Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada


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Presentation Outline Northern Communities Opportunity Fund Ministerial Loan Guarantee (MLG) 2013-2014

Presentation Outline

Northern Communities Opportunity Fund
Ministerial Loan Guarantee (MLG) 2013-2014 usage to

Housing Conditions Report update
Northern Housing Conference 2014
Status of 2012-2013 Audited Financial Statements
Status of 2011-2012 Audited Financial Statements
Housing Special Initiatives Fund
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Presentation Outline Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Aboriginal Affairs and Northern

Presentation Outline

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Canada (AANDC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
A new guide on rental policies
Revolving Loan Fund – A guide to home ownership
A report on “Creating the Conditions for Economic Success”
A training tool “Developing Effective Community Strategies for First Nations Housing”
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Northern Communities Opportunity Fund A two-year special housing initiative, ending March

Northern Communities Opportunity Fund
A two-year special housing initiative, ending March

To provide “one-time” funding for projects that will result in
significant, long-term infrastructure improvements in remote
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Northern Communities Opportunity Fund Principles for Investment: Community housing strategy Build

Northern Communities Opportunity Fund
Principles for Investment:
Community housing strategy
Build sustainable

Facilitate the unlocking of opportunities
Leveraging other funding and partnerships
Cost aversion
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Northern Communities Opportunity Fund Magnitude: Budget of $12.5 million over the

Northern Communities Opportunity Fund
Budget of $12.5 million over the two years.

million of the $12.5 million will be spent on housing.
$6.6 million of the $9 million will go to support the on-going efforts at three communities.
$2.4 million will be for proposal-driven innovative multi-unit dwellings with rental regime.
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Ministerial Loan Guarantee 2013-2014 usage to date As of August 28,

Ministerial Loan Guarantee 2013-2014 usage to date
As of August 28,

Approved: 7 projects, 40 units (total $6,405,950)
Under review: 4 projects, 11 units (total $1,750,000)
AANDC has also pre-qualified 31 applications for CMHC section 95 applications
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Housing Conditions Report As of April 24, 2013: Total number of

Housing Conditions Report
As of April 24, 2013:
Total number of houses –

Total adequate houses – 19,999
Replacement required – 1,393
Major renovations required – 3,320
Minor renovations required – 2,720
Plumbing required – 684
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Housing Conditions Report Data Comparison

Housing Conditions Report Data Comparison

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Northern Housing Conference 2014 Received proposal from the organizers. Proposal is

Northern Housing Conference 2014
Received proposal from the organizers.
Proposal is currently

under review.
Organizers are being asked to demonstrate how this capacity development conference will translate into on-the-ground success.
Organizers are also asked to look for new funding partners.
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Status of 2012-2013 Audited Financial Statements As of September 9, 2013:

Status of 2012-2013 Audited Financial Statements

As of September 9, 2013:

First Nations
65 under review
62 overdue
16 Tribal Councils
12 under review
4 overdue
5 PTOs
2 under review
3 overdue
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Status of 2011-2012 Audited Financial Statements As of September 9, 2013:

Status of 2011-2012 Audited Financial Statements

As of September 9, 2013:

First Nations
46 under review
2 overdue
79 accepted
16 Tribal Councils
6 under review
10 accepted
5 PTOs
5 accepted
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Housing Special Initiatives Fund Fund is managed by AANDC Headquarters. Regions

Housing Special Initiatives Fund

Fund is managed by AANDC Headquarters.
Regions may recommend

proposals to HQ for consideration.
Primary focus is to promote pilot projects that advance policy and program development.
Projects should be completed by the end of the 2013-2014 fiscal year, with the final report due to AANDC by May 2014.
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Housing Special Initiatives Fund 2013-2014 project priorities, as recommended by the

Housing Special Initiatives Fund

2013-2014 project priorities, as recommended by the National

First Nations Housing Liaison Committee:
Improve compliance with provincial/territorial building codes for housing construction and renovation on reserve;
Extend the lifespan of existing housing;
Promote innovative building practices, including water and energy efficiency; and
Develop strong housing management and governance processes.
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Housing Special Initiatives Fund Proposal must include description of project activities,

Housing Special Initiatives Fund

Proposal must include description of project activities, rationale

and objectives, timeline, detailed budget and specific and measurable deliverables.
Recommended projects will be considered for funding on a first-come, first-served basis.
Approximate per-project cost is $30,000 to $60,000.
Proposals may be submitted to:
Siva Appiah, Senior Housing Officer
25 St. Clair Ave. East, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
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MOU between AANDC and CMHC The Purpose of the MOU is

MOU between AANDC and CMHC

The Purpose of the MOU is to

facilitate information sharing
between the two Departments to promote improved living
conditions in First Nation communities.
Scope of information sharing:
Information related to MLG programs and projects;
Special initiatives fund projects and information;
General assessment data; and
Information related to CMHC’s programs that require MLGs.
Information shared will be aggregated and conform to provisions of the Privacy Act.
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A Guide to the Creation of a Successful On-reserve Rental Housing

A Guide to the Creation of a Successful On-reserve Rental Housing

AANDC Headquarters supported the development of this
resource tool. The tool is intended to provide an overview
on the rental policy and its usefulness for First Nations.
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Revolving Loan Fund AANDC headquarters provided project funding to develop a

Revolving Loan Fund

AANDC headquarters provided project funding to
develop a booklet

“A Guide to Home Ownership Using a
First Nation-designed Revolving Loan Fund”.
Additional copies of these booklets are available by
contacting AANDC Regional Office.
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A Report on “Creating the Conditions for Economic Success” The report

A Report on “Creating the Conditions for Economic Success”
The report

is part of the ongoing work at AANDC to address the barriers to economic development on reserve lands.
The goal of the project:
Learn from the experiences of First Nation communities in Canada that have achieved higher-than-average socio-economic well-being, as well as understanding the barriers that have impeded, or continue to impede, their economic development efforts.
Identify strategies that First Nations and the Government of Canada can develop to enable more communities to successfully pursue economic growth.
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A Report on “Creating the Conditions for Economic Success” Key Findings:

A Report on “Creating the Conditions for Economic Success”
Key Findings:

in place rules and systems that work.
High degree of control over local decision-making.
Community capacity.
Sufficient base of useable land.
The report is available ...
On-line at: http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/DAM/DAM-INTER-HQ-ECD/STAGING/texte-text/ecd_creating_conditions_1372347251119_eng.pdf
Or by calling: 1-800-567-9604
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Developing Effective Community Housing Strategies – Resource Guide and Training Package

Developing Effective Community Housing Strategies – Resource Guide and Training Package

The revised resource guide has a Facilitator Manual and a participant manual.
A workshop was held in Thunder Bay in August 2012.
The training material and the manual are available for Tribal Councils through our Regional Office.