The peculiarities of the translation strategies while interpreting metaphors in the m.Twain's novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Слайд 2

The relevance of this work is the need to give a

The relevance of this work is the need to give a

complete interpretation of the concept of transformation, to distinguish the main types of transformation, to consider what causes transformation and to analyze cases of transformations and how they are implemented in Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
Слайд 3

Subject of our study is the use of lexical transformations in

Subject of our study is the use of lexical transformations in

the translation of Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in English.

Object of our study is translation strategies as a kind of interpretation of a literary text.

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The purpose is to define functioning of transformations when transfering and

The purpose is to define functioning of transformations when transfering and

to analyze specific means of their expression. Purpose of the work is realized by the following tasks:

to study translation transformation,
to determine their place in process of achieving the adequate translation;
to characterize types of translation strategies;
to analyze the novel of mark twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" on the use of translation transformations in the translation process.

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The materials of the study: The novel of Mark Twain “The

The materials of the study:
The novel of Mark Twain “The Adventures

of Tom Sawyer” (224 p.), and its Ukrainian translation made by V. Mitrofanov «Пригоди Тома Сойєра» (230 с.), and by M. Zahirnya «Пригоди Тома Сойєра» (295 с.).
Methods of the study:
Method of scientific analysis
Scientific method of synthesis
Method of comparison
Generalization method
Identification method (to form the concept of the object of study)
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Theoretical value of the study is that it makes a certain

Theoretical value of the study is that it makes a certain

contribution to theoretical development of problems of the translation and translation strategy in English and expands representation about their types.
Practical value of the study lies in the fact that it can be used in further research on theoretical grammar of translation related literature. Our study may be useful to teachers for lectures and seminar classes in theoretical grammar of translation and translation of texts for students and scholars to write books on theoretical grammar of translation.
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Introduction - formulated a subject of study, justified the relevance, established

Introduction - formulated a subject of study, justified the relevance, established

purposes and tasks, a certain method of study, it is characterized by its structures.
Section 1 - the theoretical basis of the study of translation transformations: research the essence of translation , the modern interpretation of the concept of "translation strategy" in linguistic science , classification of translation strategies
Section 2 - research of use of translation transformations in M. Twain's work "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer“: peculiarities of the works of Mark Twain, translation strategies used in the works of Twain's “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
The Conclusion summarizes the study, generalized and systematized all the results.
Bibliography (34 sources)
Слайд 8

But if ever I get off this time, I lay I’ll

But if ever I get off this time, I lay I’ll

just waller in Sunday schools! And Tom began to snuffle a little.

Zahirnya translation: Ну, вже як пощастить цього разу викрутитися з лиха, то вже не пустуватиму більше в недільній школі! Том тихенько захлипав.

Mitrofanov translation: Ну, та якщо цього разу пронесе Господь мене вже й кийком не виженеш із недільної школи! – І Том почав тихенько шморгати носом.

Слайд 9

I don’t know; but it’s so. I got some of their

I don’t know; but it’s so. I got some of their

jabber out of a book. S’pose a man was to come to you and say Polly-voo-franzy – what would you think? ‘I wouldn’ think nuff’n; I’d take en bust him over de head. Dad is, if he warn’t white. I wouldn’t ‘low no nigger to call me dat.
Mitrofanov translation: Не знаю, але це так. Я трошки навчився з книжки по їхньому. Уяви собі, приходить до тебе чоловік і говорить: Пуллі ви френзі? Ти що на це тоді сказав би, га? – Нічого не скажу, а візьму та й дам йому по потилиці…Звісно, як що він не білий. Ні за що я не дозволю негрові так мене лаяти…
Zahirnya translation: Не знаю, але так воно є. Я читав у книжці про їхні дурні теревені. Ось, приміром, підходить до тебе чолов’яга та й каже: Парле ву франсе? Що ти тоді подумаєш? – Анічогісінько я не подумаю, а тільки затоплю йому в пику – звісно, якщо той чолов’яга не білий. Щоб я дозволив негрові так мене вилаяти!
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She went to the open door and stood in it and

She went to the open door and stood in it and

looked out among the tomato vines and "jimpson" weeds that constituted the garden. No Tom. So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance…
Вона пішла до відчинених дверей, стала на порозі й повела оком по грядках помідорів, зарослих дурманом,- то був її «город». Тома не видно ніде. Тоді вона підвищила голос,- так щоб було чути далі…
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Well, I know. It's jam – that's what it is. Forty

Well, I know. It's jam – that's what it is. Forty

times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you. Hand me that switch.

Зате я знаю. Це варення – ось що це таке. Сто разів тобі казала: не чіпай варення, бо шкуру злуплю! Ану дай мені оту лозину!