Proposed Amendments in RCI Act

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Proposed Amendments in RCI Act 1992 Preamble For change Act with

Proposed Amendments in RCI Act 1992


For change

Act with amendment 2000

act to provide for the constitution of the rehabilitation council of India for regulating the training of rehabilitation professionals and monitoring the training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel, promoting research in rehabilitation and special education and the maintenance of a central rehabilitation. Register and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Insert ‘development’ before regulating
Substitute special education for ‘education of persons with disability’
Include ‘habilitation’ along with rehabilitation.
Include “early intervention” alongwith rehabilitation

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What is the Rehabilitation Council of India Act? The Rehabilitation Council

What is the Rehabilitation Council of India Act?

The Rehabilitation Council of

India Act was meant to regulate the training of rehabilitation professionals in India, who work with persons with disabilities. In 2000, the Act was amended to increase the scope to include monitoring of the training of rehabilitation professionals and to promote research in special education and rehabilitation.
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Who is a rehabilitation professional as per this Act? Audiologists and

Who is a rehabilitation professional as per this Act?

Audiologists and Speech

Clinical Psychologists
Hearing and Ear Mould Technicians
Rehabilitation Engineers and Technicians
Special Teachers for Educating and Training persons with disabilities
Vocational Counsellors, Employment Officers and Placement Officers
Multi-purpose Rehabilitation Therapists, Technicians
Speech Pathologists
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What constitutes the Rehabilitation Council of India? The Rehabilitation Council of

What constitutes the Rehabilitation Council of India?

The Rehabilitation Council of India

is headed by a Chairperson with experience in the field of social work or rehabilitation as appointed by the Central Government. It also has a wide membership of Central Government representatives of the Ministries of Health, Welfare and Finance, civil society representatives, the University Grants Commission, the Indian Council for Medical Research, members of Parliament, and the State Governments.
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What are the functions of the Council? The Rehabilitation Council of

What are the functions of the Council?

The Rehabilitation Council of India

(RCI) approves of any university qualification pertaining to rehabilitation professionals. As and when any establishment makes a representation to the Central Government for recognition of any qualification, the Council shall be consulted on the matter
The RCI may also enter into negotiations with other countries for reciprocal recognition of the respective qualifications offered by them
The RCI can appoint inspectors and visitors to conduct inspections of the institutions and universities where training of rehabilitation professionals take place for the purpose of advising the Central Government on certification or ensuring the quality of the same
The RCI can withdraw recognition if they are of the opinion that the quality of education does not match up to standards
The RCI can prescribe minimum quality standards of education, as also the standards of professional conduct, etiquette and code of conduct for rehabilitation professionals
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Summary Audiologists and speech therapists Clinical psychologists Hearing aid and ear


Audiologists and speech therapists
Clinical psychologists
Hearing aid and ear mould technicians
Special educators

counselors, employment officers and placement officers working with persons with disability
Multi-purpose rehabilitation therapists, technicians or