Alcohol addiction

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Introduction; What is alcohol addiction?; What are the symptoms of alcoholism?;

What is alcohol addiction?;
What are the symptoms of alcoholism?;
What are the

symptoms of alcoholism?;
Some symptoms of alcohol addiction are;
What health complications are associated with alcoholism?;
What are treatment options for alcoholism;
World problem;
Top 5 most drinking countries in the world 2018-19 years;
Top 5 most drinking countries in the world 2018-19 years


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21 September 2018 – Geneva. More than 3 million people died

21 September 2018 – Geneva. More than 3 million people died

as a result of harmful use of alcohol in 2016, according a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) today. This represents 1 in 20 deaths. More than three quarters of these deaths were among men. Overall, the harmful use of alcohol causes more than 5% of the global disease burden.


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Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a disease that affects

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a disease that affects

people of all walks of life.
Regardless of how the addiction looks, someone typically has an alcohol addiction if they heavily rely on drinking and can’t stay sober for an extended period of time.

What is alcohol addiction?

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Drinking is a part of life for many people. When is

Drinking is a part of life for many people. When is

it common in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who likes to have a few drinks now and then and someone with a real problem.

What are the symptoms of alcoholism?

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Increased quantity or frequency of use Drinking at inappropriate times, such

Increased quantity or frequency of use
Drinking at inappropriate times, such as

first thing in the morning, or in places
Wanting to be where alcohol is present and avoiding situations where there is none
Changes in friendships; someone with an alcohol addiction may choose friends who also drink heavily
Avoiding contact with loved ones
Hiding alcohol, or hiding while drinking
Dependence on alcohol to function in everyday life
Increased lethargy, depression, or other emotional issues
Legal or professional problems such as an arrest or loss of a job

Some symptoms of alcohol addiction are:

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Alcoholism can also cause: ulcers diabetes complications birth defects bone loss

Alcoholism can also cause:
diabetes complications
birth defects
bone loss
vision problems
increased risk of cancer

suppressed immune function
neurological disorders

What health complications are associated with alcoholism?

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Treating alcohol addiction can be complex and challenging. In the process

Treating alcohol addiction can be complex and challenging.
In the process

of treatment will be important:
Drug therapy
Nutritional changes
Support for loved ones

What are treatment options for alcoholism?

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World problem

World problem

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1.Republic of Moldova 2.Lithuania 3.Czechia 4.Germany 5.Nigeria Russia in this list

1.Republic of Moldova
Russia in this list was on the 16th place.


5 most drinking countries in the world 2018-19 years
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1.Primary prevention of alcoholism is a way to protect those who

1.Primary prevention of alcoholism is a way to protect those who

have not met the realities of alcohol dependence from the disease.
2.Secondary prevention of alcoholism-is to help sick people who are dependent on alcohol.
3.Tertiary prevention of alcoholism-a set of measures that are applied to recovering, refused alcohol patients. At this point, it is very important to keep the person standing on the road to recovery from relapse

Prevention of alcoholism

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Alcoholism a terrible problem of mankind and its solution requires long

Alcoholism a terrible problem of mankind and its solution requires long

and careful work and attention
