The Taylor Formula


Слайд 2

The Taylor Formula where For instance, where

The Taylor Formula


For instance,


Слайд 3

Question 1. If Solution: Taylor’s formula tells us for all real numbers x, then

Question 1. If

Solution: Taylor’s formula tells us

for all real numbers

x, then
Слайд 4



Слайд 5

Answers to Questions from Light #7: Taylor’s Formula & Infinite Series

Answers to Questions from Light #7:
Taylor’s Formula & Infinite Series



Question 4:

Question 3:

Слайд 6

Calculus++ Infinite Series


Infinite Series

Слайд 7

Question 1. What is the greatest value of b for which

Question 1. What is the greatest value of b for which

any function f that satisfies the properties (i), (ii), and (iii) must also satisfy f (1) < 5?
(i) f (x) is infinitely differentiable for all x;
(ii) f (0) = 1, and
(iii) for all

Solution: Taylor’s formula tells us

Слайд 8

Using the properties (ii) and (iii) we obtain Solve the equation

Using the properties (ii) and (iii) we obtain

Solve the equation to

obtain b = 12.

Therefore, the greatest value of b for which f (1) < 5 is 12.

Слайд 9

In particular, where That is

In particular,


That is

Слайд 10

Question 2. Use the Taylor formula to show that e is

Question 2. Use the Taylor formula to show that e is


Solution. Let us assume that e is rational,

Then the Taylor formula tells us that for any n:


and multiply both sides

of the double inequality by n! to obtain

Слайд 11

an integer number Contradiction! Thus, our assumption that e is a

an integer number


Thus, our assumption that e is a rational number

leads to a contradiction.
Therefore, e is an irrational number.


Слайд 12

Question 3. Find Solution. The Taylor formula tells us that for

Question 3. Find

Solution. The Taylor formula tells us that for any



where is a number between 0 and 1.
Multiply by to obtain

= M, an integer number

Слайд 13

Since sin x is equivalent to x, when x is small, we obtain Hence,

Since sin x is equivalent to x, when x is small,

we obtain


Слайд 14

Consider an infinite sequence If we add all the terms of

Consider an infinite sequence

If we add all the terms of this

sequence we obtain an infinite series

For example, consider the sequence

The corresponding infinite series is

What is the value of this infinite series?
This infinite series does not have a value.

or ?!

Слайд 15

The sum of the first n terms of an infinite series,

The sum of the first n terms of an infinite series,

Sn, is called the n-th partial sum of the series

An infinite series converges, if converges the sequence of its partial sums:

The limit, S, of the sequence of partial sums is the sum of the infinite series.

Слайд 16

If |b| Example. The geometric series The n-th partial sum of

If |b| < 1, the sequence Sn converges.

Example. The geometric series

The n-th partial sum of the geometric series is given by

If and |b| > 1, the sequence of partial sums Sn diverges.

If a = 0, the sequence Sn converges to 0.

Слайд 17

If b = 1, the sequence of partial sums Sn diverges

If b = 1, the sequence of partial sums Sn diverges

(unless a = 0).

If b = –1, the sequence of partial sums Sn also diverges (again, unless a = 0).

Слайд 18

A necessary condition for convergence. If a series converges, then Indeed,

A necessary condition for convergence.

If a series

converges, then

Indeed, if the sequence

of partial sums

converges, then (Cauchy criterion)


Set m = 1, then


Слайд 19

Question 5. Which of the following series converge? a. I only

Question 5. Which of the following series converge?

a. I only b.

II only c. III only
d. I and II only e. II and III only

Solution: For series III:

Hence, series III diverges.

Слайд 20

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I

a. I only b. II only c. III only
d. I and II only e.

II and III only

The sequence cos(k) diverges as

Hence, the sequence

does not converge to 0 as

Therefore, series II diverges.

In series II:

Слайд 21

Important series. This series converges if q > 1, and it diverges if

Important series.

This series converges if q > 1, and it diverges

Слайд 22

Question 5. A certain ball has the property that each time

Question 5. A certain ball has the property that each time

it falls from a height h onto a hard, level surface, it rebounds to a height rh, where 0 < r < 1.
Suppose that the ball is dropped from an initial height of H meters.
a) Assuming that the ball continues to bounce indefinitely, find the total distance that it travels.


Слайд 23

«Ацкок» 2 A bouncing ball – total distance travelled



A bouncing ball – total distance travelled

Слайд 24

Question 7. A certain ball has the property that each time

Question 7. A certain ball has the property that each time

it falls from a height h onto a hard, level surface, it rebounds to a height r h, where 0 < r < 1.
Suppose that the ball is dropped from an initial height of H meters.
b) Calculate the total time that the ball spends bouncing.
Hint: A ball having zero velocity falls ½ gt2 meters in t seconds.

Solution: Actually, philosophers might find it obvious that the ball never stop bouncing.

Слайд 25

«Ацкок» 2 A bouncing ball – total bouncing time



A bouncing ball – total bouncing time

Слайд 26

Слайд 27

Question 7. c) Suppose that each time the ball strikes the

Question 7. c) Suppose that each time the ball strikes the

surface with velocity v, it rebounds with velocity – kv, where 0 < k < 1.
How long will it take for the ball to come to rest?


The velocity of the ball when it hits the ground for the first time is given by
