Creating and pricing products that satisfy customers


Слайд 2

Learning Objectives Explain what a product is and how products are

Learning Objectives

Explain what a product is and how products are classified.

the product life cycle and how it leads to new product development.
Define product line and product mix and distinguish between the two.
Identify the methods available for changing a product mix.
Explain the uses and importance of branding, packaging, and labeling.
Describe the economic basis of pricing and the means by which sellers can control prices and buyers’ perceptions of prices.
Identify the major pricing objectives used by businesses.
Examine the three major pricing methods that firms employ.
Explain the different strategies available to companies for setting prices.
Describe three major types of pricing associated with business products.
Слайд 3

Product …everything one receives in an exchange, including all tangible and


…everything one receives in an exchange, including all tangible and intangible

attributes and expected benefits; it may be a good, service, or idea.
Слайд 4

Product Good: a real, physical thing that we can touch Service:


Good: a real, physical thing that we can touch
Service: the result

of applying human or mechanical effort to a person or thing, a change we pay others to make for us
Idea: philosophies, lessons, concepts, or advice
Слайд 5

Product Classification Determines Distribution Promotion Pricing “The buyer’s use of the

Product Classification Determines


“The buyer’s use of the product determines the classification of

an item.”
Слайд 6

Consumer Product …a product purchased to satisfy personal and family needs.

Consumer Product

…a product purchased to satisfy personal and family needs.

Слайд 7

Consumer Product Classifications Convenience Inexpensive, frequently purchased item; buyers exert minimal

Consumer Product Classifications

Convenience Inexpensive, frequently purchased item; buyers exert minimal effort
Shopping Buyers willing

to expend considerable effort planning/making purchase
Specialty Possesses one or more unique characteristics; significant group of buyers willing to expend considerable purchasing effort
Слайд 8

Business Product …a product bought for resale, for making other products,

Business Product

…a product bought for resale, for making other products, or

for use in a firm’s operations.
Слайд 9

Business Product Classifications Raw material: becomes part of physical product Major

Business Product Classifications

Raw material: becomes part of physical product
Major equipment: tools/machines

used in production
Accessory equipment: standardized equipment used in production or office activities
Component: part of physical product either as finished item or with little processing before assembly
Process material: directly in production of another product; not readily identifiable in finished product
Supply: facilitates production/operations, does not become part of finished product
Business service: intangible product used in operations
Слайд 10

Source: “Attendance Required,” The B-to-B Media Handbook, p. 22. Percentage of

Source: “Attendance Required,” The B-to-B Media Handbook, p. 22.

Percentage of Executives

Who Rate Source “Somewhat” or “Extremely” Influential in B2B Purchasing Decisions
Слайд 11

Product Life Cycle …a series of stages in which a product’s

Product Life Cycle

…a series of stages in which a product’s sales

revenue and profit increase, reach a peak, and then decline.
Слайд 12

Figure 12.1: Product Life Cycle

Figure 12.1: Product Life Cycle

Слайд 13

Stages of Product Life Cycle Introduction Sales: gradual rise Profit: low

Stages of Product Life Cycle

Sales: gradual rise
Profit: low or loss
Sales: rapid

Profit: per-unit drop
Sales: peak and decline of curve
Profit: decline
Sales: sharp drop
Profit: continued fall
Слайд 14

Product Line …a group of similar products that differ only in relatively minor characteristics.

Product Line

…a group of similar products that differ only in relatively

minor characteristics.
Слайд 15

Product Mix …all the products a firm offers for sale.

Product Mix

…all the products a firm offers for sale.

Слайд 16

Dimensions of Product Mix Depth Width Ways to improve Change existing

Dimensions of Product Mix

Ways to improve
Change existing product
Delete a product
Develop a

new product
Слайд 17

Product Modification …the process of changing one or more of a product’s characteristics.

Product Modification

…the process of changing one or more of a product’s

Слайд 18

Effectiveness of Product Modification Product must be modifiable Existing customers must

Effectiveness of Product Modification

Product must be modifiable
Existing customers must perceive modification

Modification makes product more consistent with customers’ desires
Слайд 19

Types of Modification Quality: dependability and durability Functionality: versatility, effectiveness, convenience,

Types of Modification

Quality: dependability and durability
Functionality: versatility, effectiveness, convenience, or safety

sensory appeal of product─taste, texture, sound, smell, or visual characteristics
Слайд 20

Line Extensions …development of a new product that is closely related

Line Extensions

…development of a new product that is closely related to

one or more products in the existing product line but designed specifically to meet somewhat different customer needs.

More common than new products

Слайд 21

Product Deletion …the elimination of one or more products from a product line.

Product Deletion

…the elimination of one or more products from a product

Слайд 22

New Product Categories Imitations: similar to and competitive with existing products

New Product Categories

Imitations: similar to and competitive with existing products of

other firms
Adaptations: variations of existing products intended for an established market
Innovations: entirely new products
Слайд 23

Figure 12.2: Phases of New Product Development

Figure 12.2: Phases of New Product Development

Слайд 24

Table 12.1: Examples of Product Failures Sources:, accessed January 23,

Table 12.1: Examples of Product Failures

Sources:, accessed January 23, 2006;

Robert M. McMath, “Copycat Cupcakes Don’t Cut It,” American
Demographics, January 1997, p. 60; Eric Berggren and Thomas Nacher, “Why Good Ideas Go Bust,” Management Review, February 2000, pp. 32–36.
Слайд 25

Brand …a name, term, symbol, design, or any combination of these


…a name, term, symbol, design, or any combination of these that identifies

a seller’s products as distinct from those of other sellers.
Слайд 26

Brand Name …the part of a brand that can be spoken.

Brand Name

…the part of a brand that can be spoken.

Слайд 27

Market Value of Best Global Brands 2008 (in $ millions) Source:

Market Value of Best Global
Brands 2008 (in $ millions)

Source: Best

Global Brands 2008, Interbrand/BusinessWeek, September 18, 2008,
Слайд 28

Consumers’ Perceptions of Store and Manufacturers’ Brands Source: William M. Pride

Consumers’ Perceptions of Store and Manufacturers’ Brands

Source: William M. Pride and

O. C. Ferrell, Marketing: Concepts and Strategies, 13th ed. Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company, Adapted by permission. Data from “Store Brands at the Turning Point,” Consumer Research Network.
Слайд 29

Brand Mark …the part of a brand that is a symbol or distinctive design.

Brand Mark

…the part of a brand that is a symbol or

distinctive design.
Слайд 30

Trademark …a brand name or brand mark that is registered with


…a brand name or brand mark that is registered with the

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
United States Patent and Trademark Office Home Page
Слайд 31

Trade Name …the complete and legal name of an organization.

Trade Name

…the complete and legal name of an organization.

Слайд 32

Types of Brands Manufacturer/Producer Owned by a manufacturer Store/Private Owned by

Types of Brands

Manufacturer/Producer Owned by a manufacturer
Store/Private Owned by individual wholesaler or retailer

Product/Brand Product with no brand
Слайд 33

Benefits of Branding Brand Loyalty: customer favorable toward specific brand Brand

Benefits of Branding

Brand Loyalty: customer favorable toward specific brand
Brand Recognition
Brand Preference

Brand Equity: marketing/financial value associated with brand’s strength
Слайд 34

Choosing and Protecting a Brand Easy to say, spell, recall Suggests

Choosing and Protecting a Brand

Easy to say, spell, recall
Suggests product’s uses,

special characteristics, and major benefits
Distinctive enough to set it apart
Protect it through registration®.
Generic terms cannot be legally protected.
Слайд 35

Branding Strategies Individual Branding Different brand for each of firm’s products

Branding Strategies

Individual Branding Different brand for each of firm’s products
Family Branding Same brand

for all or most of firm’s products
Brand Extension Using an existing brand to brand new product in different product category
Слайд 36

Packaging …all the activities involved in developing and providing a container with graphics for a product.


…all the activities involved in developing and providing a container with

graphics for a product.
Слайд 37

Packaging Functions Protects Product Adds Consumer Convenience Promotes Product Design Considerations

Packaging Functions

Protects Product
Adds Consumer Convenience
Promotes Product
Design Considerations
Single/multiple units
Family packaging: consistency
Needs of

Environmental responsibility
Слайд 38

Functional problems Difficulty opening, breakage, inconvenience Safety Tampering, sharp edges, breakable

Functional problems
Difficulty opening, breakage, inconvenience
Tampering, sharp edges, breakable glass, health

hazards of plastic and aerosol containers
Shape, design, colors may alter appearance of size; confusing size designations
Packaging costs being passed on to consumers

Criticisms of Packaging

Слайд 39

Labeling …the presentation of information on a product or its package.


…the presentation of information on a product or its package.

Слайд 40

Federal Regulations on Labeling Garments Manufacturer, country, fabric content, cleaning instructions

Federal Regulations on Labeling

Garments Manufacturer, country, fabric content, cleaning instructions
Servings per container

Calories per serving
Calories from fat
Amounts of specific ingredients
Nutritional food: nutrition labeling
Nonedible items Safety precautions and instructions
Слайд 41

Express Warranty …a written explanation of the responsibilities of the producer

Express Warranty

…a written explanation of the responsibilities of the producer in

the event that a product is found to be defective or otherwise unsatisfactory.
Слайд 42

Pricing …the amount of money a seller is willing to accept


…the amount of money a seller is willing to accept in

exchange for a product at a given time and under given circumstances.
Слайд 43

Figure 12.3: Supply and Demand Curves

Figure 12.3: Supply and Demand Curves

Слайд 44

Price Competition …an emphasis on setting a price equal to or

Price Competition

…an emphasis on setting a price equal to or lower

than competitors’ prices to gain sales or market share.
Price comparison shopping

Слайд 45

Nonprice Competition …competition based on factors other than price. Product Differentiation:

Nonprice Competition

…competition based on factors other than price.

Product Differentiation: the process

of developing and promoting differences between one’s product and all similar products
Слайд 46

Buyers’ Perceptions of Price Price Sensitivity Acceptance of Ranges Relation to Competing Products Quality

Buyers’ Perceptions of Price

Price Sensitivity
Acceptance of Ranges
Relation to Competing Products

Слайд 47

Spotlight Grocery Shopping Source: 2009 National Grocers Association—SupermarketGuru Consumer Panel Survey, November 2008–January 2009.

Grocery Shopping

Source: 2009 National Grocers Association—SupermarketGuru
Consumer Panel Survey, November 2008–January 2009.

Слайд 48

Pricing Objectives Survival Profit Maximization Target ROI Market-Share Goals Status Quo Pricing

Pricing Objectives

Profit Maximization
Target ROI
Market-Share Goals
Status Quo Pricing

Слайд 49

Factors Affecting Price Setting Market determines price Costs and expected sales

Factors Affecting Price Setting

Market determines price
Costs and expected sales used only

to set price floor
Слайд 50

Cost-Based Pricing Markup: amount seller adds to costs Breakeven Quantity: number

Cost-Based Pricing

Markup: amount seller adds to costs
Breakeven Quantity: number of units

that must be sold for total revenue to equal total cost
Total Revenue: total amount received from sales of product
Total Cost = Fixed + Variable
Fixed: incurred no matter how many produced/sold
Variable: depends on number of units produced
Слайд 51

Figure 12.4: Breakeven Analysis

Figure 12.4: Breakeven Analysis

Слайд 52

Other Pricing Strategies Demand-Based High price when demand is strong Low

Other Pricing Strategies

High price when demand is strong
Low price when demand

is weak
Price differentiation
Competition-Based Costs and revenue secondary to competitors’ prices
Слайд 53

New Product Pricing Strategies Price Skimming Charge highest possible price during

New Product Pricing Strategies

Price Skimming Charge highest possible price during introduction stage

Pricing Setting low price for new product to build market share
Слайд 54

Differential Pricing Negotiated Final price comes from bargaining Secondary Market One

Differential Pricing

Negotiated Final price comes from bargaining
Secondary Market One price for primary

target market and different price for another market
Periodic Discounting Temporary price reduction on patterned/systematic basis
Random Discounting Temporary price reduction on unsystematic basis

Charging different prices to different buyers for same quality and quantity

Слайд 55

Psychological Pricing Odd-Number: use odd numbers just below whole-dollar amounts Multiple-Unit:

Psychological Pricing

Odd-Number: use odd numbers just below whole-dollar amounts
Multiple-Unit: single price

for 2+ units
Reference: price at moderate level and positioning it near a more expensive model
Bundle: package 2+ products and selling for single price
EDLP: consistently low price
Customary: based on tradition
Слайд 56

Product-Line Pricing Captive Basic product priced low, price on item required

Product-Line Pricing

Captive Basic product priced low, price on item required to

operate it is high
Premium Highest-quality/most-versatile higher than other models in product line
Price Lining Selling goods only at predetermined prices that reflect definite price breaks
Слайд 57

Promotional Pricing Price Leaders Below usual markup, near or below cost

Promotional Pricing

Price Leaders Below usual markup, near or below cost
Special-Event Price cutting linked

to holiday, season, or event
Comparison Discounting Set at specific level and compare with higher price
Слайд 58

Pricing Business Products Geographic FOB Origin FOB Destination Transfer Discounting Trade Quantity Cash Seasonal Allowance

Pricing Business Products

FOB Origin
FOB Destination


Слайд 59

Using the Internet The U.S. government gateways to consumer information about

Using the Internet

The U.S. government gateways to consumer information about products,

safety, pricing, fraud, and many other issues of interest are available through a variety of online publications and links.
Слайд 60

All of the following are characteristics of the growth stage of

All of the following are characteristics of the growth stage of

the product life cycle except
a rapid increase in sales.
the introduction of competing products.
decreased unit prices but overall increase in total profits.
the introduction of modified versions of its products by the original firm.
a decline in the number of competing firms.

Chapter Quiz

Слайд 61

If Samsonite decided to use better zippers on its luggage that

If Samsonite decided to use better zippers on its luggage that

would make the luggage more durable, it would be making __________ modifications.

Chapter Quiz

Слайд 62

The Nike “swoosh” is a brand. generic symbol. label. brand mark. Universal Product Code. Chapter Quiz

The Nike “swoosh” is a
generic symbol.
brand mark.
Universal Product Code.

Chapter Quiz

Слайд 63

In setting prices, managers should consider the __________ of people in

In setting prices, managers should consider the __________ of people in

the target market.
price sensitivity

Chapter Quiz