Giancarlo Vecchi


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Giancarlo Vecchi


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Giancarlo Vecchi Policy Analysis is a political science sub-discipline involved in

Giancarlo Vecchi

Policy Analysis is a political science sub-discipline involved in explaining

and predicting the ways in which governments at all levels interact with citizens, firms and other public and private organisations in the solution of collective problems.
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Giancarlo Vecchi POLITY: The political community. Researches: democratic regimes, institutions, rights,

Giancarlo Vecchi

POLITY: The political community. Researches: democratic regimes, institutions, rights, etc.

The competition for power. Researches: representations, political leadership, parties, coalitions, etc.
POLICY: the public programmes to solve public problems. Researches: who decides about to problems and solutions; the effectiveness of programmes; how to foster innovations in public sectors; etc.

1.1. Policy, Politics, Polity

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Giancarlo Vecchi Definitions: public policy is… ... whatever the government does…

Giancarlo Vecchi

Definitions: public policy is…
... whatever the government does… what government

chooses to do or not to do (Dye, 1966)
? policies are intentional choices (and not accidents or accidental occurrences)

1.1. Public policy: definitions

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Giancarlo Vecchi … a set of decisions taken by a political

Giancarlo Vecchi
… a set of decisions taken by a political actor

or by a group of actors concerning the choice of the objectives and the instruments (Jenkins, 1978)
? Policies are made by decisions, taken by various actors, governmental and not (role of bureaucracies, pressure groups, societal groups, etc.)


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Giancarlo Vecchi 1.1. … a given course of action that one

Giancarlo Vecchi


… a given course of action that one actor

or a group of actors follows in order to manage a problem or an issue of specific interest (Anderson, 1984)
? it underlines the process, not only the decision phase; policies involve aims/goals, instruments, planning and implementation
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1.1. … a set of actions that influence the

Giancarlo Vecchi


… a set of actions that influence the solution

of a collective problem, or unrealized needs, values or opportunities of improvements (Dunn, 1996)
? The focus to evaluate the success of a policy is the capacity to modify the undesired condition of groups of citizens/firms, in terms of needs and values
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1.1. ? and it introduces the term: opportunities to

Giancarlo Vecchi


? and it introduces the term: opportunities to

innovate (role of the experts).
REMEMBER: Policies are an analytical construct; they don’t exist in the real world as things, but are concepts! Concepts reconstructed studying the activities of actors involved in dealing with public problems
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1.2. The policy cycle The classic way to study

Giancarlo Vecchi

1.2. The policy cycle

The classic way to study a policy

is to break it down into stages
6 main phases/stages:
Setting the agenda: is there a problem? (Problem setting or Problem definition)
Policy formulation/design: which are the possible solutions?
Decision: which is the best alternative?
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Giancarlo Vecchi (The policy cycle) Policy implementation: putting the solution into

Giancarlo Vecchi

(The policy cycle)

Policy implementation: putting the solution into practice
Policy evaluation

(ex-post): have we solved the problem?
And then: policy maintenance, succession or termination
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. POLICY CYCLE

Giancarlo Vecchi



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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Problem definition and Agenda-setting→ Identifying problems that require

Giancarlo Vecchi


Problem definition and Agenda-setting→
Identifying problems that require government

attention, deciding which issues deserve the most attention and defining the nature of the problem.
Government (Supranational, National, Regional, Local) accepts to consider an issue supported and presented by an actor (or some actors) - (But not all the issues will be selected and decided)
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Formulation / Policy Design → Identifying and choosing

Giancarlo Vecchi


Formulation / Policy Design →
Identifying and choosing possible

solutions to a problem.
Setting policy theory, objectives and expected results, identifying the cost and estimating the effect of solutions, selecting policy instruments.
(There are situations in which policies are formulated without a ‘coherent’ design)
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Decision (as legitimation) → Public authority (authorities) chooses

Giancarlo Vecchi


Decision (as legitimation) →
Public authority (authorities) chooses

and legitimate a solution among those formulated.
Ensuring that the chosen policy design have support. It can involve one or a combination of: legislative approval, executive approval, seeking consent through consultation with interest groups, and referenda.
In the real life, we have decisions in every steps of the policy cycle; here the question is about the legitimation by a public authority that will open the door for the implementation of a policy
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Implementation ? Public organisations, in general working with

Giancarlo Vecchi


Implementation ?
Public organisations, in general working with a network

of other actors (public and private), translate policy design and plan into concrete action using substantive policy tools (direct intervention, regulation, money, persuasion, co-production, etc.).
To remember: not every decided policy are translated in the implementation phase. See symbolic policies, policies decided and communicated but without implementation
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Evaluation (ex post) → Assessing the extent to

Giancarlo Vecchi


Evaluation (ex post) →
Assessing the extent to which

the policy was successful and had the desired effect or even undesired/unplanned effects; or the policy decision was the correct one; or if it was implemented correctly.
Evaluation can be performed by different actors (public organizations, experts, consultants’ companies, etc.).
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Evaluation (ex post) → The functions of evaluation

Giancarlo Vecchi


Evaluation (ex post) →
The functions of evaluation could

Learning = Did the policy work? Was the design correct, and the implementation coherent?
Programming: Do we replicate or diffuse the policy, stop it, etc.
Accountability processes in the relationships among different institutions and/or actors: Did the organisations use the resources in a proper way? Did them reach the contracted results?
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Evaluation/2: Evaluation concepts are one of the tools

Giancarlo Vecchi


Evaluation concepts are one of the tools of policy

design; in other words, concepts as inputs, outputs, outcomes, etc., are used to design a policy in the ex ante phase
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Giancarlo Vecchi 1. Policy maintenance, succession or termination ? Considering if

Giancarlo Vecchi


Policy maintenance, succession or termination ?
Considering if the

policy should be continued (eventually with minor changes/adaptations), replaced, or suppressed.