Слайд 2

Measuring poverty has been a problem that many researchers made their

Measuring poverty has been a problem that many researchers made their

input to.

Peter Townsend was one of the sociologists who did not agree with the existing measures, so he created his own method in a study in 1979.
(Anthony Giddens, “Sociology” 6th edition, p.486)

Слайд 3

Poverty line: According to Rosstat, the median salary in Saint-Petersburg in

Poverty line:

According to Rosstat, the median salary in Saint-Petersburg in 2020

is 35 581. A poverty line is calculated as 60% of the median income. Thus, the poverty line in Saint-Petersburg is 21 348.
Слайд 4

List of necessary items and activities:

List of necessary items and activities:

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Слайд 9

Interview guide: Focus group: jobless, live in a dormitory, studying for a bachelors degree.

Interview guide:

Focus group: jobless, live in a dormitory, studying for a

bachelors degree.
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