Consulting Services for Improvement of Lending Procedures & Portfolio Management for PFIs OXUS


Слайд 2

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps
Слайд 3

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps
Слайд 4

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps
Слайд 5

Project Objectives The primary objective of this project is to improve

Project Objectives

The primary objective of this project is to improve loan

portfolio quality of the PI, which
reduces credit losses and capital requirements, increases the risk-bearing capacity, and
heightens returns on equity. Consequently, the PIs will be in a better position to expand credit
supply to meet previously unmet credit needs.
The secondary objective of this project is to lower the number of guarantee claims to ACGF.
In particular, the assignment aims to reduce the number of non-compliance findings in
delinquency audits by SCSA, diminish the number of potential guarantee claims, shorten the
duration of guarantee claim processing, and facilitate data exchange between the PIs and
Слайд 6

Implementation Approach Part A — Capacity Building for PIs Gap analysis

Implementation Approach

Part A — Capacity Building for PIs 
Gap analysis 
Review the regulatory framework and PI documentation  

the organization of the portfolio monitoring and delinquency management function at PIs 
Conduct interviews and branch visits (tentatively scheduled for the week of June 21, 2021)1 
Develop and deliver Deliverable 1 (Partner Institution Gap Analysis Report) 
Policy, procedure, tool and digitization recommendations for PIs 
Outline recommended upgrades for PI policies and procedures as well as a list of templates and tools for improved monitoring processes and delinquency management 
Conduct a workshop with PIs to gather feedback on the proposed recommendations  
Draft upgraded policies and procedures for improved monitoring and delinquency management and process PI feedback 
Develop and deliver Deliverable 2 (Policies, Procedures, Tools and Digitization Recommendations for PIs) 
PI staff training on monitoring and delinquency management 
Prepare training materials and process PI feedback  
Deliver trainings to PI staff  
Develop and deliver Deliverable 3 (Training Report and training material handover to PIs) 
Project Closure 
Draft Deliverable 7 (Final Report) 
Conduct a closing workshop to present key outputs and propose follow-up actions for PIs and ACGF/SCSA 
Finalize Deliverable 7 (Final Report) 
Слайд 7

Methodology (Gap Analysis) Common understanding: Legal framework, policies, procedures, forms Best

Methodology (Gap Analysis)

Common understanding: Legal framework, policies, procedures, forms
Best practices

to proceed
Impact on OXUS
Example of approach for new drafts
The Gap Analysis Tool
Слайд 8

How to Proceed I Identify in the existing documents what is

How to Proceed I

Identify in the existing documents what is a

policy, a procedure, a workflow, or a form/tool
If necessary, separate them (especially if they are within the same document)
Ensure that the documents follow best practices
Ensure completeness and consistency… see next slide
Слайд 9

How to Proceed II If you find a form/tool ask yourself

How to Proceed II

If you find a form/tool ask yourself if

there is a policy, procedure/workflow that is related to it.
If there is a related policy and a procedure/workflow, check it for completeness and consistency
If there is no procedure, ask yourself if one should be developed
If there is no policy, ask yourself if one should be developed




Слайд 10

How to Proceed III If you find a procedure/workflow ask yourself

How to Proceed III

If you find a procedure/workflow ask yourself if

there is a policy and forms that is related to it.
If there is a related policy and forms, check them for completeness and consistency
If there is no forms, ask yourself if one (or more) should be developed
If there is no policy, ask yourself if one should be developed




Слайд 11

How to Proceed IV If you find a policy ask yourself

How to Proceed IV

If you find a policy ask yourself if

there is a procedure/workflow and forms that is related to it.
If there is a related procedure/workflows and forms, check them for completeness and consistency
If there is no procedure/workflows, ask yourself if one (or more) should be developed
If there are no forms, ask yourself if one (or more) should be developed




Слайд 12

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps
Слайд 13

Deliverables and Timeline Field/Branch visits – TBD D1. - Gap Analysis

Deliverables and Timeline

Field/Branch visits – TBD
D1. - Gap Analysis Report for

D2. - Upgrade of policies, procedures and tools for PIs – week of August 30
D3. - Training report and handover of training materials to PIs – week of Nov 8
Closing workshop for PIs – week of Nov 8
Deliverable 7 – Final Report – week of Nov 15
Слайд 14

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps
Слайд 15

Questions and Clarification Points Technical questions Who will be the project

Questions and Clarification Points

Technical questions
Who will be the project counterpart

from OXUS
Interviews and branch visits
Questionnaire for field work
OXUS support for field visits
Methods of commutation/connectivity
Слайд 16

Meeting Agenda Introduction of meeting participants and agenda Project objectives, implementation

Meeting Agenda

Introduction of meeting participants and agenda
Project objectives, implementation approach, and

Deliverables and timeline
Questions and clarification points
Next steps