Metabolic disorders in acute hypoxia


Слайд 2

KIDNEYS LIVER DIGESTIVE SYSTEM •decrease in criticism •sense of discomfort •movement




•decrease in criticism
•sense of discomfort
•movement discoordination
•logical reasoning disorder
•consciousness disorders
•bulbar disorders





•reduced cardiac output
•coronary failure
•hypertensive reactions
•changes in blood weight and rheological properties
•microcirculatory disorders

•pulmonary hypoventilation
•disorders of pulmonary perfusion
•disorder of ventilatory-perfusion relations
•disorder of gas diffusion (a/v membrane)
•acute respiratory failure

•diuresis disorders
• urine composition disorders
•acute renal failure

Metabolic disorders in liver
Decrease of antitoxic function
Synthesis inhibition

•appetite disorders
•decreased secretory and motor function of the stomach and
•erosions, ulcers formation

Disorders of body functions in acute hypoxia

The development of mountain sickness
High altitude pulmonary oedema
High altitude cerebral oedema
Haemorrhagic syndrome
Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (hypercoagulemia)

Слайд 3

Increase: - frequency and depth of breathing - Number of functioning

- frequency and depth of breathing
- Number of functioning alveoli


alveolar ventilation

Vascular system


The external respiratory system

Organs, body systems


Mechanisms of effect

Regional change in vascular diameter (centralisation-increase in the brain and heart)

Centralisation of blood flow

shock output

Increased cardiac output

Mechanisms of operational adaptation to hypoxia

Release of blood from depot (liver, spleen)
Ejection of red blood cells from bone marrow
Increased affinity of Hb to O₂ in the lungs
Increased dissociation of HbO₂ in tissues (2,3-DPG)

Increase in blood oxygen capacity

The biological oxidation system

Blood system

Activation of tissue respiration
Activation of anaerobic glycolysis
Increase of oxidation and phosphorylation coupling

Increasing the efficiency of bio-oxidation

Слайд 4

Hypertrophy of respiratory muscles, lungs with increasing number of alveoli and

Hypertrophy of respiratory muscles, lungs with increasing number of alveoli and

capillaries in them, optimization of gas diffusion

Increased blood oxygenation in the lungs

Vascular system


The external respiratory system

Increased number of functioning capillaries (role of NO)
Development of arterial hyperemia in hyperfunctioning organs and tissues

Increased level of tissue perfusion with blood

Myocardial hypertrophy
Increase in the number of capillaries and mitochondria in cardiomyocytes
Increase in the area and speed of actin and myosin interaction
Increase in the efficiency of cardiac regulation

Increased cardiac output

Mechanisms of long-term adaptation to hypoxia

Organs, body systems


Mechanisms of effect

Activation of erythropoiesis, increase in Hb mass, erythrocytosis - erythropoietin (-blood viscosity!)
Outlet of red blood cells from the bone marrow
Increased affinity of Hb to O₂ in the lungs
Increased dissociation of HbO₂ in tissues

Increased oxygen capacity of the blood

The biological oxidation system

Blood system

Increased number of mitochondria
Increased conjugation of oxidation and phosphorylation
Decrease of metabolism intensity

Increasing the efficiency of biological oxidation

Regulatory systems

Increased resistance of neurons to hypoxia
Decrease of degree of activation of SAS and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system
Increase of receptors sensitivity to neurotransmitters, hormones and BAS

Increased efficiency of regulatory mechanisms

Слайд 5

Conclusion: hypoxia (exogenous) is a typical pathophysiological systemic process; at moderate


hypoxia (exogenous) is a typical pathophysiological systemic process;
at moderate

intensity of the stimulus and prolonged exposure, a complex of adaptive shifts develops in the organism that increases its resistance to oxygen deficiency;
in the applied aspect - the grounds for using hypoxic stimulus as a training options for adaptive mechanisms
Слайд 6

Слайд 7

1.2 History of development of methods of adaptation to hypoxia. Adaptive

1.2 History of development of methods of adaptation to hypoxia. Adaptive

effects of hypoxic effects: systemic morphofunctional footprint

Doctor of Sciences., professor O.S. Glazachev
Department of Normal Physiology
Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Clinical Medicine
Sechenov University
Moscow, Russia

Слайд 8

Hypoxia is a pathophysiological, potentially damaging process! J. Barcroft (Cardiff, 1920):

Hypoxia is a pathophysiological, potentially damaging process!
J. Barcroft (Cardiff, 1920):
"Hypoxia not

only intercepts the machine, but also damages the mechanism“
R. Roach (Hypoxia into the next millenium, 2000):
"Hypoxia is a constant threat throughout life”

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia

Слайд 9

Hippocrates (V century B.C.) recommended that people with lung diseases and

Hippocrates (V century B.C.) recommended that people with lung diseases and

after a serious illness go to the mountains for a while.
Marco Polo (13th and 16th centuries), traveling through Asia, noted that valley dwellers suffering from various diseases, when moving to the mountains, recovered within a few days.
Dr. Meyer-Arens (1867) recommended the mountain climate for patients suffering from "bronchial catarrh with profuse sputum".
Dr. Lombard (1885) considered the mountain climate the best remedy for "raw asthma"
N. N. Sirotinin and his school (Kiev, 1939-2012): "Hypoxia, even harsh but brief and/or intermittent, can have a positive effect on the body."

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia

Слайд 10

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia Paul Bair,

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia

Paul Bair, professor

at the Sorbonne, in 1878 in his book "Barometric Pressure. Studies in Experimental Physiology," an apparatus for therapy with "compressed" or "expanded" air.
Illustration from Paul Baer's classic book, in the American translation of 1943.

И.М.Сеченов: закон постоянства газового состава альвеолярного воздуха, портативный газоанализатор, закономерности адаптации к высокому и низкому атмосферному давлению,
газы крови и солевой состав плазмы.

Слайд 11

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia Russian Journal

Toward a History of Methods of Adaptation to Hypoxia

Russian Journal of

Cardiology.2001; 4 (30).

Kolchinskaya Asya Zelikovskaya

Meerson Felix Zalmanovich

Mirrakhimov Mirsaid Mirhamidovich

Aghajanyan Nikolai Alexandrovich

Слайд 12

Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects

Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects

Слайд 13

Adaptation medicine is the study of the adaptive capabilities of humans

Adaptation medicine is the study of the adaptive capabilities of humans

to environmental conditions, as well as the development of methods and means to improve these capabilities, health reserves and quality of life.
Adaptation medicine is based on the concept of adaptation syndrome (G.Selye) and the phenomenon of pre/post-conditioning.

Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects

Preconditioning - is a procedure in which a stressor/harmful stimulus of an intensity somewhat below the damage threshold is exposed to the tissue (organism). Shortly after the presentation or in the retarded period the organ (and the organism as a whole) develops resistance to the same, similar or even a different damaging stimulus at an intensity even above the damage threshold, thus preventing or significantly reducing the damage it could have caused.
Dirnagl U., Becker K., Meisel A. Preconditioning and tolerance against cerebral ischaemia: from experimental strategies to clinical use //The Lancet Neurology, 2009: 8(4).
Verges S., Chacaroun S., Godin-Ribuot D., Dailieul S. Hypoxic conditioning as a new therapeutic modality // Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2015; 3.

Слайд 14

4 main signs of pre-post-conditioning (adaptation to the applied factor): Increased/accelerated

4 main signs of pre-post-conditioning (adaptation to the applied factor):

delivery of biosubstrates,
Reduction of energy consumption,
Activation of defense mechanisms to the damaging factor,
stimulation of recovery processes

Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects

Conditioning Factors:
Physical Stress
Simulation of emotional stress
Temperature effects
Electrical stimulation ...

Слайд 15

Local Signs: Tissue adaptation Cellular adaptation Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects

Local Signs:

Tissue adaptation

Cellular adaptation

Adaptive effects of hypoxic effects