Atomic structure and properties. (Chapter 3)


Слайд 2

Picture of the Atom Electromagnetic radiation and Atomic Spectra The Nature

Picture of the Atom
Electromagnetic radiation and Atomic Spectra
The Nature of

Electron and Atomic Orbitals
Many-electron atoms
Atomic properties and Periodicity
Nuclear chemistry

Chapter 3

Слайд 3

3.1.1 Atomic concept, 3.1.2 Subatomic particles, 3.1.3 Atomic structure: first ideas Part I

3.1.1 Atomic concept,
3.1.2 Subatomic particles,
3.1.3 Atomic structure: first ideas


Слайд 4

Dalton Atomic Theory Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms

Dalton Atomic Theory
Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms

The atoms of a given elements are identical
3. Chemical compounds are formed when atoms combine with one another. A given compound has the same relative numbers and types of atoms
4. Chemical reaction involve reorganization of the atoms. The atom themselves are not changed.

The classical picture of the atom

Слайд 5

J.J. Thomson’s Cathode Tube Charge-to-mass ratio

J.J. Thomson’s Cathode Tube

Charge-to-mass ratio

Слайд 6

The Atom : J. J. Thomson (1856-1940) e/m = -1.76 x 108 C/g Experiment date 1898-1903

The Atom : J. J. Thomson (1856-1940)

e/m = -1.76 x 108


Experiment date 1898-1903

Слайд 7

The Atom based on Thomson’s experiment A ray of particles is

The Atom based on Thomson’s experiment
A ray of particles is produced

two metallic electrodes.
These particles are negatively charged
Since electrons could be produced from electrodes made of various types of metals, all atoms must contain electrons
e/m = -1.76 x 108 C/g
Atoms = neutral! Positive charges are located somewhere.
Слайд 8

Mass of electron Mass of a single electron e= -1.6x10-19 C

Mass of electron

Mass of a single electron
e= -1.6x10-19 C m =

9.11 x 10-31 kg (Millikan)

Слайд 9

Rutherford Experiment Ernest Rutherford – 1911 With Thomson Model : a

Rutherford Experiment

Ernest Rutherford – 1911
With Thomson Model : a particles should

travel through the atom without deflection.

Слайд 10

Rutherford Experiment

Rutherford Experiment

Слайд 11

The Nucleus Ernest Rutherford – 1911 Conclusion : Dense positive center

The Nucleus

Ernest Rutherford – 1911
Conclusion : Dense positive center with electrons

far from the nucleus
Слайд 12

Modern View

Modern View

Слайд 13

3.2. Electromagnetic Radiation and Quantization 3.2.1: Electromagnetic Radiation 3.2.2: Quantization 3.2.3: The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen

3.2. Electromagnetic Radiation and Quantization

3.2.1: Electromagnetic Radiation
3.2.2: Quantization
3.2.3: The Atomic Spectrum

of Hydrogen
Слайд 14



Слайд 15

Electromagnetic radiation Light X-ray MRI Microwave Travel like a wave Travel with the speed of light

Electromagnetic radiation





Travel like a wave
Travel with the speed of light

Слайд 16

Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation = a way for energy to travel.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic Radiation = a way for energy to travel.
2 oscillating

fields (H and E)
Слайд 17



Слайд 18

Electromagnetic Radiation - Characteristics λ = wavelength = distance between two

Electromagnetic Radiation - Characteristics

λ = wavelength = distance between two peaks

or two troughs in a wave. (m)
= frequency = number of waves / s at a specific point of space. (s-1 or Hz)
Because speed = c
= 3x108 m/s

The radiation with the shortest wavelength has the highest frequency

λ ∞ 1/ν

Слайд 19

Radio in the 909kHz. What wavelength does it correspond to? λ

Radio in the 909kHz. What wavelength does it correspond to?

λ =

c/ν = 330 m

C = 2.998 108 ms-1
ν = 909. 103 s-1

Слайд 20

Nature of Matter At the end of the 19th century :

Nature of Matter

At the end of the 19th century :

≠ Energy
Matter = particles and Energy = electromagnetic radiations
Max Planck and the black body radiation :

Classic : matter can absorb or emit any quantity of energy ? no maximum ? infinite intensity at very low wavelength.
Quantum : Energy could only be gained or emitted in whole number multiples of hν. h = Plank’s constant = 6.626x10-34Js

Слайд 21

Photoelectric effect When UV radiation hits a metal surface, electrons are

Photoelectric effect

When UV radiation hits a metal surface, electrons are ejected

– photoelectric effect. (in 1905 explained by Albert Einstein using a quantum approach)
hν = Φ + EKE
Φ - work function – minimum energy required to remove the electron
EKE – kinetic energy of the ejected electron

Albert Einstein Theory :
Energy itself is quantified and radiation could be seen as a stream of particles (photons)!

Слайд 22

E = h x ν E = 6.63 x 10-34 (J•s)

E = h x ν

E = 6.63 x 10-34 (J•s) x

3.00 x 10 8 (m/s) / 0.154 x 10-9 (m)

E = 1.29 x 10 -15 J

E = h x c / λ

When copper is bombarded with high-energy electrons, X rays are emitted. Calculate the energy (in joules) associated with the photons if the wavelength of the X rays is 0.154 nm.

Слайд 23

Dual Nature of Light Energy – Mass relationship : A particle

Dual Nature of Light

Energy – Mass relationship :
A particle but also

a wave :
Summary :
- Energy is quantized
- Only discrete units of energy (quanta) could be transferred
- Dual nature of light
Слайд 24

De Broglie 1924 λ = h/mν λ Proportional to h/mν H

De Broglie 1924

λ = h/mν

λ Proportional to h/mν

H :Planck Constant
M :

ν : velocity
Слайд 25

Diffraction What is the wavelength for an electron? Me = 9.11x10-31


What is the wavelength for an electron?

Me = 9.11x10-31 kg

= 1.0x107 m/s
1 J = 1 kg.m2/s2

The electron has a WL similar to the spacing of atoms in a crystal.
Confirmed for Ni crystal.
Diffraction : result of light scattered from a regular array of points or lines.

Слайд 26

How to test the wave properties of an electron?

How to test the wave properties of an electron?

Слайд 27

How to test the wave properties of an electron?

How to test the wave properties of an electron?

Слайд 28

Diffraction When X-rays are scattered by ordered atoms ? Diffraction pattern.


When X-rays are scattered by ordered atoms ? Diffraction pattern.

Слайд 29

Conclusion All matter exhibits both particulate and wave properties. Large particles


All matter exhibits both particulate and wave properties.
Large particles : mainly

Small particles : mainly wave
Intermediate particles (electron) : both
Слайд 30

Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen When a high energy discharge is passed

Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen

When a high energy discharge is passed through

H2 ? H-H breaks ? excited H atoms.
Release of energy ? Emission spectrum.
Слайд 31

Table 3.4. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen

Table 3.4. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen

Слайд 32

Слайд 33

Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen Why do we have a line spectrum

Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen

Why do we have a line spectrum for

H ?
Only certain energies are allowed for the electron in the hydrogen atom.
Energy is quantized!
Слайд 34

3.3.2: The Bohr Model

3.3.2: The Bohr Model

Слайд 35

The Bohr Model General Idea : The electron in a hydrogen

The Bohr Model

General Idea :
The electron in a hydrogen atom moves

around the nucleus only in certain allowed circular obits.
Bohr used classical physics to calculate the radii of these orbits.
At an infinite distance E=0 (n=∞)
Слайд 36

The Bohr Model Example : Energy emitted from n=6 to ground

The Bohr Model

Example : Energy emitted from n=6 to ground state

The negative sign means that the electron is more tightly bound when
n=1 than when n=6
Слайд 37

Wave Function and Atomic Orbitals 3.5.1 Wave properties of matter, Heisenberg

Wave Function and Atomic Orbitals

3.5.1 Wave properties of matter, Heisenberg uncertainty

3.5.2 Wave-functions and Schrödinger equation
3.5.3 Shapes of atomic orbitals
Слайд 38

De Broglie All moving particles have wave properties λ= h mu

De Broglie

All moving particles have wave properties




= Wavelength
h = Planck

m = Mass
u = Velocity of the particle

The electron bound to the nucleus is similar to a standing wave.
The waves do not travel.
Node = no displacement of the wave = each end.
? Always a whole number of half-WL.

Слайд 39




Слайд 40

Quantum Mechanical Description of the Atom Heisenberg – de Broglie –

Quantum Mechanical Description of the Atom

Heisenberg – de Broglie – Schrödinger

certain circular orbits have a circumference into which a whole number of wavelength of the standing electron will fit.

ψ = wave function : describes x, y, z of the electron
H = Hamiltonian operator
E = Total Energy of the atom (Ep e-p + Ek e)

– probability of finding an electron at some point is proportional to Ψ Ψ *. Ψ * is the complex conjugate

Слайд 41

The Schrödinger equation The probability distributions and allowed energy levels for

The Schrödinger equation

The probability distributions and allowed energy levels for electrons

in atoms and molecules can be calculated using the Schrödinger equation

– second order differential equation

– equation has a large number of different solutions
» each corresponds to a different possible probability distribution for the electron

– probability of finding an electron at some point is proportional to Ψ Ψ *. Ψ * is the complex conjugate

Слайд 42

Schrodinger Wave Equation

Schrodinger Wave Equation


Слайд 43

Kinetic Energy of the Electron Motion Potential Energy of the Electron.

Kinetic Energy of the
Electron Motion

Potential Energy of the
Electron. The

result of
electrostatic attraction
between the electron
and the nucleus. It is
commonly designated as V



Hamiltonian for one Electron

Слайд 44

Kinetic Energy Potential Energy




Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy

Слайд 45

Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate

Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate

Слайд 46

The wavefunction Atomic wavefunctions are usually expressed in spherical polar coordinates

The wavefunction

Atomic wavefunctions are usually expressed in spherical polar coordinates

give value of Ψ at any point in space specified by r, θ and φ
Can write Ψ(r, θ, φ)=R(r) Y(θ, φ)
– R(r) is radial part of wavefunction
– Y(θ, φ) is angular part of wavefunction

Quantum Numbers and Atomic Wavefunctions

x = rsinθcosφ
y = rsinθsinφ
z = rcosθ

Слайд 47

Homework-2 Please solve problems ; Chapter 3 6, 9, 10, 12,


Please solve problems ;
Chapter 3
6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16 and

Due on Wednesday. Recitation time
Слайд 48

Wave Equation for the Hydrogen Atom – R(r) is radial part

Wave Equation for the Hydrogen Atom
– R(r) is radial part of

Describes electrons density at different
distances from the nucleus
– Y(θ, φ) is angular part of wavefunction
Describes the shape of the orbitals and
its orientation in space.
In other words:
How the probability changes from point to
point at a given distance from the
center of the atom.

x = rsinθcosφ
y = rsinθsinφ
z = rcosθ

Ψ(x, y, z)= Ψ(r, θ, φ) = R(r) Y(θ, φ)

Слайд 49

Quantum numbers : Quantum numbers : n = principal quantum number

Quantum numbers :

Quantum numbers :
n = principal quantum number : size

and energy of the orbital
l = angular momentum quantum number : 0 to n-1 : shape of the orbital
ml = magnetic quantum number : -l to +l : orientation in space of the angular momentum
Слайд 50

Radial and Angular Wave Function for 1s derived from Schrodinger Equation

Radial and Angular Wave Function for 1s derived from Schrodinger Equation





Слайд 51

Plot of Radial Wave Function = f(r)

Plot of Radial Wave Function = f(r)

Слайд 52

s orbitals Size : 1s Energy : 1s Surface of 0

s orbitals

Size : 1s<2s<3s.
Energy : 1s<2s<3s.
Surface of 0 probability = nodal

surface / node.
Number of node = n-1 for s orbitals.
Слайд 53

Physical Meaning of Orbitals The wave function has no easy physical

Physical Meaning of Orbitals

The wave function has no easy physical meaning.

square of the WV at a certain point in space = probability to find an electron near that point = probability distribution.

For 1s orbital : arbitrary accepted size = radius of the sphere that encloses 90% of total electron probability.

Слайд 54

a1 = 52.9pm radius at n =1 for hydrogen


a1 = 52.9pm radius at n =1 for hydrogen

Слайд 55

a1 = 52.9pm radius at n =1 for hydrogen


a1 = 52.9pm radius at n =1 for hydrogen

Слайд 56

p orbitals Two lobes separated by a node. Sine function :

p orbitals

Two lobes separated by a node.
Sine function : +

and - ? same for the orbital.
Px, Py, Pz following their orientation
Слайд 57

d orbitals 2 different shapes : dxz,dyz,dxy, dx2-y2 and dz2

d orbitals

2 different shapes : dxz,dyz,dxy, dx2-y2 and dz2

Слайд 58

f orbitals Very complex shapes

f orbitals

Very complex shapes

Слайд 59

Schrödinger Equation Each solution ψ of the Schrödinger equation has a

Schrödinger Equation

Each solution ψ of the Schrödinger equation has a specific

value for E.
A specific wave function for a given electron = orbital
An orbital ≠ orbit.
How does an electron move in an orbit? We don’t know!
Слайд 60

Heisenberg uncertainty principle There is a fundamental limitation to just how

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

There is a fundamental limitation to just how precisely

we can know both the position and the momentum of a particle at a given time.
Negligible for macro particles (ball, etc.) but not for small particles!
Слайд 61

The Hydrogen Atom : summary The quantum mechanical model : electron

The Hydrogen Atom : summary

The quantum mechanical model : electron =

Series of wave function (orbitals) that describe the possible energies and spatial distributions available to the electrons.
Heisenberg : the electron motion can’t be defined.
The square of the WF = probability distribution of the electron in an orbital.
The size of the orbital is arbitrarily defined .
Surface that contains 90% of the total electron probability.
The H atom has many orbitals.
In the ground state : e- in 1s.
Слайд 62

Polyelectronic Model Schrödinger equation can be solved exactly only for hydrogen.

Polyelectronic Model

Schrödinger equation can be solved exactly only for hydrogen.
Schrödinger equation

cannot be solved exactly for polyelectronic atoms.
It has to be approximated : SCF : Self-Consistent Field by Hartree.
1- A WF (orbital) is guessed for each electron except for electron 1.
2- Schrödinger equation is solved for electron 1
3- The repulsion between 1 and the others electrons are computed
4- ψ1 is found
5- ψ2, etc. are computed
6- The entire process start again until a self-consistent field is obtained
Слайд 63

Self-Consistent Field Method

Self-Consistent Field Method

Слайд 64 Review this link at home

Review this link at home

Слайд 65

Many Electron Atoms Electron spin, Aufbau principle, Anomalies in electronic configuration,

Many Electron Atoms

Electron spin,
Aufbau principle,
Anomalies in electronic configuration, Structure

of Periodic table

Part V

Слайд 66

Electron Spin and Pauli Principle A 4th quantum number describe the

Electron Spin and Pauli Principle

A 4th quantum number describe the electron

: ms : electron spin quantum number.
The electron doesn’t really “spin” = name for the intrinsic angular moment.
ms = +1/2 or -1/2
Pauli exclusion principle : in a given atom no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
– An orbital can hold only two electrons and they must have opposite spin.
Слайд 67

History of the Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev : ми́трий Менделе́ев One

History of the Periodic Table
Dmitri Mendeleev : ми́трий Менделе́ев
One of first

to arrange known elements into a chart
Allowed prediction of element properties
Arranged known elements according to increasing atomic masses
Mendeleev first stated the periodic law
“The properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic

1834 – 1907
Saint Petersburg - Russia

Later, after more observations, the table was correctly arranged in ORDER OF INCREASING ATOMIC NUMBER

Слайд 68

The Aufbau Principle Principle to populate orbitals.

The Aufbau Principle

Principle to populate orbitals.

Слайд 69

Valence electrons Valence electrons = electrons from the outermost principal quantum

Valence electrons

Valence electrons = electrons from the outermost principal quantum level

of an atom.
Group : Elements in a column : Same valence configuration
Слайд 70



Слайд 71

Rules After 4s2, we fill 3d. Mn : [Ar]4s23d5 – Fe


After 4s2, we fill 3d.
Mn : [Ar]4s23d5 – Fe [Ar]4s23d6
Additional Rules:

(n+1) orbitals always fill before the nd orbitals.
After lanthanum, the lanthanide series occur. ? filling of 4f instead of 5d
After actinium, the actinide series occur. ? filling 5f instead of 6d
Groups 1A?8A indicate the total number of valance electrons.
Groups 1A?8A are main group elements.
2 exceptions to learn by heart : Cr [Ar]4s1d5 and Cu [Ar]4s13d10
Слайд 72

Rules Element above 118 are generally unstable G contain 9 orbitals


Element above 118
are generally unstable

G contain 9 orbitals l = n-1

= 4 so -4,-3,-2, -1, 0, 2, 3, 4 each
Слайд 73



Слайд 74

Hund’s Rule The lowest energy configuration for an atom is the

Hund’s Rule

The lowest energy configuration for an atom is the one

having the maximum number of unpaired electrons allowed by the Pauli Principle.
Configuration of Ne? 1s22s22p6
Configuration of Na? [Ne]3s1
Слайд 75

Pauli Exclusion Principle Pauli Exclusion principle ; no two electrons in

Pauli Exclusion Principle
Pauli Exclusion principle ; no two electrons in an

atom can have the same quantum numbers n, l, ml, and ms
– this means that an orbital can never have more than two electrons in it
Hund’s Rule
Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity requires that electrons be placed in orbitals to give the maximum total spin possible (the maximum number of parallel spin)
Слайд 76

Penetration Effect Why do we fill s, p and then d?.

Penetration Effect

Why do we fill s, p and then d?.

electrons : 1s, 2s and 2p are shielding 3s, 3p, 3d from the nuclear charge.
Even if 3s has a max around 200pm, it has a small/significant prob. of being quite close to the nucleus ? Penetration effect.
3p has less chance to be near the nucleus
3d shows much less penetration than 3p. E3s < E3p < E3d
Слайд 77

Penetration Effect The penetration effect also explains why 4s is filled

Penetration Effect

The penetration effect also explains why 4s is filled before


Potassium : 1S22S22P63S23P64S1 rather than 1S22S22P63S23P63d1

An electron in a 4S penetrate much more than an electron in a 3d orbital, as shown
Graphically. (qualitative explanation)

Слайд 78

4s 5g 5s 3p 3s 2p 2s Slater rules provide an








Slater rules provide an approximate
Guide explain why certain orbitals

before others.
Слайд 79

Слайд 80

Slater’s Rules The rules were devised semi-empirically by John C. Slater

Slater’s Rules The rules were devised semi-empirically by John C. Slater and published in 1930

Identify Zeff

(as a measure of attraction) for any electron
Z* = Z – S
Where Z = nuclear charge
S = shielding constant &

Rule-1. The atoms electronic structure is written in order of increasing quantum numbers n and l grouped as follows:
(1s) (2s,2p) (3s,3p) (3d) (4s,4p) (4d) (4f) (5s, 5p) (5d) etc.
Rule-2. Each group to the right do not shield electrons to their left.

Слайд 81

Slater’s Rules The rules were devised semi-empirically by John C. Slater

Slater’s Rules The rules were devised semi-empirically by John C. Slater and published in 1930

Rules for

determining S
S = shielding constant &

Rule-1. The atoms electronic structure is written in order of increasing quantum numbers n and l grouped as follows:
(1s) (2s,2p) (3s,3p) (3d) (4s,4p) (4d) (4f) (5s, 5p) (5d) etc.
Rule-2. Each group to the right do not shield electrons to their left.

Слайд 82

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron The shielding

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron

The shielding constant

(S) ns and np valence electrons:
3a) Each electron in the same (ns, np) group contributes 0.35 to the value of S for each other electron in the group.
Except. A 1s electron contributes 0.30 to S of another 1s electron.
EXAMPLE: 2s2p5, in a particular 2p electron has 6 other electron in (2s, 2p) group. Each of these contribute 0.35 to the value of S, for a total contribution to S of 6×0.35=2.10
Слайд 83

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron Rule -3b:

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron

Rule -3b: Each

electron in n-1 group contribute 0.85 to S
Rule -3c: Each electron in n-2 group or lower shells contribute 1.00 to S
EXAMPLE: 3s electrons of sodium (1s22s2p63S1) , there are 8 electrons in n-1 (2s, 2p) group, each of these contribute 0.85 to the value of S, for a total contribution to S of 8×0.85=6.80. There are two electrons in n-2(1S) 2 ×1 = 2, S = 8.80
Слайд 84

Z* for Na = Z – S = 11 – 8.8 = 2.2

Z* for Na = Z – S = 11 – 8.8

= 2.2
Слайд 85

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron Rule -4a:

Slater’s Rules for determining S for a specific electron

Rule -4a: Each

electron in nd and nf valence
Each electron in the same group (nd) or (nf) group contribute 0.35 to the value of S to each other electron in the group (same rule as 3a)
Rule -4b:
Each electron in groups to the left contribute 1 to the value of S.
Слайд 86

Nickel Use slater rules to calculate the shielding constant S and

Use slater rules to calculate the shielding constant S and effective

nuclear charge of 3d and 4s electrons. Compare

Explain why the most common oxidation state
of Ni have [Ar]3d8

Слайд 87

Solution Rule-1 : the electron configuration is written using slater’s groupings:


Rule-1 : the electron configuration is written using slater’s groupings:
(1s2)(2s2, 2p6)(3s2,

To calculate S for 3d valence electron:
Rule 4a : each electron in the group(3d8) contributes 0.35 to S. Total contribution = 7×0.35=2.45
Rule 4b : each electron in the group to the left of (3d8) Contribute 1 to S. Total contribution = 18×1=18.00
Total S = 2.45 +18.00= 20.45
The effective nuclear charge Z*=28-20.45=7.55
Слайд 88

Solution Rule-1 : the electron configuration is written using slater’s groupings:


Rule-1 : the electron configuration is written using slater’s groupings:
(1s2)(2s2, 2p6)(3s2,

3p6)(3d8) (4s2)
To calculate S for 4s valence electron:
Rule 3a : each electron in the 4s group contribute 0.35 1× 0.35
Rule 3b : each electron in the n-1 group contribute 0.85 (0.85.16) = 13.60
Rule 3c : each electron on the left of n-1 Contribute 1 to S. Total contribution = 10×1=10.00
Total S = 0.35 + 13.60 + 10.00= 23.95
The effective nuclear charge Z*=28-23.95=4.05
Слайд 89

Comparison of The effective nuclear charge 3d electrons The effective nuclear

Comparison of The effective nuclear charge

3d electrons
The effective nuclear charge

4s electrons
Ni : [Ar]3d8
All transition Metals loose ns electrons more readily than (n-1) d electrons
Слайд 90

Periodic Properties of Atoms : Ionization Energy Ionization Energy : Energy

Periodic Properties of Atoms : Ionization Energy

Ionization Energy : Energy required

to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. IE in kJ or eV (1 eV = 1.602x10-19J)
X(g) ? X+(g) + e-
Koopmans’ theorem : IE of an electron = energy of the orbital from which it came. (Approx because it doesn’t take into account a reorganization)
Al(g) ? Al+(g) + e- I1 = 580 kJ/mol
Al+(g) ? Al2+(g) + e- I2 = 1815 kJ/mol
Al2+(g) ? Al3+(g) + e- I3 = 2740kJ/mol
Al3+(g) ? Al4+(g) + e- I4 = 11 600kJ/mol
[Ne]3s23p1 : First e- come from 3p, second from 3s
I1I4 is very high : Al3+ : 1s22s22p6 : core electrons are bound very tight!
Слайд 91

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy IE core electrons >>

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy

IE core electrons >>

IE >>

from left to right in a period

X(g)→ X+(g) +1e-

The first ionization energy increases across a period and decreases down a group

Слайд 92

Слайд 93

Слайд 94

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy Li: 1s22s1 (3 electrons)

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy

Li: 1s22s1 (3 electrons)

1s22s2 (3 electrons)
Expected since Be electrons
do shield each other completely

Be: 1s22s2 (3 electrons)
B: 1s22s22p1 (3 electrons)
Expected since 2s electrons
do shield each 2p electrons effectively

Слайд 95

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy IE goes down along

Trend in Atomic Properties : Ionization Energy
IE goes down along a

The removed electron is away from the core
Слайд 96

Trend in Atomic Properties : Atomic Radius Atomic Radius: half the

Trend in Atomic Properties : Atomic Radius

Atomic Radius: half the distance

between the nuclei in a molecule consisting of identical atoms.
Слайд 97




Слайд 98

Alkali Metals – 1A Low melting point Lose easily an electron

Alkali Metals – 1A

Low melting point
Lose easily an electron
Strong reducer

> K > Na

Na and K react more violently with water than Li
due to its high melting point.

Abnormal: Order is due to the hydration energies.

Слайд 99

ρsinφ Δρ Angle = Arc Length radius of the circle



Angle =

Arc Length
radius of the circle

Слайд 100