Specific pronunciation problems of russian students


Слайд 2

Word Stress A. Stress on first syllable rule example Most 2-syllable

Word Stress

A. Stress on first syllable
rule example
Most 2-syllable nouns PRESent, EXport.,

CHIna, Table
Most 2-syllable adjectives PRESent, HAPpy
CLEVer, SLENder,
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B. Stress on last syllable rule example Most 2-syllable verbs exPORT, deCIDE, beGIN

B. Stress on last syllable
rule example
Most 2-syllable verbs exPORT, deCIDE,

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2-syllable words whose meaning and class change with a change in

2-syllable words whose meaning and class change with a change in

noun verb
PREsent preSENT
Export exPORT
CONTRact contrACT
OBject obJECT
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C. Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end) rule

C. Stress on penultimate syllable
(penultimate = second from end)
rule example

ending in -ic GRAPHic, geoLOGic,
Words ending in -sion teleVIsion
and -tion reveLAtion
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D. Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end) rule

D. Stress on ante-penultimate
syllable (ante-penultimate =
third from

rule example
Words ending in –cy, deMOcracy, geOLogy
-ty, -phy and -gy dependaBILity,
Words ending in -al CRItical,geoLOGical
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E. Compound words rule example For compound nouns – BLACKbird, on

E. Compound words
rule example
For compound nouns – BLACKbird,
on the

first part GREENhouse
For compound adjectives- bad-TEMpered,
on the second part old-FASHioned
For compound verbs – underSTAND,
on the second part overFLOW
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Rhythm Content words (have the most stress): Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs


Content words (have the most stress):
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs
Function words

(are weaker and shorter):
Auxiliary verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions
(but, not…), Determiners (the, some, each…), Possessive adjectives (my, your…)
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Content words are stressed more (pronounced louder and longer) than functions

Content words are stressed more (pronounced louder and longer) than functions

When are you coming to dinner?
I have never liked the color red.
Motorcycles can be dangerous to drive or ride on.
Слайд 10

Stress Timing English is a stressed timed language. The time it

Stress Timing
English is a stressed timed language. The time it takes

to say something depends on the number of stressed syllables, not the number of syllables.
Bob ate some corn. (4 syl.)
Kenny has swam to France and back. (8 syl.)
The Americans are buying some souvenirs and posters. (15 syl.)
Слайд 11

Intonation Intonation Patterns -Statements: I like riding horses. -Wh questions: When


Intonation Patterns
I like riding horses.
-Wh questions:
When do you go riding?
-Yes/no questions:

you ever fall off ?
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-Commands: Get off the horse now. -Requests: Can I go with

Get off the horse now.
Can I go with you sometime?
-Choice questions:

she like chicken or meat?
-Tag questions:
Susan ate, didn’t she?
-Giving lists:
Samuel likes pizza, tacos, spaghetti, hamburgers, and hot dogs.
Слайд 13

If you don’t move your voice up and down, you will sound b-o-r-in-g !!!

If you don’t move your voice up and down, you will

sound b-o-r-in-g !!!
Слайд 14

Consonants th sounds There are two pronunciations for the th sounds,


th sounds
There are two pronunciations for the th sounds,

think, tooth, something, thank
Math and theology are worth thinking about to be wealthy and healthy.
Слайд 15

-voiceless: the, them, rather, another, seethe Another father withered in the

the, them, rather, another, seethe
Another father withered in the hot weather.

brother’s mother and father smooth lathered leather.
Слайд 16

How to pronounce /w/ and /v/ sounds: wet vet way vane

How to pronounce /w/ and /v/ sounds:
wet vet
way vane
weather rave

Slow sweaty wombats wallow in wet watery swilling sewage.
Conservation drives savvy investors to save their valuables in vaults.
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How to pronounce the /r/ sound: red, bar, arrive, revere, room,

How to pronounce the /r/ sound:
red, bar, arrive, revere, room,

Rowdy Brandy arrived in the room ready to rock and roll.
How to pronounce /h/ sound:
Hat, heaven, behold, ahead, hash
Heaven has heaps of hot heads who have behaved hellishly.
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How to pronounce ng sound Most of the time when you

How to pronounce ng sound
Most of the time when you see

the letters NG, you want to pronounce them as one sound only, the NG sound [ŋ]. Can you make this sound without a hard G [g] sound?
hung laughing
spring expecting
song remembering
wing swimming
Слайд 19

Vowels How to pronounce the sound in were-work-worth-word-world ir (bird), er


How to pronounce the sound in were-work-worth-word-world
ir (bird), er (berg), ur

dirty clergy splurge
stirring submerge purge
The eager orator’s terse verses deserved the youngsters nervous laughter.
Слайд 20

How to pronounce the sounds in bed – bad, men –

How to pronounce the sounds in
bed – bad, men –

man, send – sand…
Open your mouth a bit more to pronounce/æ/
apple, hamster, mask, automat, candle.
That fat cat sat on a black hat.
Masked cattle and lambs ransacked the ranch in the valley.
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How to pronounce the sounds in set – sit – seat,

How to pronounce the sounds in
set – sit – seat,

ship - sheep
pen pin peenge
ten tin teen
peg pig peak
bell bill beal
cheque chick cheek
Everything in this fridge is fresh, sweetie.