Writing research articles

Слайд 2

IMRD: Basic Structure This is the basic structure. The are ALMOST ALWAYS variations based on field

IMRD: Basic Structure

This is the basic structure. The are ALMOST ALWAYS

variations based on field
Слайд 3

Central Parts of an Article

Central Parts of an Article

Слайд 4

Possible Elements of a “M” Section Overview of the experiment (design)

Possible Elements of a “M” Section
Overview of the experiment (design)

Restrictions/Limiting Conditions
Sampling Technique
Procedures (always included!)
Materials (always included!)
Statistical Treatment
Слайд 5

A Checklist for Writing the “Methods” When Describing Experimental Procedure… Include

A Checklist for Writing the “Methods”

When Describing Experimental Procedure…

all information necessary for someone to replicate your procedure
Describe the procedure chronologically
Language Considerations…
Use the past tense to describe procedure
Use the passive voice to “depersonalize” procedural descriptions and to keep old information at the beginning of sentences.
Use short forms of the passive voice to reduce compound sentences and which clauses.
Слайд 6

A Note about Materials Materials can include… Laboratory equipment Field equipment

A Note about Materials
Materials can include…
Laboratory equipment
Field equipment

or animal subjects
Natural substances
Fabricated substances
Surveys and questionnaires
Computer models
Mathematical models
Слайд 7

Methods & Materials The two are usually presented simultaneously… Example Aqueous

Methods & Materials

The two are usually presented simultaneously…
Aqueous sodium hydroxide (30g,

185mL) was cooled in ice in a 500-mL beaker, stirred magnetically while 5 g of nickel-aluminum alloy was added in several small portions, and gradually warmed to 100°C as required to maintain hydrogen evolution.

= Materials
= Methods

Слайд 8

A Checklist for Materials Information… Integrate the materials description with the

A Checklist for Materials

Integrate the materials description with the procedural description

Briefly identify conventional materials
Describe new and/or specifically designed materials in greater detail

Use past tense when describing a sample
Use present tense when describing a larger population

Arrange the Parts of the Methods Section

Слайд 9

Writing the Results: A Three Step Process Indicate where the reader

Writing the Results: A Three Step Process
Indicate where the reader

can find the results (the table/graph)
Highlight the most important findings
Give a brief explanation of the findings

Page 137

Слайд 10

Indicating Results and Commenting There are many ways to present your

Indicating Results and Commenting

There are many ways to present your results

and commentary. Here are two patterns:

An Alternating Pattern
Result 1 -> Comment 1
Result 2 -> Comment 2
Result 3 -> Comment 3

An Sequential Pattern
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3

Better for presenting many individual results with specific comments about each result.

Better for a general commentary about several results.

Слайд 11

Making Comments in the “Results” Make generalizations about the results Explain

Making Comments in the “Results”
Make generalizations about the results

Explain possible reasons for the results
Compare your results with results from another study

“Identify the Purpose”