Interesting Facts about Russia

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Russia fact No 1 Russia is the biggest country in the

Russia fact No 1

Russia is the biggest country in the world

whose territory is about 17 million square kilometers. From east to west it covers 10 time zones. Russian territory is twice bigger than the USA’s territory. 17, 100, 000 km² (Russia) and 9, 834, 000 km² (USA). Germany is 48 times smaller than Russia  – 357, 000 km², while England is 128 times smaller than Russia – 133 000 km².  Russia’s territory approximately equals to the territory of the planet Pluto.
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Russia fact No 2 The largest volcano in the world which

Russia fact No 2

The largest volcano in the world which has

been active for the last 7 thousand years is located in Russia and it is called Klyuchevskaya Sopka. It is 4 kilometers 850 meters high, but its column of  ashes reach 8 kilometers. The volcano gets higher with its every eruption.
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Russia fact No 3 The deepest lake in the world and

Russia fact No 3

The deepest lake in the world and the

biggest source for drinking water is Lake Baikal. The lake is filled with 23 cubic kilometers of water, and in order to fill the pool, which is equal in volume to lake Baikal, all the largest rivers in the world must flow continuously for almost a year.
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Russia fact No 4 The world’s largest medieval fortress is the

Russia fact No 4

The world’s largest medieval fortress is the Moscow

Kremlin, which is located on the left bank of the Moscow River. Now it is the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. The length of the walls of the Kremlin fortress is 2,235 meters.
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Russia fact No 5 The Hermitage is the largest and oldest

Russia fact No 5

The Hermitage is the largest and oldest museum

in the world which has 3 million exhibits. If a person wants to see all the art objects in the Hermitage spending  only 1 minute on each of them, he will need to go to the Museum for 25 years, 8 hours a day.
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Russia fact No 6 Russian city of Oymyakon in 1924 set

Russia fact No 6

Russian city of Oymyakon in 1924  set a

record of cold which was -71.2 degrees Celsius.
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Russia fact No 7 Russia is the only state in the

Russia fact No  7

Russia is the only state in the world

which borders on 12 seas – the Baltic, Black, Azov, Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian, Chukchee, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese seas.
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Russia fact No 8 There are 2,000 libraries, 221 museums, 100

Russia fact No 8

There are 2,000 libraries, 221 museums, 100 concert

stages, more than 80 theatres, clubs, and community centers, 62 movie theatres, as well as 45 art galleries in St. Petersburg, in Russia.
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Russia fact No 9 The oldest mountains in the world –

Russia fact No  9

The oldest mountains in the world – the

Urals – are located in Russia. They appeared about 4.2 billion years ago. They are located in Kusin region next to the village Aleksandrovka. Nowadays, there are only bottoms of the mountains left, although they used to be really high. The Urals used to have a few historic names  – the Big Stone, the Siberian Stone, the Earth’s Belt, and the Belt Stone.
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