GIS technology in forest management planning


Слайд 2

The use of GIS-technologies in the Russian forestry complex The main

The use of GIS-technologies in the Russian forestry complex
The main directions

of use GIS in the forest complex
The main groups of GIS-users
GIS technology in forest management planning
Modern trends in the development of GIS in the forest complex


Слайд 3

Generalized stages of GIS-technologies implementation in the Russian forest complex: Introduction

Generalized stages of GIS-technologies implementation in the Russian forest complex:
Introduction of

automated systems (before GIS). 1980-1990s.
Introduction of GIS-technologies in forest management production. Late1990s-2006.
Extension of the range of GIS tasks, taking into account changes in forest legislation. From 2007 to the present.

1. The use of GIS-technologies in the Russian forestry complex

Слайд 4

Development and implementation of automated systems for the automation of scientific

Development and implementation of automated systems for the automation of scientific

research (modeling of growth of stands, processing and storage of sample plot data for scientists); automation of planning (processing and presentation of forest management information for forest managers); automation of forest management (material and financial evaluation of cutting areas, production management and technological processes for forestry engineers and foresters).
The main consumers of automated system in forestry were research and project institutes, ministries of forestry, forest management enterprices, forestry committees in the republics, universities and technical schools.

Introduction of automated systems

Слайд 5

Improvement and automation of the stages of forest inventory production (creation

Improvement and automation of the stages of forest inventory production (creation

of forest maps, formation of geoinformation databases of forest inventory, forest management planning)
Development and implementation of the system of continuous forest management in the practice of forestry (based on periodic updating of the geoinformation database). Continuous forest management was carried out in forest districts with intensive economic activities and the need for continuous updating of forest management information. GIS-technologies allowed to update cartographic and thematic data after felling, reforestation, fires, changes in borders and other changes without significant costs.
Use of GIS-technologies for forest management (forest districts, committees, departments of forestry). The main tasks to be solved are the search for information in forest inventory databases, processing of log materials, the formation of documents and reports.

Introduction of GIS-technologies in forest management production

Слайд 6

The use of GIS-technologies for tasks identified in the new forestry

The use of GIS-technologies for tasks identified in the new forestry

legislation (after 2006) - state inventory of forests, cadastre, forest inventory.
Gradual integration of forestry GIS with other modern information technologies, software and hardware (processing of remote sensing materials of the Earth, modeling of relief, Internet technologies, geo-positioning, use of mobile devices)

Extension of the range of GIS tasks, taking into account changes in forest legislation

Слайд 7

Production of forest maps

Production of forest maps

Слайд 8

Updating of the geoinformation databases

Updating of the geoinformation databases

Слайд 9

GIS-software for National (State) forest inventory

GIS-software for National (State) forest inventory

Слайд 10

Use photogrammetry, mobile devices for making and visualization forest inventory databases

Use photogrammetry, mobile devices for making and visualization forest inventory databases

Слайд 11

The evident benefits to use GIS- technologies for forest inventory The

The evident benefits to use GIS- technologies for forest inventory

The reduction

of share of the manual labor for office forest inventory works (making maps and databases, data processing)
Improvement of the processes of data conservation and processing
Increasing of quality and precision of forest maps
Improvement a visualization of results of inventory and forest planning
Improvement processes of comparing of data, getting of spatial characteristics, estimation of forestry, analysis of connected databases for decision of the tasks of the forest management and planning
Слайд 12

Interactions GIS with other scientific and practical areas Statistics, Ecology, Environmental

Interactions GIS with other scientific and practical areas

Statistics, Ecology, Environmental management,

Forest policy, Forest inventory and planning…
Слайд 13

The particularities of forest resources as object of the use IT

The particularities of forest resources as object of the use IT

and GIS

Forest ecosystems are complex systems containing interconnected elements (trees, ecological groups, layers, landscapes units…)
Forest ecosystems are spatial objects that important for them inventory and planning
Execution a modern demands to forest management and planning means a greatly growth a volumes of information about forests (for sustainable forestry, state forest inventory, monitoring of forest ecosystems, certification…),

Слайд 14

The main directions of use GIS in the forest complex

The main directions of use GIS in the forest complex

Слайд 15

State and private forest inventory companies, Forest districts («lesnichestva»), forest administrations,

State and private forest inventory companies,
Forest districts («lesnichestva»), forest administrations, forest

management enterprises
Companies – leaseholders
Administrations of nature reserves and national parks

The main groups of GIS-users

Слайд 16

Since the late 1990s in forest inventory enterprises, located in different

Since the late 1990s in forest inventory enterprises, located in different

part of country, have been used several GIS-complexes.
GIS-technologies are used for making GIS-databases and forest management planning.


Слайд 17

The main developers and consumers of GIS software are state forest

The main developers and consumers of GIS software are state forest

management enterprises (36 branches, about 3500 employers).
In different regions of country are used different GIS-complexes and different technologies for creating databases. Regions differ significantly (according to natural, economic conditions, volumes and types of forest use, availability of forests, intensity of forestry, percentage of forests leased). Therefore, the objectives of forest management, solved using GIS, in different regions differ too.
Developers of GIS for forest management generally create additional modules for forestry, planning of logging sites and processing of logging site materials

The features of Russian forest management GIS

Слайд 18

Branch network of FSBI Roslesinforg - the largest user of GIS forest inventory

Branch network of FSBI Roslesinforg - the largest user of GIS

forest inventory
Слайд 19

As a rule GIS-complex consists from professional GIS (MapInfo, ArcGIS, Topol,

As a rule GIS-complex consists from professional GIS (MapInfo, ArcGIS, Topol,

WinGIS) for making and visualization of forest maps and special application for processing attributive data.
Most of the analytical functions of GIS remain unclaimed.
Software for forestry, as a rule, is a cheaper and simplified version of programs for forest management
A single universal software product for solving problems of forest management and forestry does not exist

The features of Russian forest management GIS

Слайд 20

Software-applications for forest inventory

Software-applications for forest inventory

Слайд 21

The typical structure of GIS-complexes for forest management planning

The typical structure of GIS-complexes for forest management planning

Слайд 22

GIS-complexe LUGIS GIS WinGIS (Progis Software GmbH, Austria) System of

GIS-complexe LUGIS

GIS WinGIS (Progis Software GmbH, Austria)

System of processing

of forest inventory information WinPLP (Sevzaplesproekt, RF)
Слайд 23

AcrView GIS 3.2 with extensions, MapInfo Professional 12.5 for Windows, WinGIS

AcrView GIS 3.2 with extensions,
MapInfo Professional 12.5 for Windows,
WinGIS 2003,
Quantum GIS,


used in the educational process at the Department of forest inventory, management and GIS
Слайд 24

Article 68. Contents of Forest Management Planning (Forest Code of the

Article 68. Contents of Forest Management Planning (Forest Code of the

RF, 2006)
1. Forest management planning shall include:
1) planning of forest districts and forest parks;
2) planning of production forests, protection forests, reserve forests and special protection parcels of forests;

5) inventory of stands (identification, recording , and assessment of forest resource qualitative and
quantitative characteristics);
6) planning of forest protection and renewal activities.

5. GIS technology in forest management planning

Слайд 25

The chain of stages for realization of forest use (GIS can

The chain of stages for realization of forest use (GIS can

be use at each stage)

Forest inventory for management.
Classification of forests (division of forests into categories with different regimes, limits and targets of uses)
Accounting for the powers of Public authorities of the RF, Subjects of the RF in the Area of Forest Relations (setting up reforestation rules, rates of payment, wood harvesting rules…)
Forest Management Planning (development of Forest plans, Forest management regulation, forest development plan)
Use of forest resources on practice

Слайд 26

Delimitation a borders of protection categories of forests Width of Forbidded

Delimitation a borders of protection categories of forests

Width of Forbidded belts

along roads should be 250 м
Width of water protection forests along rivers 50 м
Слайд 27

The basic documents for forest management planning in Russia

The basic documents for forest management planning in Russia

Слайд 28

Режим всех разрешенных видов пользования лесом на особо охраняемых природных территориях

Режим всех разрешенных видов пользования лесом на особо охраняемых природных территориях

определяется их Положением.
Заготовка древесины. В защитных лесах не допускается заготовка древесины в спелых и перестойных насаждениях, но допускается заготовка древесины в средневозрастных, приспевающих, спелых и перестойных лесах при рубках ухода (за исключением лесов, выполняющих функции защиты природных и иных объектов), а так же при санитарных рубках и прочих рубках.
Заготовка живицы. Заготовка живицы не допускается в очагах вредных организмов до их ликвидации; насаждениях, поврежденных и ослабленных вследствие воздействия лесных пожаров, вредных организмов и других негативных факторов; лесных насаждениях, где не допускается проведение сплошных или выборочных рубок спелых и перестойных насаждений для заготовки древесины; в постоянных лесосеменных участках, лесосеменных плантациях, генетических резерватах. Не допускается подсочка плюсовых деревьев, семенников, семенных куртин и полос.
Заготовка и сбор недревесных лесных ресурсов. Допускается во всех лесах в соответствии с разрешенным объемом заготовки. Могут быть ограничения в лесах зеленых зон, если заготовка недревесных лесных ресурсов связана с рубкой лесных насаждений.
Заготовка пищевых лесных ресурсов и сбор лекарственных растений. Допускается во всех лесах в соответствии с разрешенным объемом заготовки.
Ведение охотничьего хозяйства. Запрещено в лесах зеленых зон.
Ведение сельского хозяйства. Запрещено в противоэрозионных лесах, зеленых зонах и лесах, имеющих научное или историческое значение. В лесах, имеющих научное или историческое значение и в противоэрозионных лесах – разрешено только пчеловодство; в зеленых зонах – только сенокошение и пчеловодство

Kinds of allowable forest uses in RF

Article 25. Forest Uses
1. The following forest uses shall be permitted:
1) wood harvesting;
2) resin harvesting;
3) harvesting and collection of non-timber forest resources;
4) harvesting of food forest resources and collection of medicinal plants;
5) game management and hunting;
6) agriculture;
7) research activities, education/training activities;
8) recreational activities;
9) establishment and use of forest plantations;
10) cultivation of forest fruit, berry, ornamental plants, medicinal plants;
11) works related to geological exploration of mineral resources, and development of mineral resource
12) construction and operation of water reservoirs and other man-made water bodies as well as water engineering facilities and special-purpose ports;
13) construction, reconstruction, and operation of power transmission lines, communication lines,
roads, pipelines and other linear utilities;
14) processing of wood and other forest resources;
15) religious activities;
16) other uses as defined in part 2 of Article 6 of this Code.

Слайд 29

Calculation an allowable cuts for cutting in mature and over stands

Calculation an allowable cuts for cutting in mature and over stands


limits for planning a forests uses on protection categories (age of cut, type of felling, allowable percent of selection…)
The account allowable cuts on types of felling, protection categories, species of trees, sections
Слайд 30

Calculation an allowable cuts for intermediate felling The limits for planning

Calculation an allowable cuts for intermediate felling

The limits for planning an

intermediate cutting
allowable cuts for intermediate cutting
Слайд 31

Calculation an allowable for use volumes of non wood resources of

Calculation an allowable for use volumes of non wood resources of

forests (algorithm)

Getting results of forest inventory (GIS-database)
Assessment a quantitative characteristics of nonwood forest resources on base of forest inventory, coefficients of correlations, equations, scientific researches, nature observation, statistic data, sample plots…etc.
Definition an allowable volumes of use for planning period (taking to account protection category, regime of use and other limits)

Слайд 32

Calculation an allowable for use volumes of non wood resources of

Calculation an allowable for use volumes of non wood resources of

forests (elk, berries, grazing)

Data base management system (DBMS) for keeping and treatment of forest inventory data

Слайд 33

Dividing forest covered area to subsections for planning cut

Dividing forest covered area to subsections for planning cut

Слайд 34

Equations for calculations Where: L - estimated cutting area F –

Equations for calculations

L - estimated cutting area
F – forest covered area,

, Fmaturing , Fmedium age , Fmature and over – areas of young, maturing…stands,
K – duration of age classes (10 years for deciduous, 20 year for coniferous),
U – age of cutting
Слайд 35

calculation an allowable cut for intermediate fellings is executed dividing of

calculation an allowable cut for intermediate fellings is executed dividing of

all areas, assigned to different kinds of fellings by the period of repetition (срок повторяемости)

Intermediate fellings

Слайд 36

After calculation the set of allowable cut area (for final felling)

After calculation the set of allowable cut area (for final felling)

is chosen the optimal variant from them (taking to account economical, ecological, social limitations)
The allowable volumes are determined by multiplying the cutting area by the average volumes of stands.
The final cutting must be performed only within the allowable cut (not in all mature stands).
Intermediate cutting must be carried out in full.


Слайд 37

Fragment of the forest map of the location of forest compartments in which is allowed logging

Fragment of the forest map of the location of forest compartments

in which is allowed logging
Слайд 38

Fragment of forest map of location of forest infrastructure objects

Fragment of forest map of location of forest infrastructure objects

Слайд 39

Fragment of the map-scheme of fire hazard classes and designed fire-fighting measures (for forest development plan)

Fragment of the map-scheme of fire hazard classes and designed fire-fighting

measures (for forest development plan)
Слайд 40

Data about allowable kinds of forest use inside documents of forest

Data about allowable kinds of forest use inside documents of forest

management planning (Forest plan of Leningrad region)

Map-scheme of planning development of forest according kinds of permitted uses

Слайд 41

Creation of forest inventory GIS-databases Processing of attributive data (use queries,

Creation of forest inventory GIS-databases
Processing of attributive data (use queries, selections,

applications for getting results of forest inventory and calculation an allowable for use volumes of forest resources)
Creation and visualization of forest maps (schemes, plans, tablets and parts thereof), covering the distribution of types and volumes of forest resources

The typical tasks of using GIS technology in forest management planning

Слайд 42

There are a lot innovative proposals in field of use GIS

There are a lot innovative proposals in field of use GIS

for forestry, FMP, forest loggings. Developers – state and private companies, universities and scientific institutes. The basic for innovative proposals – scientific researches, significant achievements in field of IT and remote sensing methods.

Modern trends in the development of GIS in the forest complex

Слайд 43

Accessible sources of information on modern RS data, software for their

Accessible sources of information on modern RS data, software for their

processing and the possibilities of practical application

Materials of annual conferences:
Geodesy. Mine survey. Aerial survey,
Integration of geospace - the future of information technology,
From image to map: digital photogrammetric technologies,
Interexpo GEO-Siberia,
Online journals:
Geodesy and cartography
Earth from Space
Websites of GIS development companies:
Forums of specialists in GIS and remote sensing:

Слайд 44

Improving technologies of field and office works (forest inventory, forest management,

Improving technologies of field and office works (forest inventory, forest management,

monitoring, resource assessment)
Improving interactions between GIS-customers
Integration of forest inventory GIS-data with the data of other organizations (municipal GIS, land cadaster, native reserves) for solving various tasks at different levels of management
Involving to process of FMP modern tools, spatial data and algorithms of data processing. Integration of GIS with technologies for processing remote sensing materials of the Earth (automatic interpretation, modeling of relief, photogrammetry)
Expansion possibilities of keeping, exchanging and processing of forest inventory and FMP data (use Internet-facilities, cloud computing, mobile devices)
Development of modern innovative approaches to forest modeling, processing data, visualization
Solving problems for specific groups of users (forest certification, forest inventory, forest management, forest lease, researches, officials, non-governmental organizations)

The potential tasks of using GIS technology in forest management

Слайд 45

Complexity and variability of modern forest legislation in RF. Uncertainty of

Complexity and variability of modern forest legislation in RF.
Uncertainty of a

number of strategic issues in the field of forest management and national forest inventory.
A long way from scientific research to production implementation.
The lack of a real need to make significant changes in the technology for the formation of GIS databases of forest inventory and the process of FMP.
For real needs of forest management and forest inventory, those GIS capabilities that already exist are sufficient. Part of the proposals in the field of GIS, remote sensing, forest management and forest inventory is promising for scientific research.

The main barriers to improving GIS for FMP and manage of forests