Prescription writing. Rules of prescriptions (part 1)


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Sources and manufacture of medicines

Sources and manufacture of medicines

Слайд 4

Medicines forms

Medicines forms

Слайд 5

Dose and unit of dose Dose – is a amount of

Dose and unit of dose

Dose – is a amount of medicine

administrating/entering in the body.
Unit of medicine‘s dose are:

Grams and milligrams (solid and soft forms)

2. Milliliters and drops
(liquid forms)

Слайд 6

What is a prescription? Prescription – is a doctor's written request to the pharmacy.

What is a prescription?

Prescription – is a doctor's written request to

the pharmacy.
Слайд 7

What is the difference between next word-combination? Pharmaceutical substance – it

What is the difference between next word-combination?

Pharmaceutical substance – it is

a substance for production of medicines/drug
Dosage form – the state of the medicinal preparation corresponding to the methods of its administration and application and ensuring the achievement of the necessary therapeutic effect
Medical drug/Drug – substance in the medicinal forms, used for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of the disease, rehabilitation, for the preservation, prevention or termination of pregnancy
Слайд 8

Basic rules of prescription writing 1. From one to three medicines

Basic rules of prescription writing

1. From one to three medicines

can be written on the blank №107/у-88.
2. All medicines should be written by INN (International non-proprietary name), except Homeopathic medicines, alkaloids and medicines (substances) of plant origin.
3. Only allowed abbreviations can be used in the prescriptions.
4. Corrections in the prescription are forbidden.
5. The instruction for patient is given in his/her native language.
6. All solid medicines prescription are written only in milligram, except powder for external use (prescription in gram, word «gram» is not writing).
7. Liquid medicines for injection prescription are written in mg/ml, for internal use – milliliter (ml).
Слайд 9

Solid forms

Solid forms

Слайд 10

Prescription writing of the solid forms Classification

Prescription writing of the solid forms


Слайд 11

Powder 1. On the way of application 1.1. internal for application


1. On the way of application

1.1. internal
for application per os

as powder for soluble for injection
1.2. external
for application as dusting powder

2. On the dosing method

2.1 undivided
2.2 divided

Слайд 12

What type of powder you can see in the prescription writing?

What type of powder you can see in the prescription writing?


is a undivided powder.

Rp.: Magnesium hydrosilicatis 10,0
Da. Signa. Apply the powder to the affected area of the skin twice a day.

It is a divided powder.

Rp.: Ascorbici acidi 0,05
Sacchari 0,3
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Use the powder to the oral twice a day.

Слайд 13

Rp.: Sillicii dioxydi colloidi 50,0 D.S. Take one tablespoon three times

Rp.: Sillicii dioxydi colloidi 50,0
D.S. Take one tablespoon three times a

day, beforehand dissolve in ½ glass of water.

Rp.: Sillicii dioxydi colloidi 3,0
S. Take powder three times a day, beforehand dissolve in ½ glass of water.

Слайд 14

Powder for soluble for injection Rp.: Benzylpennicillini natrii 500 000 UE

Powder for soluble for injection

Rp.: Benzylpennicillini natrii 500 000 UE
D.t.d. №20

500 000 UE i/m each 4 hour (previously) pre-dissolved in 5 ml water for injection
Слайд 15

Tablets Tablets – are the solid dosage drugs form, intended for


Tablets – are the solid dosage drugs form, intended for

oral use.
Tablets are produced by compressing of substances.
Слайд 16

Prescription writing of the tablets Detailed form Rp.: Tabulettam Paracetamoli 500

Prescription writing of the tablets

Detailed form

Rp.: Tabulettam Paracetamoli 500 mg.
Da tales

doses numero 10.
Signa. Take/Use one tablet oral tree times a day.

Short form

Rp.: Tabl. Paracetamoli 500 mg.
S. Take/Use one tablet oral tree times a day.

Слайд 17

Prescription writing of the tablets The first case Rp.: Tabulettas Paracetamoli

Prescription writing of the tablets

The first case

Rp.: Tabulettas Paracetamoli 500

mg №10.
D.S. Take one tablet oral tree times a day.

The second case

Rp.: Tabulettas «Cyston» №10.
D.S. Take one tablet oral tree times a day.

Слайд 18

Capsules - a solid dosage form in which the drug is


- a solid dosage form in which the drug is

enclosed in a hard or soft soluble container (shell)
Capsules are taken orally.
Capsules are usually gelatin.
Слайд 19

Prescription writing of the capsules The first case. Medicine is one

Prescription writing of the capsules

The first case. Medicine is one medical

active substance.

Rp.: Tetracyclini hydrochloridi 250 mg.
Da tales doses numero 20 in capsulis gelatinosis.
Signa. Take one capsule orally three time a day.

The second case. Medicines consist of several medical substances.

Rp.: Capsules «Fenules» №20.
Da. Signa. Take one capsule orally three time a day

Слайд 20

Benefits and limitations of solid forms Benefits Solid forms are rather

Benefits and limitations of solid forms


Solid forms are rather convenient in

Solid forms can be stored for a long period of time.
Solid forms mask an unpleasant taste and odor.
Solid forms are transported easily.


Solid forms begin to act during hour.
Solid form can not be used as medicines for ambulance.

Слайд 21

Ointment. Characteristic.

Ointment. Characteristic.

Слайд 22

Ointment – is a soft viscously consistency medicinal form, which are

Ointment – is a soft viscously consistency medicinal form, which are

used for external topical application.
Ointments are prepared by mixing various medicines with ointment bases.
Ointment bases are form-building substance. They are carriers of medicines substance in ointment.
Ointment bases are divided into three groups:
Hydrophobic – vaseline, wax, vegetable oils.
Hydrophilic – collagen, agar, polymer high molecular weight compounds polyvinylpyrrolidone
Hydrophobic-hydrophilic (mix vaseline with lanoline)
Слайд 23

Ointment Classification on consistency: Ointment themselves Cream Paste Gel Liniment Classification


Classification on consistency:

Ointment themselves

Classification on use:


Others …
Слайд 24

Ointment themselves Ointment are usually undosed form, therefore they prescribed in

Ointment themselves Ointment are usually undosed form, therefore they prescribed in total


Prescribing 20 g officinal ointment containing 0,5 % Prednisolon.
Rp.: Unguenti Prednisoloni 0,5% - 20,0.
Da. Signa. Apply on derma 3 time a day.

Prescribing 20 g officinal ointment «Levomecol».
Rp.: Unguenti «Levomecol» 40,0.
Da. Signa. Apply on derma 3 time a day.

Слайд 25

Varieties of ointment Rp. : Cremoris Hydrocortisoni 1% - 10,0 Da.

Varieties of ointment
Rp. : Cremoris Hydrocortisoni 1% - 10,0
Da. Signa.

Apply on damaged skin three time a day.
Rp.: Gelumi Diclofenaci 1% - 30,0
Da. Signa. Apply on damaged skin three time a day.

Cream – less viscous then ointment.
Gel – less viscous and include gelatin as ointment base.

Слайд 26

Varieties of ointment Paste – is a kind of ointment, containing

Varieties of ointment

Paste – is a kind of ointment, containing no

less 25% but no more 65% solid substances (powder)
Rp.: Pаstae Zinci 25% - 25,0
Da. Signa. Apply on a moist area of the skin three time a day.
Слайд 27

Varieties of ointment Liniment – is a liquid ointment, has a

Varieties of ointment

Liniment – is a liquid ointment, has a plant

oil as a base.
Rp.: Linimenti Synthomycini 5 % - 25,0
Da. Signa. Apply on affected skin three time a day.
Слайд 28



Слайд 29

Suppositories – are dosage soft medical form It is solid at

Suppositories – are dosage soft medical form

It is solid at room

temperature It is softened at body temperature
Cacao Oil is basically used for prepared of suppositories.
There can be distinguished rectal suppositories – Suppositoria rectalia and vaginal suppositories - Suppositoria vaginalia.
Слайд 30

Rectal suppositories Usually dome-shaped Suppositories mass ranged from 1,1 to 4,0

Rectal suppositories

Usually dome-shaped
Suppositories mass ranged from 1,1 to 4,0
If the

mass of suppositories is not indicated in the prescription they usually weigh 3,0.
Rp.: Suppositorium cum
Paracetamolo 250 mg
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Insert one suppository rectally twice a day when fever

Vaginal suppositories

Usually spherical or egg-shaped
Suppositories mass ranged from 1,5 to 6,0
If the mass of suppositories is not indicated in the prescription they usually weigh 4,0.
Rp.: Suppositorium cum Synthomycino 250 mg
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Insert one suppository vaginally twice a day

Слайд 31

Relatively rarely suppositories are prepared at the chemist. In this case

Relatively rarely suppositories are prepared at the chemist. In this case

prescription should be detailed and include all used substances.

Prescribe 10 suppositories containing 0,02 grams of Promedol each. Insert rectally at the pain.

Rp.: Promedoli 0,02
Olei Cacao 3,0
Misce ut fiat suppositorium rectale.
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Insert rectally at the pain.

Слайд 32



Слайд 33

Aerosols – aerodisperse systems, consisting of 1. Dispersion medium - containing

Aerosols – aerodisperse systems, consisting of 1. Dispersion medium - containing

air, gas or mixture of gas. 2. Dispersion phase containing solid medicines (powder), liquid medicines (solution) or gaseous substances.

Rp.: Aerosolum Salmeteroli 25mkg/1 dosim – 125 doses.
D.S. Inhale three time a day.
Rp.: Aerosolum Fenoteroli 0,1 mg/1dosim – 10 ml
D.S. Inhale one dose at the asthma attack.

Two variants of prescription