)
Australopithecus / Paranthropus boisei (2.2-1 mya)
Слайд 18

Australopithecus afarensis (3.9-3 mya) An 40% complete skeleton was found in

Australopithecus afarensis
(3.9-3 mya)

An 40% complete skeleton was found in Ethiopia in

the 1970s and came to be known as ‘Lucy’.
‘Lucy’ and other fossil evidence gave clear evidence of full bipedalism. There are also primitive features:
small brain 440cm3, similar to chimp
large canine teeth with diastema present
Long arms relative to legs
Increased valgus angle
jaws more parallel like apes
long and slightly curved finger bones.
Prognathism (jutting out of lower face).
Receding chin
Footprints showing bipedalism
Слайд 19

Australopithecus africanus (3-2.3 mya) Fossil remains (South Africa), included the skull

Australopithecus africanus
(3-2.3 mya)

Fossil remains (South Africa), included the skull of a

child about 3-4 years old named the ‘’Taung child’.
Foramen magnum indicated bipedalism
Small canine teeth without a diastema
parabolic-shaped jaw more human than apelike
Small brain 440cm3
Hip girdle more humanlike than apelike
Слайд 20

A.robustus (2.2-1.5 mya) A.boisei (2.2-1 mya) These two species are placed

A.robustus (2.2-1.5 mya)
A.boisei (2.2-1 mya)

These two species are placed in the

Australopithecus genus by many scientists and the genus Paranthropus by all the others.
They are more robust (heavily built) than the other Australopithecine species.
heavy skull with massive molars and premolars
large sagittal crest
large zygomatic arch indicating large jaw muscles for eating tough fibrous plant material (hence the given name ‘nutcracker man’ for A.boisei)
Слайд 21

Which was our ancestor? It is generally agreed that: A.anamensis and

Which was our ancestor?

It is generally agreed that:
A.anamensis and A.afarensis were

likely to have been ancestral to Homo genus
A.ramidus was likely to have been close to the ancestor of both humans and apes
Australopithecus/Paranthropus robustus and boisei were specialised herbivorous forms that were evolutionary dead ends; i.e left no present-day descendants.
Слайд 22

Genus Homo The Homo genus came into existence approximately 2.5 mya.

Genus Homo

The Homo genus came into existence approximately 2.5 mya.
There have

been many species in this genus, but only one species, ours, Homo sapiens, survives. Other species we know of were; H. habilis, H. ergaster, H. erectus, H. floresiensis, H. antecessor, H. georgicus, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis
With the genus Homo there was a sudden leap in brain size, a change in anatomy and the beginnings of stone tool culture and other cultural advances.
Слайд 23

Another climate change At about 2.5 mya (when Homo genus first

Another climate change

At about 2.5 mya (when Homo genus first came

to exist), Africa underwent more dramatic climate change, and the habitat that had been occupied by early hominins became more open and arid.

This led to a change in the type of plant species that were successful - tougher foods that could withstand the drier conditions, such as roots and tubers became more prevalent.

Слайд 24

H. habilis / H. rudolfensis (2.3-1.44 mya) Homo habilis is almost

H. habilis / H. rudolfensis
(2.3-1.44 mya)

Homo habilis is almost transitional between

the Australopithecines and Homo species.
Had a body with longer arms like Australopithecines, but a more human like face that was longer and narrower and less protruding.
Its teeth were smaller with a lighter jaw curved more like modern humans. It’s skull was more rounded.

It’s brain size was about 600-800 cc, about 50% bigger than Australopithecines, but still smaller than modern humans (1000-1800 cc).
About 1.3m tall.
H.habilis either lived at the same time as H. rudolfensis (more robust) or they may be the same species.

Слайд 25

H. ergaster/ H. erectus (1.9 mya - 100,000ya) Whether H. ergaster

H. ergaster/ H. erectus
(1.9 mya - 100,000ya)

Whether H. ergaster and H.erectus

are two species or one is uncertain. H. ergaster (who remained in Africa) may have diverged from H. erectus (who migrated to Asia), or they may be different populations of the same species, H. erectus, living in different areas.
The African population is believed to be the ancestor of later Homo species H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens (us).
Both contained a larger brain than H. habilis of 750 - 1250 cc
About 1.6m tall.
They had a flatter face but large brow ridges, large jaw and no chin.
Слайд 26

H. neanderthalensis (400,000ya - 30,000ya) Like modern humans, Neanderthals (pronounced with

H. neanderthalensis
(400,000ya - 30,000ya)

Like modern humans, Neanderthals (pronounced with a silent

h, ‘Nee-an-der-tal’), were members of the Homo genus. They looked different because they evolved in cold (European) climates and had adaptations to conserve heat.
Short stocky bodies that were very muscular.
Large head with huge projecting nose and deep set eyes under a prominent brow ridge and a sloping forehead.
Averaged heights of 1.5-1.7m tall.
Largest brain capacity of homo species of 1500 cc.