Tertiary, visceral syphilis, neurosyphilis


Слайд 2

General progress of tertiary syphilis. Classification of tertiary syphilis 1. It

General progress of tertiary syphilis. Classification of tertiary syphilis

1. It develops

only in a very small number of patients:
- who has had bad treatment or has not been treated at all
- in childhood or in old age
- in people with physical, psychic, medicamental traumas
- with chronic diseases and intoxication (alcoholism, drug-addiction).
2. Clinical features of tertiary syphilis develop after 3-4 years and more.
3. Signs of tertiary syphilis:
- on the skin (tubercular syphilid)
deep nodes or gummas.
4. Small number of T. pallidum in the tissue fluid.
5. Small number of foci of infection and asymmetrical localization.
6. Tendency of the tertiary infiltrate towards destruction with the development of ulcers and scars.
7. Possible infection of any tissue and organ. Characterized by serious destruction and sclerosis.
Слайд 3

General progress of tertiary syphilis. Classification of tertiary syphilis 8. Localization

General progress of tertiary syphilis. Classification of tertiary syphilis

8. Localization in

essential organs can lead to lethal outcome.
9. Without treatment healing is very slow.
10. treated with iodine preparations and salts of heavy metals.
11. In 25-30% of cases classic serologic reaction is negative.
12.The main reaction of imobilization of T. pallidum (100%).
13. Active tertiary syphilis should be differentiated from latent tertiary syphilis
Слайд 4

Tubercular syphilid 1. grouped 2. serpiginous (creeping) 3. platform (field) 4.dwarf (small)

Tubercular syphilid

1. grouped
2. serpiginous (creeping)
3. platform (field)
4.dwarf (small)

Слайд 5

Diagnosis of tubercular and tubercular-ulcer syphilid is based on the following

Diagnosis of tubercular and tubercular-ulcer syphilid is based on the following

characteristic features

a) dense infiltrate of the tubercle;
b) copper-red colour with blue tint;
c) hemispheric shape, equal size;
d) even borders;
e) cherry-stone in size,
f)asymmetrically grouped or crawling;
g) the tubercles develop "mosaic" cicatrix;
h) subjective feelings are absent.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Gummatous syphilid gumma is a sharply separated dense spherical or flat

Gummatous syphilid

gumma is a sharply separated dense spherical or flat node.

deeply under the skin.
The epicenter of the development:
subcutaneous fatty tissue
lymphatic nodes
Слайд 9

Gummatous syphilid Size: pea-sized, slowly increases to size of a nut;

Gummatous syphilid

slowly increases to size of a nut;

the skin on it is not changed.
the node softens in the central part, takes a reddish-blue colour.
Fluctuation develops and the node opens, secreting gum-like fluid.
The opening increases, an ulcer with dense and opening borders can be seen.
Слайд 10

Gummatous syphilid On the base of the ulcer of dead tissue

Gummatous syphilid

On the base of the ulcer of dead tissue (gummatous

the ulcer undergoes cicatrization in a form of deep star-shaped scars.
situated on the anterior surface of the crus, forehead, and forearms.
Single gumma (solitary), gummatous infiltrate,
nodular gummas around the joints (fibrous gumma).
Слайд 11

Latent syphilis (syphilis latens) The following information may be of assistance

Latent syphilis (syphilis latens)

The following information may be of assistance

in the diagnosis of this form of syphilis:
the medical history which should be taken thoroughly with proper attention focused on a past history of erosive and ulcerous efflorescence on the genitals and in the mouth, various eruptions on the skin; on antibiotic therapy, on treatment of gonorrhea, etc.;
the results of confrontation;
revealing a scar or induration at the site of primary syphiloma and enlarged lymph nodes corresponding clinically to regional scleradenitis;
high reagin titre in sharply positive results of all the serological tests;
a temperature exacerbation reaction at the beginning of penicillin therapy;
rapid drop in the reagin titre as early as during the first course of specific treatment; the serological reactions are reversed to negative by the end of the first to the second course of treatment;
sharply positive immunofluorescence test in these patients, although the T. pallidum immobilization test may still be negative in some of them;
the patient's age;
the cerebrospinal fluid may be normal.
Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Latent syphilis (syphilis latens) The following information facilitates the diagnosis of

Latent syphilis (syphilis latens)

The following information facilitates the diagnosis of late

latent syphilis:
the medical history;
low reagin titre in sharply positive results of the classical serological test (CST) or weakly positive results of CST;
reversal of serological reactions to negative by the middle or end of specific treatment and the frequent absence of negative reversal of CST, IFT and TPI despite vigorous antisyphilitic treatment and the use of non-specific agents;
absence of the exacerbation reaction at the beginning of penicillin therapy; it is preferable to begin treatment of such patients with preparatory agents such as iodine preparations and bioquinol;
abnormalities in the cerebrospinal fluid which are encountered more often in these patients than in those with early latent syphilis and are corrected very slowly. Moreover, the sex partners may also have late latent syphi­lis or they may have no manifestations of the syphilitic infection.
Слайд 14

Congenital syphilis Transmission of congenital syphilis The most common theory is

Congenital syphilis

Transmission of congenital syphilis
The most common theory is that the

only way of transmission of congenital syphilis is from the mother to the fetus, through syphilis of the placenta. The possible transmission of syphilis from the father is now rejected. The transmission of syphilis to the fetus may occur in three ways:
Carrying of T. pallidum through the vena umbilicalis in the organism of the baby.
Penetration of T. pallidum through lymphatic clefts of the umbilical vessels.
Entering of T. pallidum into the fetus in the maternal blood through damaged placenta.
Слайд 15

Syphilis of the placenta Pay attention to the size, weight, colour

Syphilis of the placenta

Pay attention to the size, weight, colour of

the placenta. Explain the results of histologic examination in the infection of placenta. Relation of weight of the placenta to the weight of fetus is 1:3 (normally 1:5 – 1:6).
Слайд 16

Syphilis of the fetus The infection of the parenchymal organs and

Syphilis of the fetus

The infection of the parenchymal organs and fetus

has a character of interstitial process. Histologic examination of the infiltrate in the parenchymal organ shows, that they are made of lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasmatic cells, and sometimes miliary or solitary gumma. There are many T. pallidum in the internal organs. List the characteristic features of the changes in the liver and the lungs.
The infection of the locomotor system of the fetus: the development of osteochondritis. Pay attention to the character of infection of blood vessels, spread of infection, which is the main reason for intrauterine death of the fetus. In small vessels, different stages of endarteritis, up to obliteration may be observed.
Infection of endocrine glands, changes in the central nervous system: productive mytomeningitis, meningoencephalitis and sclerosis of vessels.
As the death of the fetus is not rare in toxoplasmosis, the diagnosis of syphilis of the fetus should be made on the basis of clinical, serologic, pathological examinations and roentgenologic diagnosis of long tubular bones. The diagnosis is confirmed by examining the infection of the organs for the pathogen, positive STS in the mother.
Слайд 17

Syphilis of the infants The development of congenital syphilis has a

Syphilis of the infants

The development of congenital syphilis has a unique

character. Syphilis in children born from untreated mothers with active elements of secondary syphilis, is a serious disease. Almost all visceral organs are affected, locomotor system and specific infection of the skin and mucous membrane are observed. One of the earliest pathologic infection of the skin in congenital syphilis of the infants is syphilitic pemphigus (Fig. 1, 2) (2-23% of newborn patients have this form). The most common sign of congenital syphilis of the infants is diffused papular infiltrate of the skin, first described by Gochzinger (Fig. 3). It is found in 60-65%, mostly during the 8-10th week of the life of the baby.
Слайд 18

Syphilis of the infants Fig. 1, 2. Syphilitic pemphigus Fig. 3. Diffused papular infiltrate Gochzingers.

Syphilis of the infants
Fig. 1, 2. Syphilitic pemphigus
Fig. 3. Diffused papular

infiltrate Gochzingers.
Слайд 19

Syphilis of the infants Syphilis of locomotor system is one of

Syphilis of the infants

Syphilis of locomotor system is one of the

basic and important signs of congenital syphilis. It may explained by the following: between the epiphysis and the diaphysis of long tubular bones there is a high blood circulation and hyperemia, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of T. pallidum. There are 3 stages of osteochondritis. In the third stage the epiphysis may detach from the diaphysis, there appears intraepiphysal fracture, and false paralytic condition develops. Periostitis is observed in 45-50% of cases at birth or during the first months after birth.
Слайд 20

Syphilis of the early childhood At the beginning of the second

Syphilis of the early childhood

At the beginning of the second half

of the first year after birth already, the syphilitic signs take the form characteristic for congenital syphilis of early childhood, i.e., children at the age of 1-4 years.
It should be noted that the papular elements on different places of the skin do not differ by their form, localization and evolution from papules in secondary relapsing stage of acquired syphilis.
Слайд 21

Syphilis of the early childhood Pay attention to the predomination of

Syphilis of the early childhood

Pay attention to the predomination of erosive,

vegetating papule in the region of the anus and inguinal plicae. They also appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tonsils.
The changes in the bone, particularly, in the tibia, have a character of periostitis or osteoperiostitis.
Serologic examinations are of great importance in the diagnosis of congenital syphilis.
Слайд 22

Late congenital syphilis Signs of the late congenital syphilis are divided

Late congenital syphilis

Signs of the late congenital syphilis are divided into

unconditional and accessory signs.
The unconditional signs include Hutchinson’s triad:
parenchymal keratitis,
labyrinthine deafness,
Hutchinson’s teeth.
Слайд 23

Late congenital syphilis Accessory signs include: dystrophy of teeth; infection of

Late congenital syphilis

Accessory signs include:
dystrophy of teeth;
infection of locomotor system

(saber shin crus), natiform skull, saddle nose, Avsitideisky’s symptom (thickening of sternoclavicular joint, Gothic hard palate, axiphoidia, Dubois’ infant little finger, racket shaped little finger.
tubercle-ulcerative and gummatous infection of the skin and the mucous membrane does not differ from the infection in tertiary acquired syphilis in its manifestations and progress. Specific changes of the visceral organs in late congenital syphilis are rarer than those in syphilis of infants.
pathologic changes in central nervous system: tabes dorsalis, jacksonian epilepsy, atrophy of optic nerve, psychic retardation.
Слайд 24

Слайд 25

Late congenital syphilis The following stigmata of late congenital syphilis are

Late congenital syphilis

The following stigmata of late congenital syphilis are the

most significant:
1) Avsitidiisky's sign;
2) Gothic hard palate;
3) infan­tile little finger
4) axiphoidia, i.e. absence of the sternal xiphoid process;
5) Carabelli cusp, the presence of a fifth auxiliary cusp on the masticatory surface of the first upper molar;
6) diastema: gaps between the upper incisors;
7) hypertrichosis in children and growth of hair on the forehead almost to the eyebrows;
8) dystrophy of the skull bones, bossing of the frontal and parietal eminences but without a separating groove.