The Roman civilization


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The Roman civilization originated on the Apennine Peninsula, located in the

The Roman civilization originated on the Apennine Peninsula, located in the

central part of the Mediterranean Sea. The coast of the peninsula is not suitable for navigation, but the coast itself and the wide valleys that stretch along the mountainous ridge are lands convenient for farming and cattle breeding
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All this attracted different tribes, among which was the tribe of

All this attracted different tribes, among which was the tribe of

the Latins who founded Rome. In the south of Italy, the Greeks settled. Their rich cities with blooming gardens were called Great Greece. The most mysterious tribe was the Etruscans
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The Etruscans are an ancient civilization that inhabited the north-west of

The Etruscans are an ancient civilization that inhabited the north-west of

the Apennine Peninsula (the area of ancient Etruria, modern Tuscany) between the Arno and Tiber Rivers in the first millennium BC and created a developed culture that preceded the Roman one and had a great influence on it.
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Rome, at first a small settlement, dates back to April 21,

Rome, at first a small settlement, dates back to April 21,

753 BC. Through the wars of conquest, Rome extended its influence to Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, Spain, part of the European territories, and the British Isles. Its power began to weaken by the 3rd century AD. In the 5th century AD, Rome ceased to exist as an empire.
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Rome knew three forms of government: tsarist, republican, and imperial. Each

Rome knew three forms of government: tsarist, republican, and imperial. Each

form of power had its own structure.
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The first kings The first kings were from the Etruscans, the

The first kings

The first kings were from the Etruscans, the

penultimate of them Servius Tullius carried out a state reform, during which the entire territory of Rome was divided into 4 districts (or tribes
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Republic at the head of the state were two consuls who


at the head of the state were two consuls who ruled

alternately and during wars alternately controlled the troops. They relied on the Senate, which prepared laws for the People's Assembly. It was composed of very wealthy Romans-representatives of the "Roman people", who were elected either by hundreds (centuries) or by districts (tribes). The tribunes, representatives of the people from the districts-tribes, had the right to demand the convocation of the People's Assembly and had the right of "veto".
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Republic The executive power was improved and at different times included:


The executive power was improved and at different times included: praetors

who were engaged in civil proceedings; quaestors - in charge of the treasury; censors - who performed many functions within communities; various kinds of procurators (the so-called different positions: financial official, secretary of the emperor, officials sent from the center to execute any orders, governors appointed by the emperor).
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Empire The advisers of the emperors have always had a legal


The advisers of the emperors have always had a legal education.

I must say that Rome gave the world two types of law - private and general, examples of consideration of many legal cases
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Ancient Roman culture Ancient Roman culture went through a difficult path

Ancient Roman culture

Ancient Roman culture went through a difficult path of

development from the culture of the Roman community, absorbing the cultural traditions of ancient Greece, falling under the influence of Etruscan, Hellenistic cultures and the cultures of the peoples of the ancient East

Roman culture became the breeding ground for the culture of the Romano-Germanic peoples of Europe.

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Ancient Roman culture The history of Ancient Rome dates back more

Ancient Roman culture

The history of Ancient Rome dates back more than

twelve centuries (8th century BC to 5th century AD). She left mankind richest cultural and artistic heritage: grandiose architectural ensembles, new types of engineering structures, realistic sculptural portraits, wonderful frescoes, mosaics, pieces of decorative and applied art, the poetic creations of Virgil and Horace, Ovid and Catullus, oratorical masterpieces of Cicero, the system of Roman law, the philosophy of Lucretius, the most interesting experience in the field of theatrical and spectacular views. The art of Ancient Rome managed not only to inherit, but also to creatively develop the best achievements of ancient Greek masters, creating its own original style and unique personality. In the development of the artistic culture of Ancient Rome,
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The main achievements of Ancient Rome Construction, which reached a very

The main achievements of Ancient Rome

Construction, which reached a very

high level, not only in Rome itself, but also in the provinces: houses and public buildings (basilicas, temples, stadiums, theaters) took a large scale construction of bridges, roads, ports, tunnels, lighthouses, aqueducts. Дороги, связавшие части огромной империи, служили еще много столетий после крушения Рима.

Roman culture became the breeding ground for the culture of the Romano-Germanic peoples of Europe.

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Pantheon - " temple of all the gods» One of the

Pantheon - " temple of all the gods»

One of the masterpieces

of Roman architecture is the Pantheon-the "temple of all the gods", built in Rome in 125 AD. It has no analogues in ancient Roman architecture.Its main attraction is the grandiose dome ceiling, reaching a diameter of43.2 m. The size of thedome of the Pantheon exceedsall the large vaultsbuilt in subsequenttimes.
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The walls of the Pantheon are divided into two tiers: the

The walls of the Pantheon are divided into two tiers:

the lower one is decorated with deep niches with Corinthian columns, where statues of the gods were once placed, and the upper one is decorated with false windows and pilasters (flat vertical projections on the surface of the walls) made of colored marble. Crossing the threshold of the temple, visitors are waiting for a solemn twilight, its inner appearance is striking with light that fills the entire space. Light pours through a spherical window with a diameter of 9 m ("eye of the Pantheon"), moving in accordance with the movement of the sun.
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Architecture of Ancient Rome Rome and other cities of the empire

Architecture of Ancient Rome

Rome and other cities of the empire were

decorated with magnificent buildings – temples, palaces, theaters, amphitheaters, circuses. Amphitheatres and circuses, where animals were poisoned, gladiator fights and public executions were held , are a feature of the cultural life of Rome.

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The squares of Rome and other cities were decorated with triumphal arches in honor of military victories, statues of emperors and outstanding public people of the state.In many cities, houses were built in 3-6 floors.

Арка на площади Рима

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Colosseum - " wonder of the world» Among the architectural structures

Colosseum - " wonder of the world»

Among the architectural structures

of Ancient Rome, spectacular buildings are of particular interest. The largest of them is the Colosseum, where pantomimes were played, gladiator fights and the taming of wild animals took place.The Colosseum was a huge oval bowl (188 x 156 m). In the center of the Colosseum is the arena, surrounded by stepped benches for the audience, the number of which reached 56 thousand.
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A peculiar decoration of the Colosseum was the statues that stood

A peculiar decoration of the Colosseum was the statues that

stood in the arches of the second and third tiers.
And today the ruins of the Colosseum amaze with their size and grandeur.
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Especially popular in Rome were gladiator fights, animal baiting.

Especially popular in Rome were gladiator fights, animal baiting.

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A special group of architectural monuments includes engineering structures that were

A special group of architectural monuments includes engineering structures that

were new at that time: water pipelines (aqueducts), huge stone bridges (viaducts) and roads – remarkable examples of the unity of architectural forms and structures.
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The Religion of Ancient Rome Roman culture, like Greek culture, is

The Religion of Ancient Rome

Roman culture, like Greek culture, is

closely connected with the religious beliefs of the population of Ancient Rome.In the Roman mind, every object, every phenomenon had its own spirit, its own deity. Each house had its own Vesta-the goddess of the hearth. The gods were in charge of every movement and breath of man from birth to death. Another interesting feature of the early Roman religion and the worldview of people is the lack of certain images of the gods.
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The Romans borrowed anthropomorphic gods from the Greeks, giving them their

The Romans borrowed anthropomorphic gods from the Greeks, giving them their

names:Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Phoebus, Venus, etc. In addition to the gods, they had a belief in geniuses, as patron spirits who accompanied a person in life and guided thoughts and actions. The Romans were even more rationalistic about the gods than the Greeks.
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For the administration of religious cults, priests were responsible, united in

For the administration of religious cults, priests were responsible, united in

colleges and serving a deity. But there was a higher class of priests-pontiffs, who observed the correctness of the administration of religious rites in general. From time to time, both high officials and emperors became pontiffs. In each family, the head of the family performed priestly functions.
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The Romans had no poetic mythology. The myth was replaced by

The Romans had no poetic mythology. The myth was replaced by

a historical description of events (the legend of the foundation of Rome). At the same time, some subjects of the mythology of the ancient Greeks were grafted on Roman soil. The Greek Hercules, becoming the Roman Hercules, also performed feats.
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Unlike the Greeks, who used mythological subjects for dramatic performances, Roman

Unlike the Greeks, who used mythological subjects for dramatic performances, Roman

playwrights reworked Greek writers in their own way. However, the Romans were alien to the pathos and philosophy of Greek drama. They preferred comedies with buffoonery, obscenities, witty words and antics of the characters. The actors in the Roman theaters were natives of the provinces, slaves or freedmen
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Painting and sculpture of Ancient Rome Palaces and public buildings were

Painting and sculpture of Ancient Rome

Palaces and public buildings were decorated

with wall paintings and paintings, the main subject of which were episodes of Greek and Roman mythology, as well as images of water and greenery.During the period of the empire, special attention was paid to portrait sculpture, a characteristic feature of which was the exceptional realism in the transfer of the features of the depicted person. Many pieces of sculpture represented beautifully executed copies of Greek and Hellenistic works of art.Mosaics, the processing of precious metals and bronze, were particularly common forms of art
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The Romans attached great importance to the cult of their ancestors.

The Romans attached great importance to the cult of their ancestors.

Sculptural portraits of male ancestors were in the house. In tsarist and republican times, as well as in the early empire, the head of state was not deified.
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Seven Wonders of the World The Seven Wonders of the World

Seven Wonders of the World

The Seven Wonders of the World

is a list of the most famous cultural attractions, the most grandiose, the most magnificent, the most striking buildings and monuments of art.