Names of physicians in the titles of the streets of Ryazan


Слайд 2

Pavlov Ivan Petrovich (1849, Ryazan - 1936, Leningrad) The great Russian

Pavlov Ivan Petrovich (1849, Ryazan - 1936, Leningrad)

The great Russian physiologist,

Dr. Med. Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1907), Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (1904)
Слайд 3

Memorial House-Museum of Academician I.P. Pavlov In 1946, on the 10th

Memorial House-Museum of Academician I.P. Pavlov

In 1946, on the 10th anniversary

of the scientist's death, a museum was opened in the house, where he was born and lived, a collection of valuable and memorial objects, manuscripts, books, photographs of I.P. Pavlov was collected.
Слайд 4

There are 2 departments in the memorial house-museum: memorial and scientific.

There are 2 departments in the memorial house-museum: memorial and scientific.

The memorial exposition acquaints with the life of the Pavlov ՛s family, the scientific one reveals the foundations of the physiological teachings of I.P. Pavlov on blood circulation, digestion and higher nervous activity of humans and animals.
Слайд 5

In 1949, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of

In 1949, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of

the great physiologist, a monument was erected in the square in Astrakhanskaya Street (formerly Lenin).
M.G. Manizer was awarded the State Prize (1950) for this work.
Слайд 6

Rector of Ryazan State Medical University Prof. R.E. Kalinin and the

Rector of Ryazan State Medical University Prof. R.E. Kalinin and the

governor of the Ryazan region N.V. Lyubimov at the unveiling of the monument to Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and his dog (2019).

In Ryazan, on September 27, 2019, a bust of academician Ivan Pavlov was solemnly installed in the territory of the chemical building՛s square of Ryazan State Medical University (Mayakovsky Street, 105). The initiator of the installation of the monument was the Medical University, which has the famous scientist՛s name. A bronze dog sits at the base of the pedestal. The sculptural group was created by Honored Artist of Russia Raisa Lysenina.

Слайд 7

Pavlov՛s Street is a street in the historical center of Ryazan.

Pavlov՛s Street is a street in the historical center of Ryazan.

It starts from Seminarskaya Street and ends on Pervomaisky Avenue. Here is the Museum-estate of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. The street is pedestrian.

The street has been known since the 16th century. Then it was called Nikolskaya, after the Nikolsky Temple, where the street led. In 1964 the street received the name of I.P. Pavlov.

Слайд 8

Semashko Nikolai Alexandrovich (1874, v. Livenskaya, Eletsky uyezd, Orel guberniya -

Semashko Nikolai Alexandrovich
(1874, v. Livenskaya, Eletsky uyezd, Orel guberniya - 1949,


Soviet party and state person, doctor, one of the organizers of the health care system in the USSR. Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the RSFSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences

Слайд 9

N.A. Semashko made a great contribution in the formation of Soviet

N.A. Semashko made a great contribution in the formation of Soviet

medical science, in strengthening its connection with practice.
He devoted a lot of energy to the development of higher medical education in our country, the training of medical personnel.
N.A. Semashko left a rich theoretical legacy.
The list of his scientific papers includes more than 250 titles.
He was the initiator of the Great Medical Encyclopedia, the organizer and editor-in-chief of its first edition.
From July 1918 - People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR.
Слайд 10

Ryazan Clinical Hospital, named after Semashko, is the oldest medical institution

Ryazan Clinical Hospital, named after Semashko, is the oldest medical institution

in the city and region. The first mention of a medical institution dates back to 1785. At the end of the 18th century, the hospital has only 10 beds for sick and poor soldiers. ...
In October 1923, the hospital was named after the 1st People's Commissar of Health Nikolai Alexandrovich Semashko.
In 1932, a branch of the Moscow Regional Clinical Institute was established on its basis. ...
In 1950, a medical institute, named after Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, was opened in Ryazan. The hospital became the first clinical base for training doctors.
Now it is located in 14 buildings, four of which are architectural monuments.
Слайд 11

One of the streets of Ryazan is named after N.A. Semashko.

One of the streets of Ryazan is named after N.A. Semashko.

Слайд 12

Professor Peter Filippovich Kudryavtsev (1863, v. Chertkovo, Penza province - 1935,

Professor Peter Filippovich Kudryavtsev
(1863, v. Chertkovo, Penza province - 1935, Moscow)


person of zemsky medicine, sanitary doctor, Hero of Labor
Слайд 13

Doctor Kudryavtsev gave the fight against epidemics, which was the main

Doctor Kudryavtsev gave the fight against epidemics, which was the main

concern of Sanitary doctors in this time.
He was one of the first in tsarist Russia to understand
assessed the importance of scarlet fever vaccinations and
widely used them to combat this severe disease.
In the zemsky medical practice he did
also vaccinations against smallpox and diphtheria.
P.F. Kudryavtsev made a great contribution in reducing morbidity and mortality, creation in county hospitals disinfection chambers,
chemical and bacteriological laboratories,
examinations by him water supply sources, food facilities, housing and schools.
Слайд 14

For 25 years Pyotr Filippovich Kudryavtsev lived in Ryazan, 38, Malaya

For 25 years Pyotr Filippovich Kudryavtsev lived in Ryazan, 38, Malaya

Meshchanskaya Street. Later it was named the 1st Proletarian. In 1963, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Peter Filippovich, it was named after Professor Kudryavtsev. A memorial plaque with the inscription «In this house from 1910 to 1935 a prominent person in Russian public medicine, sanitary doctor, Hero of Labor, Professor Peter Filippovich Kudryavtsev (1863-1935) lived», was erected.
Слайд 15

Bazhenov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1857, Kiev –1923, Moscow) Russian psychiatrist, professor, scientist,

Bazhenov Nikolai Nikolaevich
(1857, Kiev –1923, Moscow)

Russian psychiatrist, professor, scientist, clinician, creator

of the psychiatric care system, public person.
N.N. Bazhenov's sphere of particularly intense scientific interests included border states (his work "On the Significance of Natural Disasters for the Neuropsychological Health of the Population" (1910) is still perceived as very relevant).
Слайд 16

N.N. Bazhenov was the first doctor in Ryazan - a psychiatrist

N.N. Bazhenov was the first doctor in Ryazan - a psychiatrist

of the psychiatric department of the provincial hospital and the first director of the Golenchinsky hospital, which was built under his leadership. The main task of N.N. Bazhenov was the creation of a country hospital, where it would be possible to differentiate the content of patients according to their condition, to apply large-scale agricultural work on a hospital farm. Bazhenov planned to create conditions for the maximum possible non-embarrassment of patients, up to the introduction of an open door system. This system, for the first time in Russia, was introduced by him in Golenchinskaya Hospital.
Слайд 17

The main building of the Golenchinsky psychiatric hospital (old name -

The main building of the Golenchinsky psychiatric hospital (old name

- Golenchinsky Colony for the mentally ill)
Слайд 18

At the beginning of the First World War, N.N. Bazhenov organized

At the beginning of the First World War, N.N. Bazhenov organized

and headed a consolidated evacuation hospital in Moscow.
In 1915, the Russian Red Cross Society sent him to organize psychiatric care on the Caucasus Front, where he opened a number of psychiatric centers. In 1916 with a group of sisters mercy as part of a Russian expedition, he left to provide psychiatric care to Russian soldiers in France. He was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for his work in the psychiatry and psychiatric legislation.
N.N. Bazhenov is the author of 120 scientific papers, most of which are devoted to the organization and history of psychiatry, legislation on the problems of the mentally ill.
Слайд 19

In 1966, the name of the wonderful Russian psychiatrist N.N. Bazhenov

In 1966, the name of the wonderful Russian psychiatrist N.N.

Bazhenov was assigned to a street and alley in the city of Ryazan. In celebrating of the 100th anniversary of the Ryazan Regional Psychiatric Hospital, it was named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Bazhenov and a bust of him was installed in the territory of the hospital.  
Слайд 20

Timakov Vladimir Dmitrievich (1905, v. Pustotino, Ryazhsky District (now Korablinsky District),

Timakov Vladimir Dmitrievich
(1905, v. Pustotino, Ryazhsky District (now Korablinsky District), Ryazan

Province - 1977, Moscow)

Soviet microbiologist and epidemiologist, founder of the scientific school of microbiologists and geneticists, organizer of the health care system

Слайд 21

In the pre-war years, he completed an extensive series of studies

In the pre-war years, he completed an extensive series of studies

in applied immunology and defended his doctoral dissertation on typhoid and paratyphoid vaccines.
During the war, V.D. Timakov organized a network of hospitals, sanatoriums and resorts for the treatment of wounded soldiers and the maintenance of a large flow of evacuees, as well as anti-epidemic and research work, training. The great merit of Vladimir Dmitrievich Timakov was that in difficult military conditions, with a huge flow of evacuees.
In 1945, when the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences was established, V.D. Timakov was invited to move to Moscow and head the Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. At the initiative of V.D. Timakov in 1948, this institute was joined by a previously independent research and production institution - the Central Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, which had a production base in the country. Under the leadership of V.D. Timakov, the institute (since 1949 - named after N.F. Gamalei) became the leading center of the country in the field of creation and production of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic drugs.
In the same year, Vladimir Dmitrievich Timakov was elected as corresponding member, and in 1952 – as a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the same time he conducts a lot of teaching work - for about 30 years (1949-1977) he headed the Department of Microbiology of the 2nd MOLGMI. V.D. Timakov, as an outstanding organizer of science, proved himself in a leading position at the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, where he was nominated first as Academician-Secretary, then as Vice-President, in 1968 he was elected as President of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. He was the initiator of the organization of a number of research centers and the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
Слайд 22

Street V.D. Timakov in Ryazan and a memorial plaque

Street V.D. Timakov in Ryazan and a memorial plaque

Слайд 23

Nikulin Anatoly Alexandrovich (1923, Saratov - 1996, Ryazan) Soviet and Russian

Nikulin Anatoly Alexandrovich
(1923, Saratov - 1996, Ryazan)

Soviet and Russian pharmacologist. Doctor

of Medical Sciences, Professor.
From 1959-1990 - Head of pharmacology department of I.P. Pavlov Ryazan Medical Institute.
Rector of the Ryazan Medical Institute in 1961-1983.
During 1990-1992 - Professor - Consultant of the Department of Pharmacology.
As noted: "It was during the rectorship of A.A. Nikulin I.P. Pavlov Ryazan Medical Institute became one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country».
Слайд 24

From August 1961 to November 1983, Anatoly Alexandrovich Nikulin was the

From August 1961 to November 1983, Anatoly Alexandrovich Nikulin was the

rector of the institute. Heading the institute, he focused on the development of material and technical, educational and scientific base, selection and training of highly qualified personnel.
During this period, at the initiative of the rector, vivarium (1963), morphological (1967) and biological (1969) (now pharmaceutical) educational buildings, a 5-storey student dormitory with 848 seats (1969) were built.
In the early 1980, an educational building for the departments of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty (now a medical and preventive building), a 500,000-volume library, an extension to the educational building on Mayakovsky Street were put into operation, budget documentation was prepared for construction of an administrative building.
The rector's attitude to highly qualified personnel is worthy of respect: along with the active training of doctors of science within the university, he literally "gathered" experienced, young and promising doctors of science and professors to lead the departments.
Слайд 25

Many years of research A.A. Nikulin and his students made a

Many years of research A.A. Nikulin and his students made a

significant contribution to the development of vascular pharmacology. For the monograph "Vascular wall" by the decision of the Presidium of the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR in 1977 A.A. Nikulin was awarded a diplom of III degree "For the best book, published in 1976."
A.A. Nikulin is the author of more than 30 monographs, publications of textbooks (lectures, manuals, assignments for students), as well as more than 130 scientific publications on vascular reactivity and metabolism, changes in internal regulation, distribution of drugs in animals in their course and combined purpose, pharmacodynamics of vegetable and animal oils and pharmacotherapy. Co-author of 5 copyright certificates (patents).
A number of promising scientific directions have been created, several inventions have been prepared, which have led to the creation of original medicines. To create a drug with regenerative properties in hepatic pathology some work was carried out.
Слайд 26

To the 75th anniversary of the birth of Prof. A.A. Nikulin

To the 75th anniversary of the birth of Prof. A.A. Nikulin

in accordance with the decision of the Ryazan City Council of August 13, 1998, one of the streets of the regional center was renamed the street named after A.A. Nikulin.
To the 85th anniversary of the birth a bust of Professor A.A. Nikulin was installed in the administrative building of the university (sculptor - Raisa Lysenina). The First scientific-practical conference "Nikulin readings" was held with the publication of a collection of memoirs about the life and work of Anatoly Alexandrovich.
To the 90th anniversary of the birth of A.A. Nikulin The Second Readings were held, a collection of memoirs "Nikulin Anatoly Alexandrovich: Milestones of Life (1923-1996)" (2nd edition) and the first issue of the series "DYNASTY", dedicated to the medical dynasty of Nikulin ("Dynasty. Issie1. Nikulin »).
Scholarships named after Professor A.A. Nikulin was established.
Слайд 27

For 30 years of work as the head, under his leadership,

For 30 years of work as the head, under his leadership,

the staff of the department was prepared, 9 dissertations of doctors and 40 dissertations of candidates of biological, medical and pharmaceutical sciences were defended. Most of these scientists became professors, headed departments or educational and scientific institutions in Moscow, Zaporozhye, Odessa, Ryazan.

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1966), the Medal for Valiant Labor to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of V.I. Lenin "(1970), the Order of the" October Revolution "(1971), the commemorative medals of the Bulgarian People's Republic" 25 years of People's Power "(1969) and" 90 years since the birth of Georgy Dimitrov "(1973).

Слайд 28

By the decision of the Ryazan City Council of August 13,

By the decision of the Ryazan City Council of August 13,

1998, the 1st MOPRovsky alley was named «Prof. A.A. Nikulin street».