
Слайд 2

References www.msdn.microsoft.com/library .Net Development/.Net Framework SDK/ .Net Framework/Reference/ClassLibrary/ System.Net.Sockets http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/quickstart/howto/doc/TCPUDP/DateTimeClient.aspx C#


.Net Development/.Net Framework SDK/
.Net Framework/Reference/ClassLibrary/
C# NetworkProgramming, Richard Blum, Sybex, 2003
Win32 Sockets,

Jim Fawcett, Fall 2002
Слайд 3

What are Sockets? Sockets provide a common interface to the various

What are Sockets?

Sockets provide a common interface to the various protocols

supported by networks.
They allow you to establish connections between machines to send and receive data.
Sockets support the simultaneous connection of multiple clients to a single server machine.
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Socket Logical Structure

Socket Logical Structure

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How do Sockets Function? There are several modes of operation available

How do Sockets Function?

There are several modes of operation available for

A very common mode is to establish a socket listener that listens on some port, say 4040, for connection requests.
When a socket client, from another process or a remote computer, requests a connection on port 4040, the listener spawns a new thread that starts up a socket server on a new port, say 5051.
From that time on the socket client and socket server communicate on port 5051. Either one can send data, in the form of a group of bytes, to the other.
Meanwhile the listener goes back to listening for connection requests on port 4040.
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Socket Client, Server, and Listener

Socket Client, Server, and Listener

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Client/Server Configuration

Client/Server Configuration

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Socket Data Transfer The receiving socket, either client or server, has

Socket Data Transfer

The receiving socket, either client or server, has a

buffer that stores bytes of data until the receiver thread reads them.
If the receiver buffer is full, the sender thread will block on a send call until the receiver reads some of the data out of the buffer.
For this reason, it is a good idea to assign a thread in the receiver to empty the buffer and enqueue the data for a worker thread to digest.
If the receiver buffer becomes full during a send, the send request will return having sent less than the requested number of bytes.
If the receiving buffer is empty, a read request will block.
If the receiving buffer has data, but less than the number of bytes requested by a read, the call will return with the bytes available.
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Non-Blocking Communication

Non-Blocking Communication

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Basic .Net Network Objects TCPListener TCPListener(port) AcceptTcpClient() AcceptSocket() Start() Stop() Socket

Basic .Net Network Objects

Send(byte[], size, socketFlags)
Receive(byte[], size, socketFlags)

Слайд 11

More Network Programming Objects TCPClient TCPClient() Connect(IPAddress, port) GetStream() Close() NetworkStream

More Network Programming Objects

Connect(IPAddress, port)
Read(byte[], offset, size)
Write(byte[], offset, size)

You read and

write using the returned NetworkStream object
Слайд 12

Simple Socket Client TcpClient tcpc = new TcpClient(); Byte[] read =

Simple Socket Client

TcpClient tcpc = new TcpClient();
Byte[] read =

new Byte[32]; // read buffer
String server = args[0]; // server name
// Try to connect to the server
tcpc.Connect(server, 2048);
// Get a NetworkStream object
Stream s;
s = tcpc.GetStream();
// Read the stream and convert it to ASII
int bytes = s.Read(read, 0, read.Length);
String Time = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(read);
// Display the data
Console.WriteLine("\n Received {0} bytes", bytes);
Console.WriteLine(" Current date and time is: {0}", Time);

Connects to server with this name

Connects to this server port

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Simple Socket Server TcpListener tcpl = new TcpListener(2048); // listen on

Simple Socket Server

TcpListener tcpl = new TcpListener(2048); // listen on

port 2048
while (true)
// Accept will block until someone connects
Socket s = tcpl.AcceptSocket();
// Get current date and time then concatenate it into a string
now = DateTime.Now;
strDateLine = now.ToShortDateString()
+ " " + now.ToLongTimeString();
// Convert the string to a Byte Array and send it
Byte[] byteDateLine = ASCII.GetBytes(strDateLine.ToCharArray());
s.Send(byteDateLine, byteDateLine.Length, 0);
Console.WriteLine("\n Sent {0}", strDateLine);
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Слайд 16

Multi-threaded Server If we want to support concurrent clients, the server

Multi-threaded Server

If we want to support concurrent clients, the server must

spawn a thread for each new client.
C# Thread class makes that fairly simple.
Create a class that provides a non-static processing function. This is the code that serves each client.
Each time the TCPListener accepts a client it returns a socket. Pass that to the thread when it is constructed, and start the thread.
Слайд 17

Define Thread’s Processing class threadProc { private Socket _sock = null;

Define Thread’s Processing

class threadProc
private Socket _sock = null;

public threadProc(Socket sock)
_sock = sock;
public void proc()
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
// Get the current date and time then concatenate it
// into a string
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string strDateLine = now.ToShortDateString() + " "
+ now.ToLongTimeString();
// Convert the string to a Byte Array and send it
Byte[] byteDateLine = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strDateLine.ToCharArray());
_sock.Send(byteDateLine, byteDateLine.Length, 0);
Console.Write("\n Sent {0}", strDateLine);
Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for one second just for demo
string QuitMessage = "Quit";
Byte[] byteQuit = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(QuitMessage.ToCharArray());
_sock.Send(byteQuit, byteQuit.Length, 0);
Слайд 18

Server Spawns Threads to Handle New Clients with threadProc.proc() // listen

Server Spawns Threads to Handle New Clients with threadProc.proc()

// listen on port

TcpListener tcpl = new TcpListener(2048);
while (true)
// Accept will block until someone connects
Socket s = tcpl.AcceptSocket();
threadProc tp = new threadProc(s);
// pass threadProc.proc() function reference to
// ThreadStart delegate
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tp.proc));
Слайд 19

Clients now Wait for Server to Complete // Try to connect

Clients now Wait for Server to Complete

// Try to connect

to the server
tcpc.Connect(server, 2048);
// Get the NetworkStream object
Stream s;
s = tcpc.GetStream();
// Read the stream and convert it to ASII
int bytes = s.Read(read, 0, read.Length);
String TSvrMsg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(read);
TSrvMsg = TSrvMsg.Remove(bytes,TSrvMsg.Length-bytes);
// Display the data
if(TSrvMsg == "Quit")
Console.Write("\n Quitting");
Console.WriteLine(" Server date and time is: {0}", TSrvMsg);
Слайд 20

Talk Protocol The hardest part of a client/server socket communication design

Talk Protocol

The hardest part of a client/server socket communication design is

to control the active participant
If single-threaded client and server both talk at the same time, their socket buffers will fill up and they both will block, e.g., deadlock.
If they both listen at the same time, again there is deadlock.
Often the best approach is to use separate send and receive threads
two unilateral communication channels
The next slide shows how to safely use bilateral communication.
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Bilateral Channel Talk-Listen Protocol

Bilateral Channel Talk-Listen Protocol

Слайд 22

Message Length Another vexing issue is that the receiver may not

Message Length

Another vexing issue is that the receiver may not know

how long a sent message is.
so the receiver doesn’t know how many bytes to pull from the stream to compose a message.
Often, the communication design will arrange to use message delimiters, fixed length messages, or message headers that carry the message length as a parameter.
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Message Framing There are three solutions to this problem: Use fixed

Message Framing

There are three solutions to this problem:
Use fixed length messages

– rarely useful
Use fixed length message headers
Encode message body length in header
Reader pulls header, parses to find length of rest of message and pulls it.
Use message termination sentinals
body of message
Reader reads a character at a time out of channel
Adds character to message
Scans message from back looking for to conclude message extraction.
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They’re Everywhere Virtually every network and internet communication method uses sockets,

They’re Everywhere

Virtually every network and internet communication method uses sockets, often

in a way that is invisible to an application designer.
Network applications