Introduce the crucial basic terminology of structural geology


Слайд 2

This Lecture Purpose: Introduce the crucial basic terminology of Structural Geology

This Lecture

Purpose: Introduce the crucial basic terminology of Structural Geology
Orientation of

planes and lines
Faults/Fold relationships
Typical Features for shortening/extention environments
Слайд 3

Analysis Levels Geometrical shape and body’s relations Kinematical motions Geomechanical stress/strain

Analysis Levels

shape and body’s relations
stress/strain relations (incl. ductile/brittle type of deformation)

level of complexity

More Interpretative

More descriptive

Слайд 4

Strike Geographical North Pole 0/3600 East / 900 West / 2700


Geographical North Pole

East / 900

West / 2700

South / 1800

True (Geographical)

Strike Direction (“Strike”) is: 350

always measure clockwise,
may be measured with two results with 1800 difference:
350 or 2150 – both are correct



Слайд 5

Line Orientation West / 2700 South / 1800 Magnetic Strike Direction

Line Orientation

West / 2700

South / 1800

Magnetic Strike Direction is: 350-70 =

280, so correction +70 has to be made for compass



Magnetic North Pole

magnetic declination (some 70 in West Siberia)

Слайд 6

Planes Orientation Contour Lines 300 200 100 Structure Contour Map projection

Planes Orientation

Contour Lines




Structure Contour Map


Multiple “rules” exist…

True for the Left-Hand Rule.

Basically dip should be noted: 22SW/105.
Alternatively Dip direction (Instead of Strike) may be noted.
Слайд 7

Orientation of Lines Again, multiple “rules” exist… «plunge» = «погружение»

Orientation of Lines

Again, multiple “rules” exist…

«plunge» = «погружение»

Слайд 8

Faults More-or-less planar surface along which there has been relative displacement


More-or-less planar surface along which there has been relative displacement of

the two sides?
Process zone (finite thickness) in which fault-rock materials are created and altered?

(Hooper, Hatcher, 1988)

Слайд 9

Fault Names Normal Fault = «сброс» Reverse Fault = «взброс» Strike Slip Fault = «сдвиг»

Fault Names

Normal Fault = «сброс»
Reverse Fault = «взброс»
Strike Slip Fault =

Слайд 10

Slip Direction The rock layers continue beyond the ends of the

Slip Direction

The rock layers continue beyond the ends of the drawing!


Slip Direction:
opposite block moves to the left: Sinistral Strike Slip = «левосторонний сдвиг»
opposite block moves to the right: Dextral Strike Slip = «правосторонний сдвиг»
Слайд 11

Naming the Blocks Old mining terms Hangingwall = «висячее крыло» Footwall = «лежачее крыло»

Naming the Blocks

Old mining terms

Hangingwall = «висячее крыло»
Footwall = «лежачее крыло»

Слайд 12

Recognizing Faults on Structural Maps Naming the blocks and recognizing fault’

Recognizing Faults on Structural Maps

Naming the blocks and recognizing fault’ types


Oilfield, Western Kazakhstan (Bisengalieva et al., 2002)
Слайд 13

Anderson’ Faults Concept σ1 is vertical, σ2 and σ3 are horizontal

Anderson’ Faults Concept

σ1 is vertical, σ2 and σ3 are horizontal

σ1 and

σ2 are horizontal, while σ3 is vertical

σ1 and σ3 are horizontal, while σ2 is vertical

σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3

Слайд 14

Fault’s dip angle Hubbert & Willis, 1957 potential hydro fracture orientation

Fault’s dip angle

Hubbert & Willis, 1957

potential hydro fracture orientation

Strain ellipse (for

reverse fault area)

φ is a internal friction angle. For sand/sandstones within elastic behavior φ ≈ 300 (and strongly depends on Poisson ratio)

Слайд 15

Stress Trajectory Variations Even “simple” loadings cause stress trajectories to curve,

Stress Trajectory Variations

Even “simple” loadings cause stress trajectories to curve, so

the vertical stress is not a principal stress.
And complex loadings cause considerable spatial (and temporal) variations in the stress field.
Слайд 16

Fault Sets - Extension Horst = горст Graben = грабен Half

Fault Sets - Extension

Horst = горст
Graben = грабен
Half Graben = полуграбен

Fault = листрический разлом

σ1 is vertical, σ2 and σ3 are horizontal

Слайд 17

Fault Sets – Extension: a bit more about growing faults After Mitchum et al., 1990

Fault Sets – Extension: a bit more about growing faults


Mitchum et al., 1990
Слайд 18

Fault Sets - Shortening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fault Sets - Shortening








Duplex Zone = дуплекс
Imbicate Fan = чешуйчатый надвиг

= детачмент
Слайд 19

What is a fold? And Fold Names Anticlines are a major

What is a fold? And Fold Names

Anticlines are a major trap


Feature where rock layers or other markers become non-planar due to deformation

Слайд 20

Hinge lines Crestline and Trough line are the lines of maximum

Hinge lines

Crestline and Trough line are the lines of maximum and

minimum elevation respectively
Hinge Line traces points with maximum curvature (doesn’t necessary coincide with Crest/Trough lines)
Inflection Line (i) separates adjacent folds and traces area with minimal curvature (points of changing curvature sign)
Limb (or Flank) is low-curvature area between hinges (крыло складки)
Closure is an hight-curvature area around (or between) hinges (замок складки)

Describing Surfaces

Twiss & Moores, 1992

Слайд 21

Symmetry Symmetric folds (equal limb lengths) Asymmetric folds (unequal limb lengths)


Symmetric folds (equal limb lengths)

Asymmetric folds (unequal limb lengths)

Limbs usually have

different dips

Limbs usually have same dip

симметричные прямые

наклонные (косые)

Слайд 22

Multi-layers Axial surface (not always plane) connects multiple hinge lines (that


Axial surface (not always plane) connects multiple hinge lines (that is

a difference with Russian terminology)
Inflection surface include inflection lines
Слайд 23

Fold Names

Fold Names

Слайд 24

Measuring Folds

Measuring Folds

Слайд 25

Thickness changes? Isogone – line connected points with same dip angle

Thickness changes?

Isogone – line connected points with same dip angle

Similar Folds

are more “popular” in nature: mass flow exist from high-stress areas (limbs) to low-stress (closures)
Слайд 26

Causes? складки продольного изгиба складки поперечного изгиба


складки продольного изгиба

складки поперечного изгиба

Слайд 27

Fault-Bend Interaction: Folds

Fault-Bend Interaction: Folds

Слайд 28

Detached Folds Zagros

Detached Folds


Слайд 29

Rollover Structures

Rollover Structures

Слайд 30

Rollover Structures

Rollover Structures

Слайд 31

Rollover Structures

Rollover Structures

Слайд 32

rollover anticline: ductile scenario Rollover Structures

rollover anticline: ductile scenario

Rollover Structures

Слайд 33

rollover anticline: brittle scenario, antithetic faults development Rollover Structures antithetic faults

rollover anticline: brittle scenario, antithetic faults development

Rollover Structures

antithetic faults

Слайд 34

rollover anticline: brittle + overlaid Rollover Structures

rollover anticline: brittle + overlaid

Rollover Structures

Слайд 35

Inversion Early: extension, with sediments thickening across faults Later: shortening, re-use of previous faults


Early: extension, with sediments thickening across faults
Later: shortening, re-use of previous

Слайд 36

Fractures Fractures vs Faults: almost invisible (not more then few mm) lateral motion along fracture surface


Fractures vs Faults: almost invisible (not more then few mm) lateral

motion along fracture surface
Слайд 37

Fractures Some extension (if big enough difference between principle stresses) may


Some extension (if big enough difference between principle stresses) may exist

producing “open” fractures with definite aperture and spacing that, being unfilled by secondary minerals, increase reservoir’ permeability greatly – as cube of joint aperture

shear fractures

extensional fracture (real joint)

flattening fractures

Слайд 38

Fractured Reservoirs (joints only!) Nelson (1992): I – essential contribution in

Fractured Reservoirs (joints only!)

Nelson (1992):
I – essential contribution in reservoir’ porosity

& permeability; deplete rapidly, basically not economic,
II – essential permeability; matrix porosity support fluid flow to fractures; good reserves,
III – fractures add to reservoir’ permeability, improving otherwise poor-quality reservoir,
IV – regular matrix reservoir, where fractures add permeability anysotropy/compartmentalisation.
Слайд 39

Fault-Associated Fractures what tends to be open? simple shear

Fault-Associated Fractures

what tends to be open?

simple shear

Слайд 40

Fracturing associated with faults Twiss & Moores, 1992 Fault-Associated Fractures

Fracturing associated with faults

Twiss & Moores, 1992

Fault-Associated Fractures

Слайд 41

Fold-Associated Fractures Simple view

Fold-Associated Fractures

Simple view

Слайд 42

Fold-Associated Fractures Scheme described by Stearns, 1968 Classification relates fractures and

Fold-Associated Fractures

Scheme described by Stearns, 1968
Classification relates fractures and bedding orientation,

plus curvature, with some aspects of a “process model”

Type 1

Type 2

Types 3a, 3b

Слайд 43

Cooling Magmatic – both plutonic and volcanic - rocks cooling (columnar


Magmatic – both plutonic and volcanic - rocks cooling (columnar basalts

are good example)

Twiss & Moores, 1992

Слайд 44

High Differential Stress Fracturing because of general strain (big enough differential

High Differential Stress

Fracturing because of general strain (big enough differential stress)


& Gross, 1992



S/T ≈ 0.7…1.2
S – fracture spacing,
T – bed thickness

Слайд 45

Tectonic Uplifting Fracturing because of tectonic uplifting – sure should be

Tectonic Uplifting

Fracturing because of tectonic uplifting – sure should be initiated

by other processes (like cooling)

Twiss & Moores, 1992

Слайд 46

Natural Hydrofracturing Twiss & Moores, 1992

Natural Hydrofracturing

Twiss & Moores, 1992