Intel. Modem introduce

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1.Modem Flashing and Provisioning The Modem supports flashing over two physical

1.Modem Flashing and Provisioning

The Modem supports flashing over two physical interfaces:

HSI: used for flashing from the Application Processor
• USB: can be used for flashing from external PC (for R&D and Production)
There are three ways to flash the modem from the AP: • Fastboot:through Fastboot protocol
• Cmfwdl in Android:just for R&D purposes ; not be part of final Android* image
• FOTA: over the air via a proprietary FOTA solution
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Modem如果想要正常使用需要有以下组件: • The PSI Primary signed image. • Signed Modem FW

• The PSI Primary signed image. • Signed Modem FW Image. • Signed

IMEI. • SIMlock configuration files properly signed and flashed. • SIMlock Tickets (personalization keys) properly signed and flashed. • System tickets properly signed and flashed. • Timestamp - Emergency numbers list integrity protection with HMAC.
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The HSI flashing protocol driver provides the HSI framing and handling

The HSI flashing protocol driver provides the HSI framing and handling

used during the various phases and procedures linked to flashing: • PSI RAM download. • EBL download. • FW/NVM(CTP6360_V2.fls/patch_nvm.tlv) download, certificate download, and HW ID retrieval to sign the images.
Modem flashing结束后整个modem需要重启。
在 POS阶段, the HSI EDLP protocol driver 还没有任何clients 所以 HSI port 只能被HSI Flashing Protocol使用
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The Cellular Modem FirmWare DownLoad library

The Cellular Modem FirmWare DownLoad library

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就zc451cg平台而言,一开始fls和tlv放在vender/intel/fw/modem/IMC/6360_dsdc/FW/ZC451CG/ 然后在ZC451CG.mk里用PRODUCT_COPY_FILE+=将其copy到 System/etc/firmware/modem/里


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2.Modem core dump The XMM6360 has the ability to generate and

2.Modem core dump

The XMM6360 has the ability to generate and send

a core dump over the Cloverview SoC UART1 after each unexpected modem reset. The core dump is stored in the file system in a directory defined in a configuration file. The core dump reader(MCDR): • Opens the UART1 tty. • Sets the baud rate. • Creates an output path (if necessary). • Disables power management (so that the UART does not go to sleep). • Captures the core dump data following a pre-defined protocol. • Re-enables power management and finally closes the UART1 tty. • A timestamp is generated and saved as a string in the file name.
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3.Mmgr The MMgr is a component which manages the following aspects:


The MMgr is a component which manages the following aspects: • Modem

reset / boot sequence and IPC components being ready for communication. • Enables and configures the Cloverview SoC-to-XMM6360 IPC multiplexed communications. • Synchronizes modem client(s) start-up with modem communication readiness. • Monitors communication exceptions, informs RIL about modem state and recovers from error situations (modem self-reset, unresponsive commands, core dumps).
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The MMgr provides an API to the Client to perform the

The MMgr provides an API to the Client to perform the

following services: • Modem State. • Request for Modem Restart or Recovery. • Modem Resource Management. • Update Modem Firmware and Configuration (Will be described in a future version).
MMgr is also responsible for managing modem core dump downloads when such an event occurs
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4.Modem driver Modem Drivers There are three levels of drivers; stacked,

4.Modem driver

Modem Drivers There are three levels of drivers; stacked, from the

lower level to the highest.
Level 1 (Controller driver - these drivers are not further detailed within): • HSI Controller driver: manages the HSI interface with the Cloverview SoC. • DMA driver and GPIO driver.
Level 2 (Protocol driver): • HSI Protocol drivers: manage HSI transfers and catches events on GPIO. • HSI Flashing Protocol Driver and HSI EDLP Protocol driver are mutually exclusive.
Level 3: • MUX Driver: manages the framing of data and multiplexing/demultiplexing according to 3GPP 27.010 specification.
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从上图中可以看出,mux interface是建立在HIS interface之上的

从上图中可以看出,mux interface是建立在HIS interface之上的

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In POS, the HSI EDLP protocol driver does not have any

In POS, the HSI EDLP protocol driver does not have any

clients so the HSI port (i.e. the HSI controller driver) can be accessed exclusively by the HSI Flashing Protocol.
In Android* the HSI EDLP protocol already owns exclusive usage of the HSI port.
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5.Modem log 1.modem flashing log 2.modem core dump log

5.Modem log

1.modem flashing log
2.modem core dump log

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6. AT Proxy In AT Proxy mode, the Clover Trail Plus

6. AT Proxy

In AT Proxy mode, the Clover Trail Plus platform

offers an AT command server to an external host
./device/intel/clovertrail/redhookbay/config/init.modem.flashless.rc: #start proxy-tunneling
stop ad_proxy
stop proxy
setprop sys.usb.config rndis,acm,adb
start proxy-tunneling