- 2. The Piri Reis Map
- 3. A Portolan Chart
- 4. The Portolan Grid Equator and 45N are quite accurate Map ends just below 45S Intermediate Roses
- 5. The Portolan Grid Radiating Lines are Compass Bearings Meridians and Parallels are perpendicular This is a
- 6. Quality of Cartography Europe and Africa Coasts Pretty Good Rivers Inaccurate Brazil: Recognizable North America and
- 7. Interpreting Ancient Maps Any Ancient Map is Only as Good as Its Depiction of Well Explored
- 8. Corsica by Piri Reis
- 9. The Orontius Finaeus Map, 1531
- 10. Antarctica? http://www.goldenageproject.org.uk/112antarctica.php
- 13. Map by Mercator, 1587
- 14. Hendrik Hondius Map, 1630
- 15. A Vicious Circle Without Accurate Navigation, Accurate Maps Weren’t Necessary Maps Were Largely Schematic Without Accurate
- 16. What’s Missing? The Pacific Ocean Isthmus of Panama Drake Passage Deep Water: Was Never Dry Land
- 17. Arm-Waving Looks Persuasive Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Centered on Cairo
- 18. Detailed Comparison Doesn’t
- 19. Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Centered on 0,0
- 20. Orthographic Projection
- 21. Cylindrical Equidistant Projection
- 22. Likely Identification
- 23. Alternative Identification
- 24. Not Antarctica
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