The Eicosanoids: Prostaglandins (PG) Thromboxanes Leukotrienes Related Compounds


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Eicosanoids Oxygenated products of polyunsaturated, long-chain, fatty acids From Greek eikosi


Oxygenated products of
polyunsaturated, long-chain, fatty acids
From Greek

eikosi ("twenty")
Found in animals & plants
Highly potent
Wide spectrum of biologic activity
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Linolenic acid an omega 3 fatty acid component of cell membranes

Linolenic acid an omega 3 fatty acid

component of cell membranes

for normal growth and development
converted to longer chain omega-3 fatty acids:
eicosa pentaenoic acid (EPA)
( major constituent of oils from fatty fish like salmon)
docosa hexaenoic acid (DHA)
These omega-3 fatty acids protect
CAD, sudden cardiac death, heart failure
through anti
- arrhythmic,-thrombotic,
-atherosclerotic, -inflammatory mechanism
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ARACHIDONIC ACID (AA) 5,8,11,14-eicosa tetra enoic acid An omega-6 fatty acid

ARACHIDONIC ACID (AA) 5,8,11,14-eicosa tetra enoic acid

An omega-6 fatty acid 20:4(ω-6)

– peanut
AA, derived from:
1-dietary linoleic acid (a omega 6 Fatty acid)
2- as dietary constituent ingested
Released/ mobilized from membrane phospholipids by one or more lipases : phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2 )
AA transformed into metabolites called eicosanoids
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Types of Phospholipases 1- Cytosolic (c) PLA 2: Chemical & physical

Types of Phospholipases

1- Cytosolic (c) PLA 2:
Chemical & physical

stimuli, Ca dependent,
high affinity for AA, acute release of AA
2- Inducible secretory (s) PLA 2:
in sustained or intense stimulation produce AA
3- Ca -independent (i) PLA 2
Under non-stimulated conditions, liberated AA reincorporated into cell membranes
negligible eicosanoid biosynthesis
4- Combination of PLC & di glyceride lipase
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Prostanoids: PGs, TXA, prostacyclin Generated from PGH 2 by terminal enzymes

Prostanoids: PGs, TXA, prostacyclin

Generated from PGH 2 by terminal enzymes

isomerases & synthases
Expressed in relatively cell-specific fashion
Chemical Differences of PGs :
(1) substituents of pentane ring ( E in PGE )
(2) number of side chains double bonds
(subscript :PGE 1, 2 )
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Shift in product formation by changing precursor ThromboxaneA2 (TXA 2 ),

Shift in product formation by changing precursor

ThromboxaneA2 (TXA 2 ),

powerful vasoconstrictor & platelet agonist, synthesized from AA via COX
metabolism of EPA by COX→ TXA3 relatively inactive
Fatty acids of cold-water fish & plant substitute AA dietary EPA supplement →
↓cardiovascular disease & cancer
3-Series PG eg:PGE3 , partial agonists or antagonists of 2-series PG
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Endoperoxide Synthases (Cyclooxygenases) PGH synthase-1 (COX-1) expressed constitutively in most cells

Endoperoxide Synthases (Cyclooxygenases)

PGH synthase-1 (COX-1) expressed constitutively in most cells
produce prostanoid

for housekeeping: gastric epithel. protection
PGH synthase-2 (COX-2) inducible by stimulus
immediate early-response gene product
up-regulate by:
shear stress, growth factors, tumor promoter, cytokines
major source of prostanoids in inflam. & cancer
1- Endothel. COX-2: constitutive prostacyclin (PGI 2)
2- Renal COX2-derived prostanoids:
normal renal develop/function
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PGH 2 metabolism products PGI 2 TXA 2 PGE2 PGF 2α

PGH 2 metabolism products

PGF 2α

prostacyclin, thromboxane, PGE & PGF synthases (PGIS, TXAS, PGES & PGFS)
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Enzyme types 2 enzymes for PGF 2α synthesis: 9,11-endo peroxide reductase

Enzyme types

2 enzymes for PGF 2α synthesis:
9,11-endo peroxide

reductase from PGH 2
9-keto reductase from PGE 2
3 enzymes for PGE 2 synthases:
microsomal (m) PGES-1
more inducible mPGES-2
cytosolic PGES
2 enzymes for PGDS isoforms:
hematopoietic PGDS
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Products of Lipoxygenase AA metabolism by 5-, 12-, 15-lipoxygenases (LOX) →

Products of Lipoxygenase

AA metabolism by 5-, 12-, 15-lipoxygenases (LOX)
→ hydro peroxy

eicosa tetraenoic acid (HPETEs)→
hydroxy derivatives (HETEs) & leukotrienes
most investigated leukotrienes: products of 5-LOX
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Sites of leukotrienes synthesis 5-LOX present in: leukocyte (neutro-,baso-, eosin & monocyte-macrophages), dendritic mast cell

Sites of leukotrienes synthesis

5-LOX present in:

(neutro-,baso-, eosin & monocyte-macrophages),
mast cell
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Transcellular biosynthesis Non-leukocyte cells (eg, endothel. cells) have enzymes downstream of

Transcellular biosynthesis

Non-leukocyte cells (eg, endothel. cells)
have enzymes downstream of

take up & convert leukocyte-derived LTA 4
endothelial cell use platelet PGH2 to synthesis PGI2
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LTC 4 & LTD 4 Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) secrete

LTC 4 & LTD 4

Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A)

in asthma & anaphylaxis
Potent bronchoconstrictor
Antileukotriene drug development:
1- 5-LOX enzyme inhibitors
2- leukotriene-receptor antagonists
3- inhibitors of: FLAP & phospholipase A 2
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Isoprostanes COX independent production Not formed by COX so not inhibited


COX independent production
Not formed by COX so not inhibited by

Large amount
x10 greater in blood/urine than COX derived PG
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Isoprostanes Functions Biomrker of oxidative stress Potent vasoconstrictor in infu. to

Isoprostanes Functions

Biomrker of oxidative stress
Potent vasoconstrictor
in infu. to

renal & other vessels
may activate prostanoid receptors
Leukocyte & platelet adhesive interactions
angiogenesis, inflam.
Multiple isoprostanes formed coincidentally in oxidant stress→ difficult to assess their biologic functions
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Receptor Mechanisms Eicosanoids, not circulating hormone, Short t1/2 Ligands bind to

Receptor Mechanisms

Eicosanoids, not circulating hormone, Short t1/2
Ligands bind to G Pr

-coupled receptors on cell surface in autocrine/ paracrine fashion
A single gene product identified for:
PGI 2 (IP), PGF 2α (FP), & TXA 2 (TP) receptors
4 distinct PGE 2 receptors (EPs 1–4) &
2 PGD 2 receptors
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1- Vascular Smooth Muscle Vasoconstrictors eicosanoids 1-TXA 2 potent Only SMC

1- Vascular Smooth Muscle Vasoconstrictors eicosanoids

1-TXA 2 potent
Only SMC

mitogen eicosanoid
SMC exposure to testosterone up-regulates SMC TP expression
2- PGF 2α
3- Isoprostane 8-iso-PGF 2α ( iPF 2 αIII)
via TP receptor
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Vasodilatation 1- Vascular PGI 2 synthesis by COX-2 in SM &


1- Vascular PGI 2
synthesis by COX-2 in SM

& endothel. cells (major)
inhibits SMC prolif., use in pulmonary HT
2- PGE 2 produced by endothel.cells
vasodilator in microcirculation
↑ cAMP & ↓ Ca of SM, via IP & EP 4 receptors
3- PGD 2 vasodilator esp in niacin- induced flushing
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2. Gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle Contraction: Longitudinal muscle by & PGF

2. Gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle

Longitudinal muscle by & PGF 2α &

PGE2 (via EP3)
(via FP)
Circular muscle by PGF 2α & weakly by PGI 2
use of PGE 2 or PGF 2α → colicky cramps
Powerful contract. by Leukotrienes
Relaxtion by PGE 2 (via EP 4 )
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3. Airways Respiratory SM Relaxed by PGE 2 & PGI 2

3. Airways Respiratory SM

Relaxed by PGE 2 & PGI 2

Constrict by PGD 2, TXA 2, PGF 2α, cysteinyl LT
> histamine
also stimulate mucus secretion→ mucosal edema
Bronchospasm in 10% of NSAID users, Shift AA from COX metabolism to leukotriene formation
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B. Platelets Low concent. PGE 2 ↑aggregation (via EP 3 )

B. Platelets

Low concent. PGE 2 ↑aggregation (via EP 3 )

concent. inhibit (via IP)
PGD 2 (via DP 1), PGI 2 (via IP) inhibit aggregat. ↑cAMP
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TXA 2 & Aspirin ↑ TXA 2 synthesis in platelet activation

TXA 2 & Aspirin

↑ TXA 2 synthesis in platelet activation /aggregation

↑ urinary metabolites of TXA2 in MI & stroke
Irreversible inhibit of TXA 2 biosynthesis by
chronic low dose aspirin
10% TXA2 synthesis by macrophage COX-2 in smoker insensitive to low-dose aspirin
Inverse dose-response relation of Aspirin:
inhibit of PGI 2 synthesis at higher doses
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BP & renal function regulation Cortical COX2-derived PGE2& PGI2 1- maintain

BP & renal function regulation

Cortical COX2-derived PGE2& PGI2
1- maintain

RBF & GFR via local vasodilating
esp in marginally functioning kidney &
volume-contract state
2- modulate systemic BP regulation water&Na excr
↑medullary COX -2 express & mPGES-1
in high salt intake
COX- 2-derived prostanoids ↑medullary blood flow & inhibit tubular Na reabsorption
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Hypertension (HT) HT associated ↑TXA 2, ↓PGE 2 & PGI 2

Hypertension (HT)

HT associated ↑TXA 2, ↓PGE 2 & PGI 2

synthesis in some animal models
↑TXA 2 formation in cyclosporine nephrotoxicity
PGF 2α may ↑ BP by renin release
FP antagonists potential antihypertensives
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Central sensitization Peripheral pain stimulus → ↑spinal COX-1 &2 & PG

Central sensitization

Peripheral pain stimulus →
↑spinal COX-1 &2 &

PG release
PG (mainly PG E2)→ ↑excitability spinal dorsal
horn neurons
1- ↑ pain intensity
2- extent area of pain perception
3- pain from normally innocuous stimuli
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Bone Metabolism PG abundant in skeletal tissue produced by osteoblasts &

Bone Metabolism

PG abundant in skeletal tissue
produced by osteoblasts &

hematopoietic cells
major effect (esp PGE 2, acting on EP 4 )
↑bone turnover, stimulate resorption/ formation
PG may mediate effects of mechanical forces on bones & bone changes in inflam.
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COX inhibitors musculoskeletal effects Slow skeletal muscle healing interfere with PG

COX inhibitors musculoskeletal effects

Slow skeletal muscle healing
interfere with PG

effects on myocyte prolif., differentiation, fibrosis in response to injury
NSAIDs, esp COX-2 inhibitors
delay bone healing in experimental fractures
NSAID benefit? in Menopausal bone loss by PG
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H. Eye PGE & PGF derivatives lower intraocular pressure mechanism? ↑

H. Eye

PGE & PGF derivatives lower intraocular pressure
mechanism? ↑ outflow of

aqueous humor from anterior chamber via uveoscleral pathway
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PGE2 & cancer Principal oncogen: initiation, progress, metastasis via ↑prolif. Angiogenesis,

PGE2 & cancer

Principal oncogen: initiation, progress, metastasis via ↑prolif. Angiogenesis, invasiveness,

immunosuppress, inhibit apoptosis
↑express mPGES-1 in tumor, potential use of inhibit.
↓carcinogenesis in mice lack EP 1, 2, 4 receptor Transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor
linked with oncogenic activity of PGE 2
TXA 2 procarcinogen
macrophage COX-2 /platelet COX-1 derived
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Cancer & NSAIDS Pharmacol. inhibit or genetic delet. of COX-2→ inhibit

Cancer & NSAIDS

Pharmacol. inhibit or genetic delet. of COX-2→ inhibit

tumor formation in models of colon, breast, lung,….
Incidental NSAIDs use ↓ risk of these cancers
Chronic low-dose aspirin not lower incidence but ↓cancer death
, COX ihibit. ↓ polyp formation in familial polyposis
NSAID →↓Breast cancer risk esp in hormone recpt +
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Syntheyic PG analogues Alprostadil (PGE 1 ) SM relaxant 1- infu.

Syntheyic PG analogues

Alprostadil (PGE 1 ) SM relaxant

1- infu. for maintain ductus arteriosus patent in
neonates with vessels transposition awaiting
cardiac surgery
2- treatment of impotence by inj, into cavernosa
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Misoprostol (PGE1 analog) 1-approved for peptic ulcers prevention cytoprotective in high

Misoprostol (PGE1 analog)

1-approved for peptic ulcers prevention
cytoprotective in high

doses NSAIDs use for arthritis & history of associated ulcer
2- combination with progesterone antag.: mifepristone
(RU 486)
extremely effective/safe abortifacient in early pregnancy
Or Plus MTX
Side effect: diarrhea
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epoprostenol in severe pulmonary /portopulmonary HT & prevent platelet aggregation in

epoprostenol in severe pulmonary /portopulmonary HT &
prevent platelet aggregation

in dialysis Machines
Thromboxane (TXA 2) undesirable
(aggregation of platelets, vasoconstriction)
TXA 2 –receptor antagonists & synthesis inhibitors

Prostacyclin (PGI2) analogues

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Ophthalmology—Latanoprost PGF2α derivative extensive use topically in open-angle glaucoma Bimatoprost, travoprost,


PGF2α derivative
extensive use topically in open-angle glaucoma

travoprost, unoprostone
newer, related drugs
↑outflow of aqueous humor→↓intraocular press.
Iranian & Pfizer
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COXs inhibition by Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Traditional NSAIDs not selective

COXs inhibition by Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Traditional NSAIDs not selective for

COX-1 or -2
Individual variability in selectivity
Indomethacin & sulindac slightly selective for COX-1
Meclofenamate & ibuprofen: COX-1 = COX-2 inhib.
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Celecoxib Selectively inhibit. of COX-2 Advantage in patients seeking for pain


Selectively inhibit. of COX-2
Advantage in patients seeking for

pain relive while suffering from peptic ulcer disease
An expensive drug
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Aspirin Acetylates & irreversibly inhibits both COX1 & COX2 enzymes covalently


Acetylates & irreversibly inhibits both COX1 & COX2 enzymes covalently

doses (< 100 mg/d) inhibit platelet COX-1
(only isoform in mature nonuclei Platelet)→
inhibit of TXA 2 biosynthesis
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Leukotrienes antagonists 1- 5-LOX inhibitor: zileuton 2- Selective CysLT 1 receptor

Leukotrienes antagonists

1- 5-LOX inhibitor: zileuton
2- Selective CysLT 1 receptor antagonists:

montelukast, zafirlukast,, pranlukast
in mild to moderate asthma
(less effective than inhaled CS)
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