N.A. Berdyaev’s Philosophy of “New Spirituality”

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Nicholas A. Berdyaev (1874-1948) – well-known both in Russia and Europe

Nicholas A. Berdyaev (1874-1948) – well-known both in Russia and Europe

as a religious philosopher, apologist of the Spirit’s freedom and creativeness as “creativeness for better life”.

About N.A. Berdyaev

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It’s urgent nowadays addressing to the sustainable cultural and political programs,

It’s urgent nowadays addressing to the sustainable cultural and political programs,

introduced by Russian philosophers.
Berdyaev’s intellectual heritage may be a highly productive path to overcome the spiritual crisis of the modern world, experienced tragic social processes over XX-XXI centuries and technology’s superiority.


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We postulate a profound global potential in Berdyaev’s original metaphysics of

We postulate a profound global potential in Berdyaev’s original metaphysics of

His distinctive view on the meaning of history, the fate of individual in eternity, Russia’s and Christian world’s future – are in the focus of our research.


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Creativeness as the calling for spiritual life, according to Berdyaev, is

Creativeness as the calling for spiritual life, according to Berdyaev, is

always directed to the world and to other people, to the society and history.
In this sense his metaphysics represents new specific project of “culture’s Christianization”.
The study analyses the sources of Berdyaev’s thought and his significant novation.

Key Points of the Research