Project Kick-Off. External Supervisory Interface for Process Automation


Слайд 2

Introduce project Project description Customer, sponsor, stakeholders, and project team members

Introduce project
Project description
Customer, sponsor, stakeholders, and project team members

timeline, and budget
Hardware and Software
Test articles, test stands, test documents, and test software


Acceptance criteria
Assumptions, constraints, and challenges
Rules of engagement
Assignment of duties and responsibilities

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The project of External Supervisory Interface for Process Automation has the

The project of External Supervisory Interface for Process Automation has the

purpose of providing real-time supervisory tool for QC engineers team
The project execution will include software development, security audit and interface usability analysis
The possibility of remote supervising the manufacturing process will decrease quality issues reports by 5 times according to collected and analyzed statistical data.

Project Overview

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The customer: The Head of Automotive manufacturing unit has pointed out

The customer: The Head of Automotive manufacturing unit has pointed out

the necessity of implementing 6 sigma management in order to reduce quality issues.
Sponsor: Automotive Business Unit with corporation as the most sensitive to deviations in process in terms of final product quality.
Stakeholders (all are internal):
Head of procurement EMEA region
Head of Automotive EMEA region
Head of Manufacturing site in Russia
Head of IT EMEA region

Customer, Sponsor, and Stakeholders

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ID project team members Project Management: Denys Ivanov Designer: Head of

ID project team members
Project Management: Denys Ivanov
Designer: Head of QC

Engineering: IT architecture manager
Purchasing, Contracts: head of procurement Russia
Quality: Head of IT Russia, Head of QC lab
Operations: CS solutions (outsourcing), IT team, QC engineers, Manufacturing team engineers
Human resources: HR engineer

The Project Team

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The Project Scope includes: What: QC will be improved with the

The Project Scope includes:
What: QC will be improved with the

help of remote interface supervising materials preassembling and manufacturing process.
Where: Manufacturing site in Russia
How: To implement secure and usable interface to supervise all steps of manufacturing process
Who: The team will include internal resources, outsourcing. End users: QC engineers.
Why: The purpose of the project is to reduce issues with quality and thus to increase production capacity of installed equipment.

Project Scope

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Provide top level milestones Timeline

Provide top level milestones


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Initial Cost estimated for system – 870,000 USD Security audit support

Initial Cost estimated for system – 870,000 USD
Security audit support –

15,000 USD monthly
SW upgrade support and changes implementation – 120,000 USD annually


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Additional extensive training of production team Costs expected: 600,000 USD annually

Additional extensive training of production team
Costs expected: 600,000 USD annually

rate is not clear.
Salary increase effect – 840,000 USD annually
Savings: 1,560,000 USD annually

Make – or – Buy [Alternatives]

Adding dedicated QC lab engineer in production to each line
Time to hire and train: 15 months (3,200,000 USD potential lost)
Additional costs: 560,000 USD annually
EHS insurance: 75,000 USD annually.
Savings: 2,550,000 USD annually

Слайд 10

Top level test and validation Security validations Interface usability Correct data

Top level test and validation
Security validations
Interface usability
Correct data adapting

Allan Bradley controller
Data transferring SW
Test plan & Procedures
Monthly security audit
Weekly prototypes evaluations
Test acceptance criteria
Unauthorized access cases -> 0
Performance: real-time delays < ½ sec

Test and Validation

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Customer acceptance criteria Customer review and approvals Prototype approval User interface

Customer acceptance criteria
Customer review and approvals
Prototype approval
User interface usability approval

and security audit positive reports
Final adjustments and deploying in production environment

Customer Acceptance Criteria

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Assumptions The external interface will not control the production and can

The external interface will not control the production and can be

used only for supervising. For interfering, separate channel of communication with manufacturing team must be used.
No dedicated employee will be needed to watch the dashboard. QC lab has enough resources.
User Interface will resemble control panels interface in production in read-only mode.

Assumptions and Constraints

Due to extended demands to security, the module development will require expensive resources.
Even after most thorough tests and debug process, we still reserve some time for problems solving in production within 6 weeks of operations.

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ID challenges that may be associated with the project Internal challenges

ID challenges that may be associated with the project
Internal challenges

designed UI and performance for QC engineer to supervise the process
External challenges
To exclude any possibility of unauthorized access to the system


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Etiquette Communication – emails, phone, meetings, and others Communication Updates –

Communication – emails, phone, meetings, and others
Updates – on weekly

Status reports – after each milestone
Actions – actions plan submitted to heads of departments on weekly basis
Kick Off meeting, by PM
Prototype review and acceptance meetings by IT
Status reports meetings by PM
9-00 a.m. short meeting
Weekly: each Wednesday, 10-00 a.m. – 11-00 a.m.: progress review
By milestones completion – status review

Rules of Engagement