The new economic logic of CAP

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Background ◦The overproduction ◦Over intensification of agriculture …because the EU price


◦The overproduction

◦Over intensification of agriculture

…because the EU price floor is

higher than the world price. Moreover, farmers were driven to invest on the goods supported by the CAP

Serious reforms started from 1990s

For examples,
⊡EU farmers---less than 5 percent of all the population in the 1970s (almost same as today’s)
⊡Most of money goes to the largest farm owners
…because the direct payment was linked to the amount of money each farm got.

These issues apparently appeared from 1970s

⊡The farm sector‘s political strength
⊡The conflicts between the members
⊡The historical background
⇒These factors made it difficult to implement the reforms.
Thus, CAP had to find the different approach from the just eliminating the price floors

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Method and theory ① ⊡We assume that all the surplus food

Method and theory ①

⊡We assume that all the surplus food was

dumped on the world market.
⊡the EU buys the excess food and sell them on the world market.
⊡the surplus area: b+c+d
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Method and theory ② ⊡Every farmer in the world market wants

Method and theory ②

⊡Every farmer in the world market wants to

sell at the EU price floor
⊡To reserve the higher price for EU producers, the world price+T must exceed the floor.
⇒the decoupling reform decreases the price floor to the world price. As the result, production also falls and consumption rises.
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Method and theory ③ ⊡As the result of reforms, the consumers’

Method and theory ③

⊡As the result of reforms, the consumers’ surplus:

farmers lose: a+b+c
⊡EU budget saves: b+c+d
⇒the net gain: b+d
However, the EU has to compensate for the farmers with direct payments.
If the compensation is fully done, the cost will be higher than before.