Stages of development. The age of hellenism


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Aristotle Gymnasium

Aristotle Gymnasium

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ВИ – 2.4.4. Средиземноморье. Ханаан. ВИ – 3.2.4. Древняя Греция. Этапы

ВИ – 2.4.4. Средиземноморье. Ханаан.

ВИ – 3.2.4. Древняя Греция. Этапы развития.

Эпоха эллинизма (336-30 гг до н.э.

Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC) Mathematician. He laid the foundations of mechanics and became famous for his inventions, especially in the field of military equipment .
Euclid (III century BC) Mathematician.His treatise "Principles"(i.e., "elements") was used as a textbook on geometry until the twentieth century.

Epicurus of Samos (341-272 BC) was anoutstanding philosopher of his time. He created his own system of views on the world around him

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Scientific achievements The scientific achievements of ancient Greece were associated with

Scientific achievements

The scientific achievements of ancient Greece were associated with philosophy.Thales

discovered a number of properties of the triangle and circle, for the first time determined that amber, rubbed with matter, attracts light objects, discovered the attraction of iron filings by some ores. He believed that the Moon shines not by its own, but by reflected radiation; he pointed to the North Star and the constellations that are important for navigation.
Pythagoras founded the school that laid the foundation for the teaching of the Universe, subject to the laws of "harmony and number". Aristarchus of Samos proposed a hypothesis about the rotation of the spherical Earth around the Sun. Plato's concept of the cosmos is a classic one in ancient science.
The system of knowledge collected and systematized by Aristotle served as the backbone of science for almost two thousand years.Hippocrates-the" father of medicine", summarized the practical experience of treating patients, developed methods for diagnosing and describing many diseases, Eudoxus of Cnidus calculated the orbits of the planets, compiled a catalog of the starry sky, created the first astronomical observatory. Ancient Greek philosophers first gave definitions
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MATERIAL CULTURE OF ANCIENT GREECE Agriculture, viticulture and horticulture, cultivated cereals,


Agriculture, viticulture and horticulture, cultivated cereals, oilseeds,

etc. cultures. Olives, olive oil, wine were one of the main products of commodity exchange, and then trade. Animal husbandry was practiced.
The cities developed handicraft andhandicraft production, including mining and metallurgy, ceramic and textile production, construction, shipbuilding and related crafts.


Greek builders and architects laid the foundations for the practice of building various structures (temples, piers, palaestras, residential buildings, warehouses, water supply and sewerage).

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Religion. Mythology Greek mythology is not only the world of religious

Religion. Mythology

Greek mythology is not only the world of religious ideas,

it is the world of the Greeks, it is a complex and vast whole, which includes historical legends, legends, fairy tales, literary novels, free variations on mythological themes. These diverse elements are hardly distinguishable from each other.

The mythological personifications of the elements of the earth's nature were of great importance. The Greeks inhabited all nature with divine beings: in the groves lived dryads, nymphs, goat-footed satyrs; in the sea-naiads and sirens (birds with the heads of women).

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The ideological basis of the spiritual life of the ancient Greeks was anthropomorphic polytheism and mythology.

The ideological basis of the spiritual life of the ancient Greeks

was anthropomorphic polytheism and mythology.
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Ancient Greek gods in the period of classical Greece (5-4 centuries

Ancient Greek gods in the period of classical Greece (5-4 centuries

BC) were sculptures of beautiful harmonious people
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The Greeks did not have a fixed form of mythological tales.

The Greeks did not have a fixed form of mythological tales.

The stories of myths were transmitted in drawings of vase paintings, on vessels, tombstones, on the walls of temples, etc. They lived in stage works, retellings, songs, and ritual actions. This gave rise to a free attitude to the content of myths and even criticism of the gods.
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Zeus is the Roman Jupiter.God of the sky and thunder, head

Zeus is the Roman Jupiter.God of the sky and thunder, head

of the ancient Greek Pantheon.Attributes: One-tooth, eagle, lightning.
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Poseidon is the son of Cronus and Rhea, and the brother

 Poseidon is the son of Cronus and Rhea, and the brother

of Zeus and Hades. God of water, seas and oceans, as well as earthquakes. The Isthmian Games were held in his honor.Attributes: trident, horse.
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Hades is sometimes found under the names of Pluto or Hades,

Hades is sometimes found under the names of Pluto or Hades,

and among the Romans under the names of Orc or Dit.The lord of the underworld of the dead.Attributes: three-headed dog Cerberus (Kerber), two-pronged. The wife is Persephone (Proserpine).
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Athena is also found under the name Pallas, among the Romans

Athena is also found under the name Pallas, among the Romans

Minerva.Goddess of wisdom, just war, patroness of the cities of Athens, crafts, sciences.Attributes: owl, snake. Dressed like a warrior. On the chest is an emblem in the form of the head of a Medusa-Gorgon. Born from the head of Zeus.
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Aphrodite aka Cypros, in Rome — Venus.The goddess of love and

Aphrodite aka Cypros, in Rome — Venus.The goddess of love and

beauty.Attributes: belt, apple, mirror, dove, rose.
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Apollo aka PhoebusGod of the sun, light, and truth, patron of

Apollo aka PhoebusGod of the sun, light, and truth, patron of

the arts, sciences, and healing, god of divination.Attributes: laurel wreath, bow and arrow.
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Ares the Romans have MarsGod of bloodthirsty, unjust war.Attributes: Helmet, sword, shield.

Ares the Romans have MarsGod of bloodthirsty, unjust war.Attributes: Helmet, sword,

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Artemis in the Roman Diana.Goddess of the moon and hunting, patroness

 Artemis in the Roman Diana.Goddess of the moon and hunting, patroness

of women in labor.Attributes: quiver with arrows, doe.
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Dionysus is also known as Bacchus, by the Romans as Bacchus.God


Dionysus is also known as Bacchus, by the Romans as Bacchus.God

of viticulture and winemaking, agriculture. Patron of the theater.Attributes: a wreath of vines, a cup of wine.
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Hephaestus is a Roman Volcano.God of blacksmithing, patron of all artisans

Hephaestus is a Roman Volcano.God of blacksmithing, patron of all artisans

and fire. The wife is Aphrodite.Attributes: pliers, blacksmith's furs, pylos (a craftsman's cap).
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Hera in the Romans Juno.The goddess is the patroness of family

Hera in the Romans Juno.The goddess is the patroness of family

and marriage, the wife of Zeus.Attributes: single-tooth, tiara..
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Боги Греции The main gods of the Greek pantheon are: Zeus,

Боги Греции

The main gods of the Greek pantheon are: Zeus,

Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Asclepius, Pan, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia.According to ancient Greek mythology, the supreme god was Zeus, the goddess of hunting – Artemis, the god of trade-Hermes.A characteristic feature of ancient Greek religion was anthropomorphism - the deification of man, the idea of the gods as strong, beautiful people who are immortal and have eternal youth. The gods lived, according to the Greeks, on Mount Olympus.

Боги Олимпа

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The Delphic Oracle the oracle at the temple of Apollo at

The Delphic Oracle

the oracle at the temple of Apollo at Delphi

[located at the foot of the southern slope of Mount Parnassus in Phocis.According to ancient Greek mythology, it was founded by Apollo himself on the site of his victory over the monstrous serpent Python. The Delphic oracle, where the priestess (Pythia) was nominally the main person, but in fact all the predictions were formulated by the priests of the temple who interpreted her, was one of the main diviners in the Hellenic world.Its appearance is attributed to the Mycenaean time, and the final disappearance - to the IV century AD, the heyday of the oracle falls on the VII-V centuries BC. e. archaic and classical periods of the history of Ancient Greece.
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The Greeks believed that it was located in Delphi on Mount

The Greeks believed that it was located in Delphi on Mount

Parnassus, where the temple of Apollo, where the high priestess Pythia lived, was located. As she sank into a state of ecstasy, she called upon the god Apollo to predict the future. There were other oracles in the Greek world, but the Delphic one was the most important.
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Written language The ancient Greek script is based on the Phoenician

Written language

The ancient Greek script is based on the Phoenician

script. By the end of Hellenism, writing was entering the everyday life of the ancient world. Knowledge in Greece, unlike in Egypt, was not sacred (transmitted only to initiates).
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Literature and theater The work of Hesiod, who wrote the poems

Literature and theater

The work of Hesiod, who wrote the poems "Theogony"

(i.e., the genealogy of the gods) and "Works and Days", and lyrical poetry (Archilochus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, etc.) belongs to the VIII century BC.

Homer is one of the founders of Greek and European literature. The Iliad and the Odyssey are epic poems attributed to Homer, the oldest surviving monuments of Greek literature. The basis for them was the numerous legends of Ancient Greece about the exploits of ancient heroes.


Рукопись «Илиады»
V век

Одиссей в пещере Полифема

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Theatre One of the most remarkable phenomena of ancient Greek culture


One of the most remarkable phenomena of ancient Greek culture is

the theater. It originated on the basis of folk songs and dances during the holidays in honor of the god Dionysus.From the ritual songs that were sung while wearing goatskins, tragedy was born (tragos-goat, ode-song); from mischievous and cheerful songs, comedy was born.

Театр Древней Греции

Theatrical performances were considered a school of education, and the state paid great attention to them. The performances were held several times a year on major holidays and lasted for several days in a row. 3 tragedies and 2 comedies were staged.During the heyday of Greek culture (VI-V centuries. the most outstanding Greek tragic poets, classics of not only Greek, but also world literature, lived and worked in Athens.

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Classics of comedy and tragedy Aeschylus is rightly considered the father

Classics of comedy and tragedy

Aeschylus is rightly considered the father of

all European tragedy for his immortal works ("The Seven Leaders", "Prometheus", "Oresteia", "The Persians").
Sophocles-the main creator of tragedies for the Greek theater ("Oedipus the King"," Electra", etc.)
Euripides-the ancient Greek playwright, the author of "Medea", "Hippolytus", "Iphigenia in Aulis".The classic and "father" of Greek comedy is Aristophanes, who wrote comedies: "The World", "Women in the People's Assembly", "Horsemen", etc





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The leading architectural structures of classical Greece were temples, theaters, and

The leading architectural structures of classical Greece were temples, theaters, and

public buildings. But the main architectural structure is the temple. The most famous examples that have survived to our time in the Acropolis of Athens are the temples of the Parthenon and Erechtheion.

Ancient Greek architecture

Styles in ancient Greek architecture changed successively:Doric,IonicCorinthian.A distinctive feature of these styles is the shape of columns - an indispensable attribute of ancient Greek buildings.

Главный храм Древних Афин - Парфенон

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Ancient Greek sculpture Greek sculpture was originally inferior to that of

Ancient Greek sculpture

Greek sculpture was originally inferior to that of the

ancient East. But since the V century BC, it has reached an unprecedented flourishing. It conveys not only the figure and face, but also the movement and even the feelings of the people depicted.Sculptors of particular renown and fame were Myron, Polycletus, Phidias, Praxiteles, Scopas, and Lysippus.

Мирон. «Дискобол»
Скульптура ранней классики

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Painting of Ancient Greece Painting was widespread in ancient Greece in

Painting of Ancient Greece

Painting was widespread in ancient Greece in

the form of frescoes and mosaics that adorn temples and buildings, but they have almost not survived to our time.Examples of surviving paintings include the famous Greek black-figure and red-figure vases.

Ancient Greek painting .Red-figure and black-figure vases

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How did the Greeks imagine the world? The world - "cosmos"

How did the Greeks imagine the world?

The world - "cosmos"

- was understood by the ancient Greeks as an animated, beautiful spherical body inhabited by people and gods. The basis of the worldview was mythology, which has passed a long way of development
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"Man is the measure of all things!» Protagoras At the heart

"Man is the measure of all things!» Protagoras

At the heart

of ancient Greek culture lies, first of all, the development of a free person as a fully developed personality, involved in solving public affairs, engaged in mental activities: philosophy, mathematics, music, poetry, politics, receiving fame and respect in return, and hardening physically as a result of sports. Ancient culture was characterized by anthropocentrism – "man is the measure of all things".Beautiful Greek statues of steelthe standard of the beauty of the humanbody, Greek philosophy – themodel of the beauty of the human bodythinking.
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Plato's Model of the Cultured Man The first model of a

Plato's Model of the Cultured Man

The first model of a cultured

person in history is considered to be the ancient or Platonic model. According to this model, a cultured person can be considered an educated person who knows how to control himself( self-control), moral.The type of person is an athlete, which includesphysical and spiritual perfection.You can achieve the ideal through exercise,education, and educationso the ancient Greeks believed.
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Ancient Greece – the cradle of European civilization Римская культура стала

Ancient Greece – the cradle of European civilization

Римская культура

стала питательной почвой для культуры романо-германских народов Европы.
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Hellenism Hellenism is a new stage in the development of material


Hellenism is a new stage in the development of material

and spiritual culture, forms of political organization and social life of the states conquered as a result of the Eastern Campaign of Alexander the Great (334-323 BC) before the final establishment of Roman rule in these territories.All of its local variants had common features. On the one hand, elements of Greek culture were necessarily present, on the other – the Hellenistic world was formed mainly on the territory of the former Persian power, and therefore the socio-economic and political development of the conquered countries was similar.The rise of science: Archimedes, Euclid.Colossus of Rhodes, Pharos lighthouse.Sculpting School: "Laocoon", astatue of Nika of Samothrace