
Слайд 2

LD Family – Customers’ Off-Takes Decline of LD family: -24% October

LD Family – Customers’ Off-Takes

Decline of LD family: -24% October YTD

LD 2007 LE is 14,8 bl sticks, vs 20.6bl in 2006 (-28% YOY)

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

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LD Family – Customers’ Off-Takes Acceleration of the decline over the

LD Family – Customers’ Off-Takes

Acceleration of the decline over the last

2 years

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

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SKU performance – OFF-TAKES/ Oct’07 YTD Volume Decline in 2007 across

SKU performance – OFF-TAKES/ Oct’07 YTD

Volume Decline in 2007 across all

2007 YTD off-takes @ -24% YOY
LD Base decline @ -23% YOY, but largest in absolute terms

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

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LD Mid-Price SOM trend LD Mid-Price is a segment leader but

LD Mid-Price SOM trend

LD Mid-Price is a segment leader but under

pressure since mid’06
YG and Peter I are the only brands with positive long-term dynamics
If include LD Value, SOM @ 4.4% ? No.4 biggest brand in Russia

Source: ACNielsen, Oct’07`

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LD MP WD trend Small decline of LD MP (within 2

LD MP WD trend

Small decline of LD MP (within 2 pp)

WD due to LD Regular WD
LD RC distribution building still in progress

Source: ACNielsen, Oct07`

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LD Mid-Price Regional Performance Highly regional Strong in Moscow, South &

LD Mid-Price Regional Performance

Highly regional
Strong in Moscow, South & Central areas

weak at Urals and FE
Decline in all regions, with the strongest decline in weak areas

Source: ACNielsen, Oct’07







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LD Pricing LD price positioning: low end of MP (12 rbls

LD Pricing

LD price positioning: low end of MP (12 rbls MRP),

after NEXT re-positioning into Value as of Jun’07
LD MRP increase in Nov’07 – 12.5 rbls
NEXT performance to be monitored
Changed relativities to SOB:
Wider gap to key Value: Alliance (from 2.7 rbls Oct’06 to 3,1 rbls July) and Yava
Strong narrowed gap to Peter I from 1.2 rbls Oct’06 to 0.4 rbls

Source: ACNielsen, Oct’07`, Urban + Rural

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LD Pricing Aggressive MRP taken increase, above other MP brands Next

LD Pricing

Aggressive MRP taken increase, above other MP brands
Next Repositioning to

9 RUR as of Jun’07 => could potentially escalate the issue
New JTI to provide for 50% of possible NEXT gains, LD being at 31%

Key SOB for NEXT @ 9 RUR

Source: ACNielsen, Urban+Rural BPTO 2006

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LD Performance Summary No.1 Mid-Price brand and No.4 largest brand in

LD Performance Summary

No.1 Mid-Price brand and No.4 largest brand in Russia

but volume under pressure (-24% Off-Takes Oct YTD’07)
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Line Extensions

Line Extensions

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LD Metallic Line – Performance Continues decline in 2007, for both

LD Metallic Line – Performance

Continues decline in 2007, for both lines

Gold and Platinum
GOLD is on strongest decline (-32% YOY) but still the largest of 3 SKUs
LD Metallic strong in LD strongholds

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

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LD SS Line – Performance Replacement of SL is finished Acceleration

LD SS Line – Performance

Replacement of SL is finished
Acceleration of decline

in 2007 ? to be monitored

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

End of Slims shipments Jul’07

End of Slims IMS Aug’07

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LD SSlims Line – Performance Promising Start of LD SSL in

LD SSlims Line – Performance

Promising Start of LD SSL in Retail

but unlikely to reach Slims level
SOM decline of total sub-family continues
Still low in distribution (41%)

Source: ACNielsen, Oct’07`

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LD Standard – Performance up-date After long decline, LD Value reached

LD Standard – Performance up-date

After long decline, LD Value reached the

plateau @90 MMU monthly
Full replacement of Soft pack is completed
Shows some growth YOY in the last 3 months due to the volume drop in the base period’06

Source: Megapolis Off-Takes

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LD MP vs Value lines SOM LD Standard replacement is completed

LD MP vs Value lines SOM

LD Standard replacement is completed in

But SOM dynamics is in line with decline trend of MP sub-families

Source: ACNielsen, Oct’07`

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LD Families Performance Summary Appeal of Metallic line is dependent on

LD Families Performance Summary

Appeal of Metallic line is dependent on the

LD position in the region
Promising start of SSL but still decline of the total SS+SSL family over time
Flat performance of LD Standard after re-launch, with low GM vs other SKUs
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Programs Q3’2007 LD NCP “SUMMER MOTION 2007” RESULTS

Programs Q3’2007


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Objectives, GEO, Timing, Mechanics Objectives: To support loyalty to the LD

Objectives, GEO, Timing, Mechanics

To support loyalty to the LD brand

family / Stimulate Trial and attract new consumers to LD
National, Redemption centers in 70 main ABC cities (except Far East):
Jun – Aug - shipments
July 02 – Aug 31 – active phase – Redemption centers were available
Sep 10 – Oct 03 Grand prize draws
Buy 10 packs of LD with promo OPF
Bring 10 OPFs to Redemption center
Get participant questionnaire and guarantied Prize
Fill in questionary and give back to promoters to participate in Grand Prizes and Automobiles Draw
Fill in questionary and send it to PO box “LD”
WIN Grand Prizes or Automobiles
Total number of prizes
Guaranteed Prize – 1 200,000
Grand Prizes – 60
Automobiles - 15


Grand Prizes

15 Opel Zafira

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Communication Support Pre-printed OPF POSM (for retail outlets + KRA outlets

Communication Support

Pre-printed OPF
POSM (for retail outlets + KRA outlets equipment +

X5 retail group equipment)

fGLH CCC promoters have been announcing the program within the boost dedicated to LD only (2 weeks)
During promo f JTI CCC promoters have been announcing the program within standard matrix and fGLH promoters during work in Redemption centers
Hot Line
8 800 200 02 03 was available from 04 Jun till 15 Oct
The web site dedicated to the program has been created at www.ld-game.ru and www.ldgame.ru

16 national issues, 61 publication
Moscow, St.Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara – July-August (2 months)
Moscow and St.Petersburg - July-August (2 months)
Direct Mail
Direct mailing announcing Promo to 312 M participants of 2005 LD promo

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Weekly Statistics – Number of Entries (10 POP’s) The Overall result

Weekly Statistics – Number of Entries (10 POP’s)

The Overall result was

in line with 2006 Y results
Weekly number of entries has been growing from week 1 to week 7 with 10% growth every week in average (same as 2006)
Promo duration 9 wks vs. 14 in 2006
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Results - Hard KPI’s vs. other JTI NCP’s Average industry redemption

Results - Hard KPI’s vs. other JTI NCP’s

Average industry redemption rate

4% achieved;
Investment/POP for retention programs (0,30-0,60$/POP) is at par with CCC (0,45$/POP);

* - assumption based on previous years results

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Key Learnings & Recommendation Program targets (1 200 000 entries) were

Key Learnings & Recommendation

Program targets (1 200 000 entries) were too

optimistic/ over-estimated
Free of charge SMS (instant win mechanics) is one of the key attractions, making enter easier for SOB
Optimal length of retention-aimed program is close to 12-15 weeks (3-4 mnths); shorter then that working towards only trial
Exploit current promo mechanics further considering key learnings and research findings
Period of the program 3 months to ensure continuous retention and conversion
Free SMS as the key registration channel
Visual Execution should be perfect and in-line with Image communication
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Programs Q4’2007 LD Round corner re-launch Nov-Dec’07

Programs Q4’2007

LD Round corner re-launch

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LD – RC launch support (Nov-Dec) LD Round corner launch support

LD – RC launch support (Nov-Dec)

LD Round corner launch support Nov-Dec’07

of non-promo RC product as of Aug 2007 (varies by SKU / region)
Announcement campaign in Press, Metro, POSM
BTL support: CCC, 1-2-1 GWP in retail

Packaging Change of LD Base family
RC Format: from CPB to Round-Corners
Minor design fine-tuning: Logo clean-up, logo colors fine-tune, whiter background

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LD – Round Corner Launch Campaign Awareness/ image Press: mass press

LD – Round Corner Launch Campaign

Awareness/ image
Press: mass press with

high coverage, 34% TA Coverage (3+), JAN-FEB’08 – TBC
32 issues (Za rulem, Antenna, KP, Avtomir etc.)
Budget: 400 M USD
Metro in 7 cities, Nov’07 + Dec’07 (Moscow, St.Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Samara, Kazan), JAN-FEB’08 (MOW, STP) – TBC
337 sides Nov’07 and 391 sides in Dec’07
Budget: 550 M USD
Retail Visibility
Dominant Visibility flight:
Multi Facings;
Full new JTI coverage
Cycle from Nov’07 to Feb’08
Branded Displays in mass KRA «Pyaterochka»
Retention/ Conversion
CCC 1-2-1, GWP in main ABC stratum cities (37)
Target: 1/ LD SOB; 2/ franchise
Target contacts: 427 000
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Retail Visibility materials Mini display Retail Visibility Dominant Visibility flight: Multi

Retail Visibility materials

Mini display

Retail Visibility
Dominant Visibility flight: Multi Facings; POSMs
Nov’07 to

Branded Displays in mass KRA «Pyaterochka»

Mobile hard poster

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CCC 1 -2 -1 contacts: brand information + GWP CCC 1-2-1,

CCC 1 -2 -1 contacts: brand information + GWP

CCC 1-2-1, GWP

in main ABC stratum cities
Target: 1/ LD SOB; 2/ franchise
Target contacts: 427 000 (NOV’07 – MAR’08)
Target contacts for NOV’07 – DEC’07 = 200 000

gift x 2 packs

1 pack free x 3 packs

gift x 10 packs

Conversion pattern

1 carton free x 1 carton
(only for period 17.12.2007 – 28.12.2007)

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2008 Brand Objectives and Support

2008 Brand Objectives and Support

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2008 Strategic Focus / Opportunities LD Objective: Consolidate the dominant position

2008 Strategic Focus / Opportunities LD

Consolidate the dominant position in

Mid-Price to fuel Winston Growth
Fix the Structure ? achieve superior performance of all Product mix elements
Packaging Up-grade: RC on the market; further evaluation – during Brand Audit
Product improvement
Maximize potential of Brand extensions ? TBC based on brand Audit
Leverage on Premium profile of LD Gold, Platinum, S. Slims
Assess role of LD Standard
Rejuvenate Brand Image with relevant TTL
Further evolve brand image
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Key LD Brand Initiatives 2007-08 LD Barrier-to-Entry Brand assessment Results on

Key LD Brand Initiatives 2007-08

LD Barrier-to-Entry Brand assessment
Results on Dec 18,

LD BASE brand Mix Re-development:
Product re-development
Stage 1. Blend Fine-tuning towards smoother cleaner taste ? IMPLEMENTED
Stage 2. New blend development – PAM test - AA3 is in progress
New communication development & Packaging modification / re-design
Pending Brand Assessment results
Both to be ready by Q3’08
? Full brand Mix re-launch – as of Q3 2008 on the market
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LD Support Plan Maximize the investments behind BTL programs Franchise Retention

LD Support Plan

Maximize the investments behind BTL programs
Franchise Retention
Conversion of SOB

Value smokers
Maximizing SS development
3 Support cycles are planned
Nov’07 – Feb’08: Round-Corner launch support (cont from Q4’07)
March-Jun’08: Retention NCP program
Sept – Nov’07: LD Base Brand Re-launch
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LD Program Details (1) - Jan-Feb’08 Round-Corner launch Support – 2nd

LD Program Details (1) - Jan-Feb’08

Round-Corner launch Support – 2nd Follow-up

Support OBJECTIVE: to drive the awareness of LD Base Round Corner pack, to enhance the LD Quality perception
Retail Visibility: Continuity of the Nov’07 to Feb’08 cycle
National coverage / All JTI universe
POSM / Multi-Facings
Press / Metro / (Feb’08): 2nd flight of ROUND CORNER ANNOUNCEMENT
Press: National Mass titles with Male audience
Metro: 7 largest cities
Visual: the same as in NOV-DEC’07
CCC: Round Corner announcement and conversion amongst franchise and SOB smokers
Standard mechanics: GWP for 2-5-10- packs
Switching Pattern: Male Value & MP SOB smokers ? LD Base; Female Value & MP SOB smokers ? LD SS; if SS is rejected, LD Base Franchise ? LD Base Retention offer;
GEO: all CCC cities with focus on Strongholds
Timings: Jan’07 – Feb’08
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LD – CCC Support in Q1 2008 CCC mechanics and gifts

LD – CCC Support in Q1 2008

CCC mechanics and gifts
Gifts for


Lighter with torch

Ash tray




Ash tray



Free pack

Free pack

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LD Program Details (2) – Value Conversion Value Conversion Program (delayed

LD Program Details (2) – Value Conversion

Value Conversion Program (delayed due

to production)
Objective: drive the conversion from Value brand (key LD SOB) into LD Base
3 cycles (in line with Brand support cycles):
Jan-Feb’08: RC announcement (delayed)
Objective: LD Base Round Corner pack up-grade announcement; Confirmation of Product invariable quality
1/ GLH Value brands: In-pack inserts with LD info into all GLH Value brands (LD Std + St.George / Troyka / others)
Rationale: 1/ GLH Value brands are key LD SOB; 2/ Value brand smokers trust their brand manufacturer ? Program will look like “News” from Liggett-Ducat factory
2/ non-GLH Value brands:
CCC amongst Values smokers with Brand info / GWP

1st draft of RC announcement insert

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LD Program Details (3) - NCP National Consumer Promotion Objective: Franchise

LD Program Details (3) - NCP

National Consumer Promotion
Objective: Franchise retention and

SOB conversion (Value and MP)
Shipments Apr 2008
Promo participation May – July 2008
Mechanics: Deco Pack with on-pack Promo announcement
Concept / Mechanics: tbd – briefing process is started
Promo Offer in all LD Mid-Price, but not Std
Support at:
Retail Visibility: national coverage
CCC: NCP info to SOB Value smokers
Info In-Pack insert in GLH Value brand (announcement only)
Direct Mail to Value SOB smokers (LD DB) – appr 50’000 smokers
Press announcement / post-PR: mass press announcements
Current status
In development (agencies have been briefed)
To be finalized in Dec’07