11 days around the world


Слайд 2

Italy and its territory Italy and its territory


and its territory

Italy and its territory

Слайд 3

Authors D’Aniello Giovanni Electronic engineer and teacher Technical Institute «E. Fermi»

D’Aniello Giovanni
Electronic engineer and teacher
Technical Institute
«E. Fermi» of Desio (MB)

Math and Physics teacher
Higher Education Institute
«Betty Ambiveri» di Presezzo (BG)
Слайд 4

Italian regions Italy is made up of 20 Regions: Valle D’Aosta,

Italian regions

Italy is made up of 20 Regions:
Valle D’Aosta, Piemonte, Liguria,

Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna.

[Link: https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/italy-divided-into-20-regions-with-state-capital-and-ragions-capitals-vector-id930109242]

Слайд 5

The Valle d’Aosta It is the smallest Italian Region (1% of

The Valle d’Aosta

It is the smallest Italian Region (1% of the

whole territory), made up of the western Alps (Mont Blanc, 4810 m; Monte Rosa, 4634 m; Monte Cervino, 4478 m; Gran Paradise, 4061 m) and Gran Paradiso National Park.
The climate of the Valle d’Aosta is alpine, with very low temperatures in winter and cool in summer.
It is the least densely populated region.
The spoken language is Franco-Provençal, a language similar to French.

[Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=a6UNubSD&id=983392EA97579A67697A0CBD0DE53B5D866F5651&thid=OIF.jYYpaRNkpWDb%2fuZigY%2b%2fxg&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fnotizie.tiscali.it%2fexport%2fshared%2fagencies%2fmedia%2f20%2f10%2f19%2fitalpress_regioni_20201019_0014.jpg_982521881.jpg&exph=505&expw=750&q=valle+d%27aosta&simid=156305872075&ck=8D8629691364A560DBFEE662818FBFC6&selectedIndex=41&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Слайд 6

The Roman Theater The capital is Aosta, a city of Roman

The Roman Theater

The capital is Aosta, a city of Roman origin

(25 BC).
It presents the structure of the Roman camp in the historic center.
The main monuments are: the Roman Theater and the Arch of Augustus.

[Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mPqNd4qU&id=0C092173D9B8DF1F315CEA03BD508A8D3C96D3FF&thid=OIP.mPqNd4qUNY_07QsabUTlBwHaFj&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lovevda.it%2fimmagini%2fDisplayImage%2f23179&exph=768&expw=1024&q=monumento+valle+d%27aosta+teatro&simid=608041724511193647&ck=AD2B637E144D52701D14891E38C80A3C&selectedIndex=6&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Слайд 7

Arch of Augustus [Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=E%2fUyr8bI&id=B3000EECB194452DD15D052A289AAE74DCFA674A&thid=OIP.E_Uyr8bI02yhuifTIcBxkwHaE8&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimg1.fotoalbum.virgilio.it%2fv%2fwww1-1%2f122%2f122179%2f236150%2faostaarcodiaugusto1-vi.jpg&exph=334&expw=500&q=arco+di+augusto+aosta&simid=607991340200627769&ck=784ED426863229C67985143422497D80&selectedIndex=15&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Arch of Augustus

[Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=E%2fUyr8bI&id=B3000EECB194452DD15D052A289AAE74DCFA674A&thid=OIP.E_Uyr8bI02yhuifTIcBxkwHaE8&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimg1.fotoalbum.virgilio.it%2fv%2fwww1-1%2f122%2f122179%2f236150%2faostaarcodiaugusto1-vi.jpg&exph=334&expw=500&q=arco+di+augusto+aosta&simid=607991340200627769&ck=784ED426863229C67985143422497D80&selectedIndex=15&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Слайд 8

Pont Saint Martin In the small town of Pont Saint-Martin there

Pont Saint Martin

In the small town of Pont Saint-Martin there is

the famous single-arched bridge, which is over the Lys stream (1st century BC).

[Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2bp8mnRMm&id=EB248509260B462CC0C552DF7A8BFF36EB297A13&thid=OIP.-p8mnRMmPbRx99yeNzVPGAHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.guidaturisticavda.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f03%2fPont-S-Martin-1000.jpg&exph=750&expw=1000&q=pont-saint-martin&simid=608018359749642503&ck=A9D7E10C134E2A7CB9C13F7FFF259B1A&selectedIndex=19&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Слайд 9

Ski stations About tourism, there are a lot of ski stations,

Ski stations

About tourism, there are a lot of ski stations,

for example Courmayeur, Cervinia and Gressoney.

[Gressoney - link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=C%2bC10ozO&id=894F78E1AB63F1CF53C6E2B9969D62299EFB6CF7&thid=OIP.C-C10ozOwJEv_U7Z4hrobAHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimagesus-ssl.homeaway.com%2fmda01%2fb8fb2835-4b8c-44f0-8704-c402f97a3216.1.10&exph=667&expw=1000&q=stagione+sciistica+Gressoney&simid=608008782112359434&ck=484C058417941CE2C7E904A1F0469250&selectedIndex=85&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

[Cervinia – link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=kFi0GWOQ&id=84A99E7BC930BA0CB578F85650F236739C5A72D6&thid=OIP.kFi0GWOQw0iUNomjf2Za5QHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimage.nanopress.it%2fr%2f845X0%2fviaggi.tuttogratis.it%2fnews%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2011%2f10%2fapertura-impianti-cervinia.jpg&exph=440&expw=587&q=stagione+sciistica+cervinia&simid=608022092190712494&ck=F40D028DCFCC985CA64DB220D8755772&selectedIndex=27&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

[Courmayeur – link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=uAY1wznK&id=1D168D4021BA81DEB005D2C99FA7F92E8461507A&thid=OIP.uAY1wznKnJkHeeD7YhNLdgHaD0&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.onthesnow.com%2fimage%2fla%2f51%2f51135.jpg&exph=318&expw=616&q=stazione+sciistica+Courmayeur&simid=608031425116111429&ck=CA951A7E09B3C5F70D99DEFE1E456208&selectedIndex=15&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0]

Слайд 10

The economy of the Valle d’Aosta The main activities focus on

The economy of the Valle d’Aosta

The main activities focus on tourism

and woodworking.
There are also some vineyards, which allow the production of excellent wines: Petit Rouge and Blanc de Morgex.
There are also vast pastures, which give nourishment to the attle of fine breed, for the production of meat, milk and cheese (the fontina).
In the Gran Paradiso National Park there is alpine fauna (ibex, chamois, marmots and ermines) and it is a destination for many tourists.

[Gran Paradiso National Park - link: http://www.parks.it/parco.nazionale.gran.paradiso/par.php]

Слайд 11

Ermine – link: http://www.pngp.it/ermellino-bianco Marmots – link: https://www.quotidianocanavese.it/qcuccioli/gran-paradiso-le-marmotte-del-parco-ringraziano-oltre-90mila-euro-dal-5x1000-per-la-ricerca-26664 Ibex – link:

Ermine – link: http://www.pngp.it/ermellino-bianco

Marmots – link: https://www.quotidianocanavese.it/qcuccioli/gran-paradiso-le-marmotte-del-parco-ringraziano-oltre-90mila-euro-dal-5x1000-per-la-ricerca-26664

Ibex – link: https://www.google.com/search?q=stambecchi+parco+nazionale+gran+paradiso&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjTtaDHjcjsAhWJr6QKHSVkBZ0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=stambecchi+parco+nazionale+gran+paradiso&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFCQqQlY4LYJYOLOCWgAcAB4AIABhAGIAdkHkgEDNy4zmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=Rm6RX9P6EYnfkgWlyJXoCQ&bih=625&biw=1366#imgrc=YaDcPCfA0rJJ7M


– Link : http://www.vaben.it/fauna/camosci.html
Слайд 12

Hydroelectric power stations In Valle d'Aosta there are many hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric power stations

In Valle d'Aosta there are many hydroelectric power

stations: in general they represent a form of alternative and renewable energy.
The gravitational potential energy, that a certain mass of water at a certain altitude have, is transformed into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is finally transformed into electricity in a hydroelectric power station thanks to an alternator coupled to a turbine.
Слайд 13

Bard Hydroelectric power stations That is a photo make by me

Bard Hydroelectric power stations

That is a photo make by me during

a visit in a Hydroelectric power stations
with some students in a summer campus at Bard
(2013 – July)
Слайд 14

The Lombardy region Lombardy represents 8% of the Italian territory, 15.5%

The Lombardy region

Lombardy represents 8% of the Italian territory, 15.5% of

the Italian population.

[Link: https://www.sempionenews.it/territorio/milano-capitale-del-turismo-e-dellindotto-in-tutta-la-lombardia-dati-in-crescita-nel-settore-dellospitalita]

Слайд 15

General Features [Link: https://viaggi.corriere.it/itinerari-e-luoghi/montagne-lombardia-native-adv] [Link: https://ilpuntonotizie.it/lombardia-nasce-la-giornata-delle-montagne] The Lombard mountains occupy 40%

General Features

[Link: https://viaggi.corriere.it/itinerari-e-luoghi/montagne-lombardia-native-adv]

[Link: https://ilpuntonotizie.it/lombardia-nasce-la-giornata-delle-montagne]

The Lombard mountains occupy 40% of the region's


They are arranged in two parallel bands: the northern Alpine belt (high altitudes, rich in glaciers) and the southern pre-Alpine belt (lower altitudes, without glaciers).

The Alps are crossed by valleys, such as Valtellina (the widest),
Val Brembana, Val Seriana and Valcamonica.

Слайд 16

The Valle Padana [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia] The Valle Padana is

The Valle Padana

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

The Valle Padana is a wide

plain, inside the Region Lombardy.

It is rich in lakes and rivers.
In the pre-alpine belt there are the major lakes: Lake Maggiore, Lake Varese, Lake Lugano, Lake Como, Lake Iseo and Garda.

Among the rivers there are the Po, the Ticino, the Adda, the Oglio and the Mincio.

Слайд 17

The Lake in Como Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

The Lake in Como

Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

Слайд 18

The Iseo lake [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia] [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

The Iseo lake

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

Слайд 19

The Garda Lake [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia] [Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

The Garda Lake

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

[Immagine scaricata da: https://www.tes.com/lessons/IYct2V_MLOD5ig/lombardia]

Слайд 20

The climate of the Lombardy region The climate is continental: along

The climate of the Lombardy region

The climate is continental: along the

river banks of the Po, the high humidity causes frequent fogs in winter;
the areas near the lakes have a cold climate in winter and cool in summer;
in the mountainous areas the climate is characterized by long and harsh winters and sunny and cool summers.

Immagine scaricata da: http://www.meteoweb.eu/2019/02/clima-lombardia-conferenza-mondiale-cop26/1228016

Слайд 21

The Milan city It is the brain of the Lombard and

The Milan city

It is the brain of the Lombard and national

The management of the largest banks, financial and insurance companies are concentrated in here and there is the headquarters of the Italian financial stock exchange.
In terms of transport, the railway sector represents the most intense traffic in all of Italy; while Linate and Malpensa airport is the second after only Fiumicino airport in Rome, for passengers and flight traffic.


Слайд 22

Great Monuments in Milan Link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duomo_di_Milano#/media/File:Veduta_del_Duomo_di_Milano_di_tre_quarti_da_sinistra.jpg Link: https://www.milanoevents.it/2019/01/22/basilica-di-santambrogio/ Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/ Duomo Sant’Ambrogio Castello Sforzesco

Great Monuments in Milan

Link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duomo_di_Milano#/media/File:Veduta_del_Duomo_di_Milano_di_tre_quarti_da_sinistra.jpg

Link: https://www.milanoevents.it/2019/01/22/basilica-di-santambrogio/

Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/



Castello Sforzesco

Слайд 23

The Milan Duomo It is considered the third Catholic church in

The Milan Duomo

It is considered the third Catholic church in the

world after St. Peter's in the Vatican and the cathedral of Seville.
It is built In Gothic style, covered in white Condoglia marble: that is a specific marble from a quarry on Lake Maggiore.
The building construction began in 1386 and it took for 500 years until the facade was completed in the late 1800s.


Слайд 24

The Basilica Sant’ Ambrogio of Milan Main styles represented: Early Christian

The Basilica Sant’ Ambrogio of Milan

Main styles represented: Early Christian –

After the Duomo, the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio is undoubtedly the most important church in Milan.
Through it passes the entire history of the city, from when it was a city of the Roman Empire to the Second World War.

Link: https://www.milanoevents.it/2019/01/22/basilica-di-santambrogio/

Слайд 25

The Sforzesco castle_1 Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/ It was built as a fortress

The Sforzesco castle_1

Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/

It was built as a fortress in 1368.

Subsequently, it was transformed into a splendid ducal palace, which was partly destroyed during the Golden Ambrosian Republic.
The Sforza family transformed the castle into one of the most beautiful courts in Italy but, subsequently, it passed into the hands of the Spaniards and Austrians, recovering its ancient military function.
In June 1800, Napoleon ordered its total demolition and, in 1801, the side towers and the Spanish bastions were destroyed.
Слайд 26

The Sforzesco castle_2 Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/ In the second half of the

The Sforzesco castle_2

Link: https://www.turismo.it/cultura/articolo/art/milano-quello-che-c-da-sapere-sul-castello-sforzesco-id-19417/

In the second half of the nineteenth century

the castle was the subject of heated debate: many people from Milan said to demolish it to build a luxurious residential building. However, historical culture prevailed and the architect Luca Beltrami subjected it to a major restoration, bringing the castle back to its ancient appearance of the Sforza era.
The restoration work was completed in 1905, when the Torre del Filarete was inaugurated and, in the old parade ground, numerous plant species were planted, giving life to the new garden of Parco Sempione.
During the Second World War, the castle was again damaged.
At the end of the twentieth century, the large square of the castle was built, with a fountain inspired by one previously installed on the spot, destroyed in the sixties during the construction of the metro. In 2005, the last restoration works of the courtyard and the rooms of the castle were completed.
Слайд 27

The Lazio region https://www.latina24ore.it/latina/106179/esiste-unidentita-del-lazio-indagine-del-censis/ It is a region consisting mainly of

The Lazio region


It is a region consisting mainly of hills and

plains. Only a quarter of its territory is occupied by mountains, which extend mainly in the innermost part of the region: there are the Sabine and the Reatini Mountains with the Terminillo (2213), while further south, along the border with the Abruzzo, the chains of the Ernici and Simbruini mountains and the Meta massif with Monte Petroso (2241 m).
Слайд 28

The gulf of Gaeta https://www.dltviaggi.it/it/magazine/golfo-di-gaeta The coast is almost everywhere low

The gulf of Gaeta


The coast is almost everywhere low and uniform.

Only in some points the coast is high, as near the characteristic Circeo promontory, in the Gulf of Gaeta.
Слайд 29

Tevere- The river of Rome When the Tiber enters into the

Tevere- The river of Rome

When the Tiber enters into the Lazio

region, it has already run for 200 km;
it will have to cover another 205 km to get to the Tyrrhenian Sea.


Слайд 30

The climate of the Lazio region The climate of the region

The climate of the Lazio region

The climate of the region is

very varied.
The mountainous areas of the interior area have rather cold winters.
The plains and the coastal strip, on the other hand, have fairly mild winters

Link: http://www.regione.lazio.it/rl/contrattidifiume/wp-content/uploads/sites/53/C_03_inquadramento-climatologico.pdf

Слайд 31

Rome – The capital of Italy Link: https://www.ilfaroonline.it/2020/04/20/natale-di-roma-per-il-2-773-compleanno-della-citta-eterna-festa-sui-social-il-programma/334289/ Rome is along

Rome – The capital of Italy

Link: https://www.ilfaroonline.it/2020/04/20/natale-di-roma-per-il-2-773-compleanno-della-citta-eterna-festa-sui-social-il-programma/334289/

Rome is along the banks

of the Tevere, about twenty kilometers from the sea.
It is the capital of Lazio and capital of Italy.
About the Roman Empire, in Rome there are a lot of beautiful monuments: the Forum, the Theater of Marcellus, the Colosseum, the baths of Caracalla and Diocletian, the Basilica of Maxentius, the triumphal arches of Titus, Constantine and Septimius Severus, the imperial palaces , the columns of Marcus Aurelius and Trajan.
The Rome of the popes with its churches and the basilicas of San Pietro, S. Maria Maggiore, San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori le Mura.
Слайд 32

The Forum Link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foro_Romano#/media/File:Foro_Romano_Musei_Capitolini_Roma.jpg

The Forum

Link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foro_Romano#/media/File:Foro_Romano_Musei_Capitolini_Roma.jpg

Слайд 33

The Colosseum Link: https://www.expedia.it/explore/colosseo-a-roma-10-cose-da-sapere-tra-leggende-e-curiosita

The Colosseum

Link: https://www.expedia.it/explore/colosseo-a-roma-10-cose-da-sapere-tra-leggende-e-curiosita

Слайд 34

A state within a state: the Vatican City Link: https://best5.it/post/vaticano-funziona-lo-piu-piccolo-del-mondo/ On

A state within a state: the Vatican City

Link: https://best5.it/post/vaticano-funziona-lo-piu-piccolo-del-mondo/

On 11 February

1929, with the Lateran Pacts, Italy officially recognized the existence of an independent state located on the Vatican hill, at the western end of Rome: it is the Vatican City, the smallest state in the world.
The most important monuments are: St. Peter's Square, the Apostolic Palaces, the Lateran Palace and Castelgandolfo. It has one of the largest and most important library in the world.
Like all states, even the Vatican City has its flag and its army, its coins and its stamps, its press and its radio station. The Pope is the highest authority; the diplomatic representatives abroad are the apostolic nuncios.