The history, statistics of the Eurasian Economic Union

Слайд 2



Слайд 3

History. Proposal.

History. Proposal.

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7



Слайд 8

182 mln people More 20 mln km 14% of world land

182 mln people

More 20 mln km

14% of world land

1587 mln $

gross domestic product

579,4 mln $ foreing trade with third parties

45.7 mln $ mutual trade

945,5 mln $ industrial production

Слайд 9

Extraction. The share of the EEU in global production

Extraction. The share of the EEU in global production

Слайд 10

International trade

International trade