- 2. Endo motor – Silver Reciproc – VDW. Endodontics includes a treatment of root canals inside the
- 3. Apex locator – Raypex 5 – VDW. This device is used in endodontic treatment. It is
- 4. Electrocauter ART. This device is used to treat --soft tissues --gums --fumbriated fold of the tongue
- 5. Mirror Dental mirrors are used by the dentist or dental auxiliary to view a mirror image
- 6. A high-speed dental handpiece. They belong to the category of mechanical tools and parts are dental
- 7. Burs Dental Burs cutting surface are either made of a multifluted tungsten carbide, a diamond coated
- 8. Passive Voice (страдательный залог) обозначает, что подлежащее не выполняет действие, а испытывает на себе действие другого
- 9. Формула страдательного залога в Past Perfect (утверждение): Subject+had+been+ V3 Вопросительная форма: Had + subject + been
- 10. Past Perfect Tense into Passive Voice : I had already posted the letter. (active voice) The
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