CRC Encoding - Recab

Слайд 2

CRC Encoding - Recab Multiply i(x) by n-k; (puts n-k zeros

CRC Encoding - Recab

Multiply i(x) by n-k; (puts n-k zeros

in (n-k) low order positions)
Divide xn-k i(x) by g(x), and get a remainder polynomial r(x) of at most degree n-k-1. The remainder is the CRC checkbits;
Add remainder r(x) to xn-k i(x); (put check bits in the n-k lower-order positions). The resulted polynomial will be transmitted codeword

b(x) = xn-k i(x) + r(x)

Слайд 3

An Example – Step-by-Step

An Example – Step-by-Step

Слайд 4

An Example – Step 1

An Example – Step 1

Слайд 5

An Example – Step 2

An Example – Step 2

Слайд 6

An Example – Step 3

An Example – Step 3

Слайд 7

An Example – Step 4

An Example – Step 4

Слайд 8

An Example – Step 5

An Example – Step 5

Слайд 9

An Example – Step 6

An Example – Step 6

Слайд 10

An Example – Step 7

An Example – Step 7

Слайд 11

An Example – Step 8

An Example – Step 8

Слайд 12

An Example – Step 9

An Example – Step 9

Слайд 13

An Example – Step 10

An Example – Step 10

Слайд 14



Слайд 15

CRC Capability Analysis What kind of errors will be detected? Imagine

CRC Capability Analysis

What kind of errors will be detected?
Imagine that a

transmission error e(x) occurs, so that instead of b(x) arriving, b(x) + e(x) arrives.
e(x) has 1s in error locations & 0s elsewhere, an additive error model adding bit-by-bit to the input codeword b(x) using modulo 2 arithmetic
Слайд 16

Undetectable Error Patterns Receiver divides the received polynomial R(x) by g(x)

Undetectable Error Patterns

Receiver divides the received polynomial R(x) by g(x)
Blindspot: If

e(x) is a multiple of g(x), that is, e(x) is a nonzero codeword, then
R(x) = b(x) + e(x) = q(x)g(x) + q’(x)g(x)
If e(x) is divisible by g(x), the error will slip by! So, how we select g(x)?
Слайд 17

Designing Good Polynomial Codes Select generator polynomial so that likely error

Designing Good Polynomial Codes

Select generator polynomial so that likely error patterns

are not multiples of g(x)
Detecting Single Errors
e(x) = xi for error in location i + 1
If g(x) has more than 1 term, it cannot divide xi
Detecting Double Errors
e(x) = xi + xj = xi(xj-i+1) where j>i
If g(x) has more than 1 term, it cannot divide xi
If g(x) is a primitive polynomial, it cannot divide xm+1 for all m<2n-k-1 (Need to keep codeword length less than 2n-k-1)
Primitive polynomials can be found by consulting coding theory books
Слайд 18

Designing Good Polynomial codes Detecting Odd Numbers of Errors Suppose all

Designing Good Polynomial codes

Detecting Odd Numbers of Errors
Suppose all codeword polynomials

have an even # of 1s, then all odd numbers of errors can be detected
As well, b(x) evaluated at x = 1 is zero because b(x) has an even number of 1s
This implies x + 1 must be a factor of all b(x)
Pick g(x) = (x + 1) p(x) where p(x) is primitive
Слайд 19

Standard CRC Generator Polynomials CRC-8: CRC-16: CCITT-16: CCITT-32: HDLC, XMODEM, V.41

Standard CRC Generator Polynomials



IEEE 802, DoD, V.42



= x8

+ x2 + x + 1

= x16 + x15 + x2 + 1
= (x + 1)(x15 + x + 1)

= x16 + x12 + x5 + 1

= x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1

Слайд 20

Internet Checksum Internet Protocols (IP, TCP, UDP) use check bits to

Internet Checksum

Internet Protocols (IP, TCP, UDP) use check bits to detect

errors, instead of using CRC polynomial
The rationale is the simplicity: the checksum must be recalculated at every router, the algorithm for the checksum was selected for its ease of implementation, instead of strength of error detection capability
Слайд 21

Let IP header consists of L, 16-bit words, b0, b1, b2,

Let IP header consists of L, 16-bit words, b0, b1, b2,

..., bL-1
The algorithm appends a 16-bit checksum bL to the header. The checksum bL is calculated as follows:
Treating each 16-bit word as an integer, find
x = (b0 + b1 + b2+ ...+ bL-1 ) modulo 216-1
The checksum is then given by: bL = - x
Thus, the headers must satisfy the following pattern:
0 = (b0 + b1 + b2+ ...+ bL-1 + bL ) modulo 216-1
The checksum calculation is carried out in software using one’s complement arithmetic

Internet (IP) Checksum Algorithm

Слайд 22

Internet Checksum Example Assume 4-bit words Use mod 24-1 arithmetic b0=1100

Internet Checksum Example

Assume 4-bit words
Use mod 24-1 arithmetic
b0=1100 = 12
b1=1010 =

Use Modulo Arithmetic
Use Binary Arithmetic
Слайд 23

Internet Checksum Example Use Modulo Arithmetic Assume 4-bit words Use mod

Internet Checksum Example

Use Modulo Arithmetic
Assume 4-bit words
Use mod 24-1 arithmetic
b0=1100 =

b1=1010 = 10
b0+b1=12+10=7 mod15
b2 = -7 = 8 mod15

Use Binary Arithmetic
Note 16 mod15 =1
So: 10000 mod15 = 0001
leading bit wraps around

b0 + b1 = 1100+1010
Take 1s complement b2 = -0111 =1000