Information technology

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OBJECTIVE Outline the history of Information Technology. - Brief history of


Outline the history of Information
- Brief history of computer hardware and

software, Internet and telecommunications; categories by size, cost, and processing ability.
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Introduction Information technology has been around for a long, long time.


Information technology has been around for a long, long time. Basically

as long as people have been around, information technology has been around because there were always ways of communicating through technology available at that point in time. There are 4 main ages that divide up the history of information technology. Only the latest age (electronic) and some of the electromechanical age really affects us today, but it is important to learn about how we got to the point we are at with technology today.
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COMPUTER HARDWARE Computer hardware refers to all the physical components of


Computer hardware refers to all the physical components of the

computer. Some examples are motherboard, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc.
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Brief History of Computer Hardware There are five different generations of

Brief History of Computer Hardware

There are five different generations of computers.

The five generations are:
First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation
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FIRST GENERATION COMPUTERS 1946-1959 Large and limited to basic calculation Punch


Large and limited to basic calculation
Punch cards, paper

tape, and magnetic tape were used to enter data into these computers.
Computers back then were rented for around $16,000/month.
These computers were unreliable because they would always heat up and shut down
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SECOND GENERATION COMPUTERS 1959-1965 They used transistors instead of vacuum tubes.


They used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. It

made the computers more compact.
Primary memory was stored on magnetic tape and magnetic disks were used as secondary storage
It has a slightly faster core memory
Cost around $85,000
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Third Generation Computers 1965 – 1971 Integrated circuits was introduced by

Third Generation Computers

1965 – 1971
Integrated circuits was introduced by Jack

Kilby. The size of computers were now decreased by a lot.
The input language for these types of computers were PASCAL and BASIC. This enabled the computers to perform more complex calculations.
The rental price for a machine was around $5000 and to purchase a machine around this time was around $253,000.
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Fourth Generation Computers 1971 – 1980 These computers used the VLSI

Fourth Generation Computers

1971 – 1980
These computers used the VLSI technology

or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits technology or as they were known as microprocessors.
First generation of supercomputers and personal computers were developed.
These computers were able to perform many calculations accurately.
They were used in networking
Input languages included: C+, C++ and DBASE.
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FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTERS 1981-present Use high-level languages like Python, R, C#,


Use high-level languages like Python, R, C#, Java

Wide range of processors are developed. The two most notable are Intel and AMD.
Prices may vary on what whether a person wants to buy a laptop or a desktop
If a person wishes to build a computer there are many parts available and for different prices
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Processors Over the Years

Processors Over the Years

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COMPUTER SOFTWARE Computer software is a set of instructions and associated


Computer software is a set of instructions and associated documentation

that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a task. They can be categorized into:
Application Software
System Software