JDBC: introduction, example, main classes & methods, driver installation


Слайд 2

Contents Introduction to JDBC Example Main classes & methods JDBC driver


Introduction to JDBC
Main classes & methods
JDBC driver installation
HW Assignment
Directions for HW

Слайд 3

JDBC Introduction to JDBC Example Main classes & method JDBC driver installation


Introduction to JDBC
Main classes & method
JDBC driver installation

Слайд 4

Introduction to JDBC What is JDBC? “Java Database Connectivity” Connector to

Introduction to JDBC

What is JDBC?
“Java Database Connectivity”
Connector to access DB, when

developing applications in JavaTM Platform
Слайд 5

Example of JDBC code import java.sql.*; class Test { public static

Example of JDBC code

import java.sql.*;
class Test {
public static void main(String[]

args) {
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbclick.kaist.ac.kr:1521:orcl", "user", "passwd");
stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from product");
while (rs.next()) {
String product = rs.getString(1);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
if (con != null) con.close();
} catch (Exception e) { }

You can download Test.java from the course homepage

Слайд 6

Main classes & method Loading JDBC driver Using Class.forName() Connecting to

Main classes & method

Loading JDBC driver
Using Class.forName()
Connecting to DB
Using DriverManager.getConnection()


Connection con

@dbclick.kaist.ac.kr:1521:orcl", "username", "passwd");
Слайд 7

Main classes & method (cont’d) Executing queries Using Statement class Using

Main classes & method (cont’d)

Executing queries
Using Statement class
Using PreparedStatement class

Statement stmt

= con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM product");

PreparedStatement pstmt =
con.prepareStatement(“INSERT INTO product values(?, ?)”);
pstmt.setString(1, “mp3”);
pstmt.setInt(2, 150);

※ Use executeUpdate() for insert, update, and delete

Слайд 8

Main classes & method (cont’d) Cursor operations Use methods of ResultSet

Main classes & method (cont’d)

Cursor operations
Use methods of ResultSet class
Ex) next(),

getString(), etc.

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM product");
while (rs.next()) {
String maker = rs.getString(1);
int model = rs.getInt(2);
System.out.println(maker+” “+model);

Слайд 9

Main classes & method (cont’d) Using ‘finally’ Before finishing code, connection

Main classes & method (cont’d)

Using ‘finally’
Before finishing code, connection should be


try {

con = DriverManager.getConnection( … );
stmt = con.createStatement();

} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
if (con != null) con.close();
} catch (Exception e) {}

Слайд 10

Main classes & method (cont’d) Executing Query within a Transaction try

Main classes & method (cont’d)

Executing Query within a Transaction

try {


= DriverManager.getConnection( … );
stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.executeQuery( … );
stmt.executeQuery( … );

} catch (SQLException e) {

Слайд 11

JDBC driver installation JAVA SE 7.0 or 8.0 must be installed

JDBC driver installation

JAVA SE 7.0 or 8.0 must be installed
See references

or from the course homepage (KLMS)
Слайд 12

Compile java using DOS command Environment variable setting If you use

Compile java using DOS command

Environment variable setting
If you use the “Eclipse”,

you don’t have to do this setting
Copy the ojdbc6.jar file to the driver installation path
Add(or create) the CLASSPATH environment variable to the driver installation path
Ex) The driver installation path is ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar
Слайд 13

Compile java using DOS command (cont’d) Example of file execution in

Compile java using DOS command (cont’d)

Example of file execution in the

DOS command(cmd) window
Compiling & running

import java.sql.*;
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Connection con = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbclick.kaist.ac.kr:1521:orcl", "user", "passwd");
System.out.println(“Connection created");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (con != null) con.close();
} catch (Exception e) { }

Слайд 14

Compile java using Eclipse IDE Eclipse setting Add ojdbc6.jar to project

Compile java using Eclipse IDE

Eclipse setting
Add ojdbc6.jar to project build path

click on JRE System Library ? Build Path ? Configure Build Path
Слайд 15

Compile java using Eclipse IDE (cont’d) Add External IDE ? select ojdbc6.jar

Compile java using Eclipse IDE (cont’d)

Add External IDE ? select ojdbc6.jar

Слайд 16

Homework #4 Table Creation Homework Assignment Directions References

Homework #4

Table Creation
Homework Assignment

Слайд 17

Table creation Download HW4db.sql from the course homepage and copy it

Table creation

Download HW4db.sql from the course homepage and copy it to

(directory that Oracle Client is installed)\BIN
Use the SQLPlus and perform the command @HW4db.sql or start HW4db.sql
Слайд 18

Homework #4 (cont’d) Problem 1 Ask the user for the maximum

Homework #4 (cont’d)

Problem 1
Ask the user for the maximum price and

minimum values of the speed, RAM, hard disk, and screen size that they will accept. Find all the laptops that satisfy these requirements. Print their specifications (all attributes of Laptop) and their manufacturer.
Слайд 19

Problem 2. Ask the user for a manufacturer, model number, speed,

Problem 2.
Ask the user for a manufacturer, model number, speed,

RAM, hard-disk size, and price of a new PC. Check that there is no PC with that model number. Print a warning if so, and otherwise insert the information into tables Product and PC. And then print Product and PC tables

Homework #4 (cont’d)

Слайд 20

Problem 3. Ask the user for a price and find the

Problem 3.
Ask the user for a price and find the PC

whose price is closest to the desired price. Print the maker, model number, and RAM of the PC

Homework #4 (cont’d)

Слайд 21

Problem 4. Ask the user for a manufacturer. Print the specifications

Problem 4.
Ask the user for a manufacturer. Print the specifications

of all products by that manufacturer. That is, print the model number, product-type, and all the attributes of whichever relation is appropriate for that type.
For example,
Print model, speed, ram, hd, screen and price for laptops
Print model, color, type and price for printers

Homework #4 (cont’d)

Слайд 22

Problem 5. Ask the user for a “budget” (total price of

Problem 5.
Ask the user for a “budget” (total price of a

PC and printer), and a minimum speed of the PC. Find the cheapest “system” (PC plus printer) that is within the budget and minimum speed, but make the printer a color printer if possible. Print the model numbers for the chosen system.

Homework #4 (cont’d)

Слайд 23

Submission Files to submit 1. JAVA (*.java) 2. Archive them into


Files to submit
1. JAVA (*.java)
2. Archive them into [student ID].zip and

upload it to course homepage (KLMS)
You will get points if your source codes are complied successfully
You will get points if your program find the right answers and is written correctly
Do not cheat others. Both of them will get no point
Слайд 24

Submission (cont’d) Due date Oct 19 (Wed), 2 am. Delay is

Submission (cont’d)

Due date
Oct 19 (Wed), 2 am.
Delay is not accepted
TA info.

Hyun Ji Jeong (email : hjjung@dbserver.kaist.ac.kr )