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WEB STORAGE Web Storage introduces storage in the browser and includes


Web Storage introduces storage in the browser and includes two

objects sessionStorage and localStorage:
in sessionStorage the data is stored temporally and will be automatically deleted after closing the browser tab
in localStorage, the data is not automatically deleted and will exist even after restarting the browser
In spite of Web Storage data can be stored in a cookie, but there are a few differences that you need to consider when choosing a storage location:
data from Web Storage is not sent to the server every time a request is made
the size of the Web Storage is much larger than a cookie
server cannot directly manipulate data in Web Storage
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WEB STORAGE The sessionStorage and localStorage objects represent data as a


The sessionStorage and localStorage objects represent data as a set

of key: value pairs. The same set of properties and methods are used to work with objects:
setItem(key, value) – saves a key: value pair, if the key already existed, the value will be update
getItem(key) – return value by key
removeItem(key) – remove pair with key
clear() – clear all data
key(index) – return key with the specified index
length – number of pair in storage
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WEB STORAGE localStorage.setItem("user", "Tom"); localStorage.setItem("role", "guest"); console.log(localStorage.getItem("user")); // "Tom" console.log(localStorage.getItem("role")); //


localStorage.setItem("user", "Tom");
localStorage.setItem("role", "guest");
console.log(localStorage.getItem("user")); // "Tom"
console.log(localStorage.getItem("role")); // "guest"
console.log(localStorage.length); // 2
console.log(localStorage.key(0)); //

localStorage.setItem("user", "Bob");
console.log(localStorage.getItem("user")); // "Bob"
console.log(localStorage.length); // 1
console.log(localStorage.length); // 0
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WEB STORAGE Please note, that both key and value must be


Please note, that both key and value must be strings

only, this lay on some particular qualities when working with non-string data:
localStorage.setItem("num", 10);
const num = localStorage.getItem("num");
console.log(typeof num); // "string"
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WEB STORAGE To store complex data, such as objects or arrays,


To store complex data, such as objects or arrays, you

need to use serializations to JSON format:
localStorage.setItem("data1", [1, 2, 3]);
localStorage.setItem("data2", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]));
const data1 = localStorage.getItem("data1");
console.log(data1 instanceof Array); // false
console.log(data1); // "1,2,3"
const data2 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("data2"));
console.log(data2 instanceof Array); // true
console.log(data2); // [1, 2, 3]
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WEB STORAGE When the data in localStorage or sessionStorage is updated,


When the data in localStorage or sessionStorage is updated, a

"storage" event is fired with the following properties:
key – the key, which updated (null, if called clear()):
oldValue – the old value of the changed storage pair (null, if the pair added firstly)
newValue – the new value of the changed storage pair (null, if the pair was deleted)
url – url of the document where the update took place
storageArea – the localStorage or sessionStorage object where the update occurred
Please note, that the event is triggered on all other browser tabs where storage is available, except for the tab where it happened. This mechanism allows synchronization of tabs and exchange of messages
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WEB STORAGE To demonstrate the work of the "storage" event, create


To demonstrate the work of the "storage" event, create an

index.html file the following content:

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WEB STORAGE Open index.html in two tabs of one browser and


Open index.html in two tabs of one browser and call

several methods from the localStorage object: