
Слайд 2

Epidemiology 225000 new incidence annually worldwide. Incidence stable since 1970s 1600


225000 new incidence annually worldwide. Incidence stable since 1970s
1600 new cases

in Australia in 2010
Median age at diagnosis 63
Fourth commonest cause of cancer death in women in developed countries
>60% of women diagnosed with Stage III/IV
symptoms of abdo pain, bloating, distension, constipation, back pain usually happen in advanced stage
To date, no mortality benefit demonstrated with CA125 and TVUS screening.
Слайд 3

Stage at diagnosis and 5-yr survival Stage I Confined to the

Stage at diagnosis and 5-yr survival

Stage I Confined to the Ovary

20% 85%
IA Growth limited to one ovary, no ascites, capsule intact, no surface tumor extension
IB Same as IA but involves both ovaries
IC IA or IB but with positive washings or ruptured capsule
Stage II Extends to True Pelvis 5% 60%
IIA Involves fallopian tube or uterus
IIB Extension to other pelvic tissues
IIC Either IIA or IIB but with positive washings or ruptured capsule
Stage III Extends Beyond the True Pelvis 58% 26%
IIIA Tumor limited to true pelvis but microscopic positive biopsy outside the pelvis
IIIB Abdominal implants up to 2 cm
IIIC Positive lymph nodes or abdominal implants > 2 cm
Stage IV Distant Disease 17% 12%

Stage at diagnosis 5-yr OS

Слайд 4

Subtypes Epithelial High grade serous 75% Mucinous 10% Endometrioid 10% Clear


High grade serous 75%
Mucinous 10%
Endometrioid 10%
Clear cell
Low grade serous
Germ cell/small cell/Krukenberg

Слайд 5

Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors 50 years of age or older Familial

Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors

50 years of age or older
Familial factors
Family history

of breast, ovarian, or colon cancer ?3x baseline risk
Personal history of breast or colon cancer
Familial cancer syndrome (10%)
BRCA (breast cancer) gene mutation
Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC)

Other potential risk factors
Early menarche (younger than 12 years of age)
Late menopause (older than 52 years of age)
Hormone replacement therapy
First pregnancy at older than 30 years of age
Infertility, endometriosis
(fertility Rx does not increase risk)

Слайд 6

Ovarian Cancer and Early Detection Certain factors may reduce a woman's

Ovarian Cancer and Early Detection

Certain factors may reduce a woman's risk

of developing ovarian cancer :
Taking birth control pills for more than 5 years
A hysterectomy or a tubal ligation
Слайд 7

Lifetime Risk of Cancers Associated With Specific Genes *MMR (mismatch repair)

Lifetime Risk of Cancers Associated With Specific Genes

*MMR (mismatch repair) =


Chen S, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2007:25:1329-1333. Aarnio M, et al. Int J Cancer. 1999:81:214-218.

Слайд 8

Red Flags for Cancer Susceptibility: BRCA1/BRCA2 Multiple family members with ovarian

Red Flags for Cancer Susceptibility: BRCA1/BRCA2

Multiple family members with ovarian or

breast cancer
Age of onset of breast cancer
Younger than 50 years of age (premenopausal)
Bilateral breast cancer
Both breast and ovarian cancer in same patient
Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (2% chance of BRCA)
Male breast cancer
Слайд 9

Natural History Precise natural history is poorly understood There is no

Natural History

Precise natural history is poorly understood
There is no direct evidence

for a premalignant lesion in ovarian cancer.
The entire peritoneum is at risk because peritoneal carcinomatosis may develop after an oophorectomy
Слайд 10

Ovarian Ca Screening for general population: PLCO trial 68557 participants 55-74yo

Ovarian Ca Screening for general population: PLCO trial

68557 participants 55-74yo w/o

prior hx of oophorectomy
annual Ca125 for 6 years and TVUS for 4 years in intervention grp
Median f/u:12.4 years
Similar detection rate (5.7 v 4.7 per 10000 person-yrs), HR 1.21 CI:0.99-1.48
<60% of ovarian ca detected were high grade serous subtype.
No difference in ovarian ca mortality (3.1 v 2.6 per 10000 person-years) HR 1.18 CI:0.82-1.71.
Harm from false-positive screen: 3285 cases with 15% major complication rate from surgical intervention!

JAMA 2011:305 (22):2295-2303

Слайд 11

Ovarian Ca screening in ‘high risk grp’ UKFOCCS Phase 1: annual

Ovarian Ca screening in ‘high risk grp’

UKFOCCS Phase 1: annual Ca125

and TVUS
Sensitivity >80%, NPV 99%, PPV 25% (ie 4 operations for 1 case of ca)
Only 30% of screen detected ca were stage 1-2
89% of screen detected ca were in BRCA carriers.
Only 4/2960 cases of screen detected ca in women with +FH!
UKFOCCS Phase 2: 4mthly Ca125 and annual TVUS plus ROCA (change in algorithmic scale of Ca125)
Breast or ovarian ca family, BRCA?proportion, HNPCC or Ashkenazi
4531 women median age 45 (35-84), only 1/3 >50yo
sens: 75% (or lower!) spec 96% PPV 13%
12 cases of screen-detected cancer, with 42% of cases in stage 1/2
11/12 underwent optimal cytoreduction (does not translate to cure)
14.4% underwent RRSO, 3.3% underwent RRSO due to false+, 4/653 had incidental ca (? Even higher number if proper serial sectioning method)

JCO 2013;31:49-57
ASCO 2013 abstr 5502

Слайд 12

Ovarian Ca screening Major organisations do not recommend ovarian cancer screening:

Ovarian Ca screening

Major organisations do not recommend ovarian cancer screening:
Poor understanding

of natural history
Poor performance of current test in detecting early stage disease
No survival benefit demonstrated even in ‘high risk grp”
Potential for harm
RRBSO remains the standard of care for BRCA carriers and reduces risk of OC by 75-96%
Current estimated uptake of RRBSO in BRCA carriers by countries:
Australia 38%
UK 40%
France 70%
Canada 57%
Слайд 13


Management of Ovarian Cancer


Слайд 14

Initial Surgical management Surgery is usually performed upfront regardless of stage:

Initial Surgical management

Surgery is usually performed upfront regardless of stage:
Obtain tissue

Perform surgical staging
Optimal debulking of tumour: improves response to chemo, decreases disease related symptoms and potentially improves immune response
Exception: poor ECOG, disease ‘too bulky’ or other primary not able to be excluded. Consider neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Engage experienced gynaeonc surgeon for optimal primary debulking (GOG: <1cm residual disease, but ?less is even better)
Minimal benefit in interval debulking after ‘suboptimal primary debulking’
Benefit mainly lies with pts who received poor surgery upfront. EORTC v GOG152 trial
Слайд 15

Steps in Surgical Staging

Steps in Surgical Staging

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Stage I And II OC: role of adjuvant chemotherapy 8% 5

Stage I And II OC: role of adjuvant chemotherapy

8% 5 year

improvement in OS was shown from a metaanalyses of 13 trials in stage 1 disease. However 90% of pts did not receive proper surgical staging/lymph node sampling.
Another metaanalyses showed adjuvant chemo significantly improved PFS and OS
Subgrp analyses showed benefit only in early stage disease that was incompletely resected
One trial showed benefit only in high risk disease.
ACTION trial showed improvement in RFS but only trend towards OS benefit. In pts who had complete surgical staging, there was no RFS or OS benefit
Слайд 18

Adjuvant Rx for early stage Ovarian Ca NCCN guideline suggests adjuvant

Adjuvant Rx for early stage Ovarian Ca

NCCN guideline suggests adjuvant chemo

in stage 1C or stage II, clear cell OC (any stage), and grade 3 OC
No consensus on optimal chemotherapy agent and duration of treatment:
?carboplatin and paclitaxel
3 cycles vs 6 cycles of adjuvant Rx: GOG 157 showed non-significant trend towards less relapse but similar OS and more toxicity with 6 cycles.
Слайд 19

Postop Management of advanced ovarian cancer

Postop Management of advanced ovarian cancer

Слайд 20

Standard: ?Carbo AUC6 + Pacli GOG 111 and OV10: Cisp/Paclitaxel v

Standard: ?Carbo AUC6 + Pacli

GOG 111 and OV10: Cisp/Paclitaxel v Cisp/Cyclo

showed 11% ARR favouring taxane NEJM 1996;334(1):1-6, JNCI 2000;92(9):699-708.
Carboplatin is at least as effective as Cisplatin Ann Oncol 1999;10 supp1:35-41
SCOTROC: Docetaxel is as effective as Paclitaxel but more myelosuppressive JNCI 2004;96(22):1682
No additional benefit of continuing chemo beyond 6 cycles.
2006 metaanalysis of 60 trials with 15609 women:
Platinum monotherapy v Platinum-based combi: HR 1.16 CI:0.86-1.58)
Platinum-non taxane v Platinum-taxane: HR 1.28 CI:1.07-1.53)
Слайд 21

Improving outcome beyond Carbo/Paclitaxel First line Carbo/Paclitaxel showed RR 70-80% with

Improving outcome beyond Carbo/Paclitaxel

First line Carbo/Paclitaxel showed RR 70-80% with more

than 50% achieving CR after optimal cytoreduction
However, up to 70% relapse within 1-3 years.
Слайд 22

Better schedule for Carbo/Pacli JCOG 3016 trial Lancet 2009;374:1331-1338 637 pts

Better schedule for Carbo/Pacli

JCOG 3016 trial Lancet 2009;374:1331-1338
637 pts stage II

to IV (65% SIII, 15% SIV)
Carbo AUC6 + Pacli180mg/m2 D1 q3/52 v Carbo AUC6 D1 + Pacli 80mg/m2 D1,8,15 q3/52
Improved PFS 17.2m v 28m HR 0.71 CI: 0.58-0.88
Improved 3-yr OS 65.1% v 72.1% HR 0.75 CI 0.57-0.98
Improved OS at 6.4-yr fu: 62m v not reached HR 0.79 CI 0.63-0.99 (ASCO 2012)
Greater toxicity with dose dense strategy:
Neutropenia 88% v 92%, G3 or 4 anaemia 44% v 69%, Less treatment completion 61% v 73%
Similar rate of neurotox and febrile neut (9%)
Слайд 23

Better carbo/taxol schedule MITO-7 JCO 2013;31 suppl;abstr LBA5501 822 pts stage

Better carbo/taxol schedule

MITO-7 JCO 2013;31 suppl;abstr LBA5501
822 pts stage IC to

IV (66% SIII, 18% SIV)
Carbo AUC2 +Pacli 80mg/m2 both D1,8,15 q3/52 v C AUC6+P 180mg/m2 q3/52 v
20m f/u: Similar PFS (18.8m v 16.5m HR 0.88 CI 0.72-1.06). OS immature
Better tolerated with less neuropathy (6% v16%), neutropenia, renal dysfunction (0% v 2%). Better QOL
Upcoming trials: ICON-8
Слайд 24

ADDING THIRD CYTOTOXIC Rationale: addition of non-cross resistant drug to platinum/paclitaxel


Rationale: addition of non-cross resistant drug to platinum/paclitaxel combi

may improve OS
Multiple trials. Biggest is GOG182-ICON5: JCO 2009;27(9):1419-1425
5 arms study of adding either Gemcitabine, Topotecan or Caelyx to backbone of Carbo/pacli
Study closed after 4312 pts accrued due to no PFS and OS benefit over CP
Слайд 25

Role of targeted agents: pazopanib AGO-OVAR16: Pazopanib (24m) v placebo in

Role of targeted agents: pazopanib
Pazopanib (24m) v placebo in pts

who do not have progression after surgery and completion of >4 cycles of platinum-taxane chemo (940pts, FIGO II-IV, 85% in CR at entry). Improved PFS from 12.3m to 17.9m. OS immature ASCO 2013. JCO 2013;31 sup:abstr LBA5503
Слайд 26

Role of Bevacizumab GOG 218: carbo/paclitaxel v CP+Bev 15mg/kg v CP+Bev->Bev

Role of Bevacizumab

GOG 218: carbo/paclitaxel v CP+Bev 15mg/kg v CP+Bev->Bev 12m

maintenance only managed to show improved PFS from 10.3m to 11.2m to 14.1m. 2.3% risk of GI perf. No OS benefit: 39m in both arms. Note: crossover to Bev allowed at progression.
ICON-7: carbo/pacli v carbo/pacli+Bev?Bev 36 wks at 7.5mg/kg Bev. Include 9% high risk stage early stage. Improved PFS at 42m (22m v 24m) but no difference in OS. In pts at high risk of progression (stage IV or stage III or residual tumour >1cm) there is improved PFS 14m v 18m, and OS 29m v 37m (posthoc analysis). 2013 QOL update showed no benefit with addition of Bev. Final OS pending
BOOST will re-examine 15m v 30m of Bev (if we believe final OS data from ICON-7
Слайд 27

Role of intraperitoneal chemotherapy Rationale: direct delivery of drug into peritoneal

Role of intraperitoneal chemotherapy

Rationale: direct delivery of drug into peritoneal cavity

increase the dose intensity without increasing plasma drug levels and potentially decrease systemic SEs. Only use in optimally debulked pts
IV Cyclo +IV or IP Cisp100mg/m2 q3/52.
Improved OS with IP group 49m v 41m but at the cost of abdominal pain
6 cycles IV Cisp 75mg/m2+Pacli135mg/m2 q3/52 v 2 cycles of IV Carbo AUC9 q4/52 followed by 6 cycles of IP Cisp 100mg/m2+IV Paclitaxel 135mg/m2 q3/52
Improved OS with IP 63m v 52m, but only 18% received >2 IP cycles
IV Cisp 75mg/m2 +Pacli 135mg/m2 q3/52 v IV Pacli 135mg/m2+ IP Cisp 100mg/m2 + IP pacli 60mg/m2 d8
Improved OS with IP 65.6m v 49.7m. More haem toxicities
?benefit from additional dose of paclitaxel
Poor uptake: concern re tox and logistics issues
Слайд 28

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Слайд 29

Consider in women with extensive disease and poor ECOG. No consensus

Consider in women with extensive disease and poor ECOG. No consensus

on who should receive NACT. ?all pts need preop laporoscopy for diagnostic and staging
Advantage in responders: less extensive surgery and less morbidity from surgery
EORTC 55971 Gynecol Oncol 2010;119(1):1-3
670 pts w potentially operable stage III and IV ovarian ca
Primary debulking surgery, then 6 cycles of chemo or 3 cycles of neoadjuvant carbo/paclitaxel with interval debulking surgery, then more chemo.
Improved optimal debulking rate (residual <1cm) 41.6% v 80.6%. (cw 75% optimal primary debulking rate in experienced centres)
Less periop complications: death 0.7% v 2.5%, infection 2 v 8&, haemorrhage 4 v 7%
Similar PFS (12m) and (OS 29 v 30m). Pts who had primary surgery had improved OS if no residual disease (45 v 38m) or <1cm disease (32 v 27m)!
Nb: 3% did not have met ovarian ca at laparotomy! 25% did not receive standard C/P
Слайд 30

Neoadjuvant chemo: MRC CHORUS 550 Pts stage III to IV. 72

Neoadjuvant chemo: MRC CHORUS

550 Pts stage III to IV. 72 centres

in UK and 2 in NZ
Non-inferiority trial with similar design to EORTC 55971
Exclude >6% decrease in 3-yr estimated OS of 50%
Results: non-inferior PFS and OS
PFS: 11.3m v 10.7m
OS: 24.5m v 22.8m
Less postop morbidity/mortality with NACT
G3 or 4 complications: 14% v 24%
D/c within 2/52: 92% v 74%
Death within 28 days: 5.6% v 0.5%
Criticism of ‘suboptimal surgery’:
av duration of debulking surgery of 2 hrs,
Rate of residual disease >1cm in primary surgery arm of 61% v 25%
High rate of mortality
Nonetheless, both EORTC and CHORUS showed similar results
Neoadjuvant chemo is an alternative esp in women who are deemed unlikely to have residual microscopic disease post primary debulking.
Слайд 31

Recurrent ovarian cancer

Recurrent ovarian cancer

Слайд 32

Current Questions in Recurrent Disease How do you define recurrence? Physical

Current Questions in Recurrent Disease

How do you define recurrence?
Physical exam
When do

you treat?
Imaged lesions
Слайд 33

264 236 203 167 129 103 69 53 38 31 19























Rustin G, et al. ASCO 2009. Abstract 1. Reprinted with permission

from the author.



Patients at Risk, n

Mos Since Randomization

Proportion Surviving











HR: 1.00 (95% CI: 0.82-1.22; P = .98)

Abs diff at 2 yrs: -0.1%
(95% CI diff: -6.8, 6.3%)








Overall Survival

Слайд 34

Pros & Cons of Treating CA-125 Increase Cons Potential Rx of

Pros & Cons of Treating CA-125 Increase

Potential Rx of false positives

improvement in OS
Exhaust treatment options
Impaired QoL
No ideal agent available
May be homeopathic only

Stay ahead of disease
Improve survival?
Prevent symptoms
Maximize QoL
“Active approach” to care
Intuitive to do something
Minimize patient anxiety
Avoids patient “relocating”
Shortens visit time

Слайд 35

Primary Treatment End of Frontline Therapy 0 Mos 6 Mos 12

Primary Treatment

End of

0 Mos

6 Mos

12 Mos




Platinum Sensitivity

Слайд 36

Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Effect of Platinum-Free Interval and Survival Days Percentage

Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Effect of Platinum-Free Interval and Survival



Pujade-Lauraine E, et

al. ASCO 2002. Abstract 829.























Слайд 37

1978 Cisplatin Carboplatin Altretamine Paclitaxel Topotecan Liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) (accelerated) Liposomal







Liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) (accelerated)

Liposomal doxorubicin (full)

Gemcitabine (with carboplatin)









Trabectedin; EU only (with


FDA-Approved Drugs in Ovarian Cancer





Слайд 38

Positive Trials in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Paclitaxel vs topotecan[1,2] Topotecan vs

Positive Trials in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

Paclitaxel vs topotecan[1,2]
Topotecan vs pegylated liposomal doxorubicin

Platinum vs platinum + paclitaxel[5]
Carboplatin vs carboplatin + gemcitabine[6]
Carboplatin + PLD vs carboplatin + paclitaxel[7]
PLD vs PLD + trabectedin[8]

1. ten Bokkel Huinink WW, et al. J Clin Oncol. 1997;15:2183-2193. 2. ten Bokkel Huinink WW, et al. Ann Oncol. 2004;15:100-103. 3. Gordon AN, et al J Clin Oncol. 2001;19:3312-3322. 4. Gordon AN, et al. Gynecol Oncol. 2004;95:1-8. 5. Parmar MK, et al. Lancet. 2003;361:2099-2106. 6. Pfisterer J, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24:4699-4707. 7. Vasey P, et al. ECCO ESMO 2009. Abstract 18LBA. 8. Monk BJ, et al. ESMO 2008. Abstract LBA4