Software Upgrade Guide v2

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1 Searching the software. ① Select your country after connecting to


Searching the software.

① Select your country after connecting to

② Move

to the ”Support” and click the “Download &

③ Fill in the your Model name.
(Ex. 42LB6700(Fill Model name except “-TA”.)
④ Click the “Search”.

⑤ Click the “Software update” and you can see the
software file.

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2 Downloading the software file to the USB Memory device. Insert


Downloading the software file to the USB Memory device.

Insert the USB

memory device into USB port of the TV.


Position of USB port : Side or Rear

① Click to all of file to download it from the website to your PC.

② Unzip the first “….vol1” software file.

③ Insert the USB memory device into USB Port of the PC.

④ Make a folder in USB Memory device. Folder name must be “LG_DTV”.

⑤ Save the software file to “LG_DTV” folder of USB Memory device.
