William Shakespeare (1564-1616) (1564-1616)

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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

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WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English playwright and poet;


William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English playwright and poet;

He was an actor of the royal troupe. William was born in a family of merchant and honor citizen of John Shakespeare. Ancestors Shakespeare for centuries engaged in arable farming in the neighborhood of Stratford. 1568-69 - the years of greatest prosperity of the family, followed by the slow ruin. Around 1580, William had to drop out of school, which in Stratford was canceled, and start working. It is believed that by leaving school, William Shakespeare for some time as an apprentice helping his father.
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Departure for London In November 1582, William married Anne Hathaway. Perhaps

Departure for London

In November 1582, William married Anne Hathaway. Perhaps the

marriage was forced in May next year, their first child was born - the daughter of Susan. In February 1585 it came to light twins - a son and a daughter Judith Gamneta. In the second half of the 1580s. Shakespeare leaves Stratford. Comes the so-called "lost" or "dark years", about which nothing is known.
At the turn of the 1590s. William Shakespeare arrived in London. During these years he has created his first piece - chronicle of "Henry VI». Having become quite a prominent figure, Shakespeare immediately awarded a jealous outburst from one of the then prevailing on stage dramatists of the "university minds" by Robert Greene called him "Shaker scene" and a crow that "dresses up our pens." This was the first preserved review.
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The emergence of a new playwright In 1592-94 the London theaters

The emergence of a new playwright

In 1592-94 the London theaters closed

because of plague. During the involuntary pause Shakespeare creates several pieces: the chronicle of "Richard III», «Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Shrew", his first tragedy "Titus Andronicus" and produces the light for the first time under the name of the poem "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucretia". In 1594 after the opening of Shakespeare Theatre joins the new composition of the troupe of the Lord Chamberlain, the so-called ex officio its patron Hansdona. Here's what he wrote one of his contemporaries F. Merez in 1597: "Just as Plautus and Seneca were considered by the Romans for the best part of the comedy and tragedy, as William Shakespeare, the English is naiprevoskhodneyshim in both types of pieces, intended for the stage ..
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Creative takeoff In 1590-ies. Shakespeare creates all its main chronicles and

Creative takeoff

In 1590-ies. Shakespeare creates all its main chronicles and most

comedies. In 1595-96 years wrote the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", after her - "The Merchant of Venice" - the first comedy, which later would be called "serious".
In the fall of 1599 opened the theater "Globe". Above the entrance - the winged words: "The whole world - theater". Shakespeare is one of its co-owners, and the main actor of the troupe a playwright. In the year of the opening of "Globes", he wrote Roman tragedy "Julius Caesar" and the comedy "As You Like It," which develops melancholic characters open the way to created a year later, "Hamlet."
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The unexpected departure of Stratford After 1606 begins the last period

The unexpected departure of Stratford

After 1606 begins the last period of

Shakespeare's work, which ended in 1613 he left his native Stratford. At this time of tragedy are in the ancient stories. They were followed later "romantic" plays, including "Winter's Tale" and "The Tempest" (1610-12).
The reason for the sudden termination of a successful career as a playwright and departure from the capital was likely the disease. In March 1616 William Shakespeare is and sign the will, which subsequently causes so many misunderstandings about his personality, authorship and will be an occasion for what will be called "Shakespeare authorship question." It is believed that Shakespeare died on the same day that he was born - 23 April.
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comedy Shakespeare was not satirical, and it differed sharply from the


Shakespeare was not satirical, and it differed sharply from the subsequent

development of the genre. Her laughter comes from the feeling of fullness of life, its strength, beauty and variability. In Shakespeare's comedy has a great theme - Nature. She has her own favorite hero - the clown, full of knowledge of life is not what it seems, and it is.
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Sonnets The most likely time of the creation of sonnets -


The most likely time of the creation of sonnets - 1593-1600.

most specific themed cycle in Shakespeare's collection represent the first seventeen sonnets. They have one theme: the desire to continue a fine young man in the offspring themselves, forget how fleeting earthly life and earthly beauty. It is a kind of introduction to the book that could be written by the order and perhaps even before there was a personal relationship to the poet's friend, full of admiration and sincere love. Love poetry gives inspiration, but receives from her forever.