Country Profile

Слайд 2

Chart of the TPES by source of energy 201_ Energy Portfolio

Chart of the TPES by source of energy

201_ Energy Portfolio for


Chart of the TFC by source of energy

Pie chart of the economic sectors and the % of energy used by each

Total quantity; sources

Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3

Total Primary Energy Supply

Total Final Consumption (TFC)

Rejected Energy

Use by Economic Sectors

Source: _________________________________

Слайд 3

Energy Flow Chart for ___________ 201_ (in _____ [specify units]) Oil

Energy Flow Chart for ___________
201_ (in _____ [specify units])

Oil Products


Electricity Generation


ENERGY: Generation, Transmission, Distribution, and Use Losses





Other Energy

Non-Energy Use

Energy Services

Energy Industry Use

Source: _________________________________


Слайд 4

Overview of Renewable Energy for ______________ (201X) Source: _________________________________

Overview of Renewable Energy for ______________ (201X)

Source: _________________________________

Слайд 5

Energy Imports and Export for __________ (200_) Units Observation 1 Observation 2, etc. Source: _________________________________

Energy Imports and Export for __________ (200_)


Observation 1
Observation 2, etc.

Source: _________________________________

Слайд 6

Graphic that compares Observation 1 Observation 2 Observation 3 Energy Intensity

Graphic that compares

Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3

Energy Intensity

Graphic that compares

Per capita energy


Sources: _________________________________

Energy Imports and Export for __________ (201_)

Слайд 7

Graphic that compares to international prices for gasoline, natural gas, electricity,

Graphic that compares to international prices for gasoline, natural gas, electricity,

electricity prices for industry

Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3

Artificial Prices

As % of GDP, and compare to benchmarks

Energy Imports

Sources: _________________________________

Affordability & Market Distortion for __________ (201_)

Слайд 8

CO2/kWh and graph that compares that Observation 1 Observation 2 Observation

CO2/kWh and graph that compares that

Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3

Efficiency of Generation


CH4, fuel efficiency (miles per gallon), other

Other emissions

Sources: _________________________________

Environmental Sustainability for __________ (201_)

Low carbon fuels

% for renewables and nuclear as share of consumption

Слайд 9

Number of supply sources (domestic & import)/ Diversity & graph comparing

Number of supply sources (domestic & import)/ Diversity & graph comparing


Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3

Diversity of Supply

% electrification of population, % population using solid fuels for cooking & graph comparing that

Level & Quality of Access

Sources: _________________________________

Energy Access & Security for __________ (201_)


Energy imports as % of all energy use,
Diversification of net imports (# of sources)