Radiation safety training


Слайд 2

Basic Radiation Theory and Fundamentals Sources of Ionizing Radiation Biological Effects

Basic Radiation Theory and Fundamentals
Sources of Ionizing Radiation
Biological Effects and Risks

of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Radiation Protection Standards
Controlling Radiation Dose
Radiation Monitoring
Responsibilities for Radiation Protection
Emergency Response
Radiation Safety Training Exam

Training Topics

Слайд 3

Basic Radiation Theory & Fundamentals Radiation is simply energy in the

Basic Radiation Theory & Fundamentals

Radiation is simply energy in the

form of particles or waves
Particulate Radiation includes: Alpha, Beta and Neutron Electromagnetic Radiation (Rays or Waves) includes:
X-rays are the most common type of radiation at Accuray
Слайд 4

Nucleus: Contains Protons (+1 charge) and Neutrons (no charge) Nuclear Diameter

Nucleus: Contains Protons (+1 charge) and Neutrons (no charge)
Nuclear Diameter ~

10-15 m
Electrons: orbit the nucleus (-1 charge)
Atomic Diameter ~ 10-10 m More than 99.9% of the atomic mass and all the positive charge are in the nucleus ! Atomic vs. Nuclear Dimensions !

Atomic Structure

Слайд 5

Ionizing versus Non-Ionizing Radiation Ionizing Radiation: Means radiation with sufficient energy

Ionizing versus Non-Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing Radiation: Means radiation with sufficient energy to liberate

an electron from an atom or molecule. Such an event can alter chemical bonds and produce ions or ion pairs.

The difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation is energy.

Слайд 6

Absorbed The rad (radiation absorbed dose) is the energy deposited per

Absorbed The rad (radiation absorbed dose) is the energy deposited per

unit mass by
Dose ionizing radiation in a material. One rad equals 100 ergs per gram.
The SI unit of absorbed dose is the Gray. 1 Gy = 1 Joule/kg = 100 rad
Dose Takes into account the biological effectiveness, or quality, of different types of
Equivalent radiation. Dose Equivalent, measured in rems or Sieverts, is equal to the absorbed dose times a quality factor (Q).
Equivalent Takes into account the different probability of effects that occur with the same
Dose absorbed dose delivered by radiations with different weighting factors (WR).
The SI unit of Equivalent dose is the Sievert. 1 Sv = 100 rem
Exposure The unit of radiation exposure in air is the Roentgen (R). It is defined as that quantity of x-rays causing ionization in air equal to 2.58 x 10-4 coulombs per kilogram (C/kg).
Air Kerma Kinetic Energy Released per unit Mass of a small volume of air when it is irradiated by an x-ray beam. Kerma is measured in Gy.

Key ‘Dose’ Terms

Слайд 7

Key ‘Dose’ Terms Cont. 1 Sv = 100 rem 1 Gy

Key ‘Dose’ Terms Cont.

1 Sv = 100 rem
1 Gy = 100

rads = 100 cGy
1 cGy = 1 rad
Equivalent Dose (HT) = Absorbed Dose (DT,R) x Weighting Factor (WR)
HT = DT,R x WR
Dose Equivalent (H) = Absorbed Dose (D) x Quality Factor (Q)
H = D x Q
For X-RAYs: Q = WR = 1
1cGy = 1 rad = 1 rem & 1 Gy = 1 Sv
Слайд 8

Radioactivity: The spontaneous decomposition or disintegration of unstable atomic nuclei is

Radioactivity: The spontaneous decomposition or disintegration of unstable atomic nuclei is

termed radioactivity. The energy and particles which are emitted during the decomposition /decay process are called radiation.
Units of Measure: Becquerel (1 disintegration per second)
Curie (3.7 x 1010 decays per second)
Contamination: Simply put, contamination is radioactivity where it is not wanted or controlled.
Units of Measure: Becquerels per liter (Bq/L) - if gas or liquid
Bq/cm2 or µCi/m2 - if on a surface
Atomic Number (Z): Number of protons in the nucleus.
Mass Number (A): Number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus.
Isotopes: Chemical elements with the same Z number .

More Key Definitions

Слайд 9

Alpha Particle Massive; +2 charge Beta Particle Some Mass; +/- 1

Alpha Particle
Massive; +2 charge

Beta Particle
Some Mass; +/- 1 charge

Gamma / X-Ray

mass; No charge

Massive; No charge

Types of Ionizing Radiation and Penetrating Ability

Слайд 10

Photodisintegration X-Ray disappears => liberates a proton, neutron or alpha particle

X-Ray disappears => liberates a proton, neutron or alpha particle
Photoelectric Effect

disappears => liberates an atomic electron

X-Ray (photon) Interactions with Matter

Слайд 11

Compton Scatter X-Ray survives => liberates an electron while changing course

Compton Scatter
X-Ray survives => liberates an electron while changing course

and losing some energy
Pair Production
X-Ray disappears => creates an electron / positron pair

X-Ray (photon) Interactions with Matter

Слайд 12

Common Sources of Ionizing Radiation Sources of Background Radiation Exposure Natural

Common Sources of Ionizing Radiation
Sources of Background Radiation Exposure
Natural Background
Medical Diagnosis

and Treatment
Manufactured/Industrial Sources
Sources of Occupational Radiation Exposure
Radiation Hazards in the Workplace

Radiation Sources

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

CyberKnife M6 Series TomoTherapy H Series Accuray radiation generating machines (RGMs)

M6 Series

H Series

Accuray radiation generating machines (RGMs) are capable

of creating intense radiation fields. However, if used safely and properly in well shielded environments, occupational exposures will be negligible.
Слайд 16

Biological Response to Ionizing Radiation – Key Terms Somatic, Stochastic, Deterministic,

Biological Response to Ionizing Radiation – Key Terms
Somatic, Stochastic, Deterministic, Heritable

Biology – Mechanisms & Effects
Factors Affecting Biological Response
Total Dose, Dose Rate, Radiation Type & Energy
Area of the Body Irradiated, Cell Sensitivity, Individual Sensitivity
Radiation Risks
Quantifying Risks
The acceptability of Risks

Biological Effects and Risks of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

Слайд 17

Radiation Biology – Key Terms Somatic Effects: biological effects that occur

Radiation Biology – Key Terms

Somatic Effects: biological effects that occur on

the exposed individual
Deterministic Effects: definite threshold; the severity of effect increases with dose (Examples: cataracts; erythema; infertility)
Stochastic Effects: probabilistic in nature; existence of a threshold not clear; probability of occurrence increases with dose (Examples: cancer – DNA is the target of concern)
Heritable Effects: a physical mutation or trait that is passed on to offspring; these have never been observed in humans but are believed to be possible.
Слайд 18

Radiation Causes Ionizations of: ATOMS which may affect MOLECULES which may

Radiation Causes Ionizations of:

which may affect
which may affect

may affect
which may affect
which may affect
Слайд 19

Radiation Biology – Mechanisms DNA is the Target of Concern (Deoxyribonucleic

Radiation Biology – Mechanisms

DNA is the Target of Concern
(Deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]

encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms)
Direct and Indirect Effects
DNA strand breaks (Direct Effect)
Water molecule dislocation (Indirect Effect)
Reactive species formation (Indirect Effect)
Radiation Causes Ionization and Excitation in Water (H+ OH- H20+ H20- H20* e- H202)
Слайд 20

Radiation Biology – Affects What can Happen after Direct or Indirect

Radiation Biology – Affects

What can Happen after Direct or Indirect DNA

Detection and Repair
Cell Death
DNA Changes With No Negative Effects
DNA Changes With Deleterious Effects
Слайд 21

Radiation Biology – Factors Affecting Biological Response Total Dose Received &

Radiation Biology – Factors Affecting Biological Response

Total Dose Received & Dose

Greater total dose and dose rates generally equate to more damage
Type and Energy of Radiation
Alpha particles are more damaging than X-Rays
Higher energy = greater effect
Area of Body Irradiated
Effects increase with area irradiated
Cell Sensitivity
Rapidly dividing cells and cells that have a long dividing future tend to be more sensitive
Individual Sensitivity
Each person responds differently
Слайд 22

Acute versus Chronic Exposures Chronic radiation exposures: low doses over long

Acute versus Chronic Exposures

Chronic radiation exposures: low doses over long time

Acute radiation exposures: high doses over short time periods
The following effects are associated with acute, whole body exposures:
Слайд 23

Radiation Risk Radiation Exposure Is Assumed to Increase Cancer Risk Approximately

Radiation Risk

Radiation Exposure Is Assumed to Increase Cancer Risk
Approximately 35

– 45% of all people will develop cancer in their lifetime – aside from radiation exposure.
Approximately 20% of all people will develop a fatal cancer in their lifetime – aside from radiation exposure.
If 10,000 people all received 1,000 mrem, (1 rem), (10 mSv) of radiation exposure, we would expect 5 or 6 to die from radiation related cancer and 2,000 to die from all other cancer sources.
Risk of developing a fatal cancer from radiation exposure:
5.5 x 10-4 per rem or 5.5 x 10-2 per Sv
Слайд 24

Слайд 25

The Principles of Radiological Protection Epidemiological Studies Dose Response Models National

The Principles of Radiological Protection
Epidemiological Studies
Dose Response Models
National / International Recommendations

& Laws
Occupational Limits
Facility Control Levels
Protection of the Embryo/Fetus
Protection of the General Public (100 mrem; 1 mSv)

Radiation Protection Standards

Слайд 26

Justification – No practice shall be adopted unless its introduction produces

Justification – No practice shall be adopted unless its introduction produces

a net positive benefit. This is a societal decision.
Optimization – All exposures shall be kept ALARA, economic and social factors being taken into account.
Limitation – Individual exposures shall not exceed the limits.

The Principles of Radiation Protection

Слайд 27

Epidemiology – the study of patterns, causes, and effects of health

Epidemiology – the study of patterns, causes, and effects of health

and disease conditions in defined populations.
UNSCEAR - United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
Sources of Human Population Radiation Epidemiological Data
Atomic Bomb Survivors
Radiotherapy Patients
Radium Dial Painters, Miners (Radon Exposure), Radiologists, Nuclear Workers
Chernobyl Accident, Weapons Test Fallout, Natural Background

Epidemiological Studies

Слайд 28

Слайд 29

Epidemiological studies are performed and presented UNSCEAR World Health Organization National

Epidemiological studies are performed and presented
World Health Organization
National and International agencies

make recommendations
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
National Council on Radiological Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
Country, State and Local Laws
Exposure Limits and Guidance Documents

National / International Recommendations & Law

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

Unrestricted Area – Any area that is not controlled for the

Unrestricted Area – Any area that is not controlled for the

purposes of radiation safety (offices, break rooms, meeting rooms, non-production, non-test areas)
Controlled Areas – Access is controlled for radiation protection purposes (includes areas adjacent to mega voltage enclosures)
Restricted Areas – Access is prevented or limited for the purpose of protecting individuals from undue risks from radiation exposure (includes inside test cells / bunkers when radiation is being generated

Facility Control Levels

Слайд 32

The developing embryo/fetus, with rapidly dividing cells, is sensitive to many

The developing embryo/fetus, with rapidly dividing cells, is sensitive to many

environmental factors including ionizing radiation.
The embryo/fetus is most susceptible to developing adverse health effects if exposed during the time period 8-15 weeks after conception.
Declaration of Pregnancy
Additional safety precautions are available to declared pregnant workers
The declaration must be submitted (in writing) to the RSO
Detailed training material and information will be made available
A historical dose assessment and job analysis will be performed
Temporary changes to job duties will be considered
A fetal dosimeter will be issued

Protection of the Embryo/Fetus

Слайд 33

Member of the Public: means an individual who is not a

Member of the Public: means an individual who is not a

radiation worker, has not received radiation safety training and who is not monitored for occupational exposure
The strict exposure limit to a member of the public is:
100 mrem/yr (1 mSv/yr)
Members of the public are not allowed unescorted access to test cell or bunker areas.

Protection of the General Public

Слайд 34

Radiation Protection Policies and Procedures The ALARA Concept (Time, Distance and

Radiation Protection Policies and Procedures
The ALARA Concept (Time, Distance and

Signs, Labels, and Postings
Access Controls

Controlling Radiation Dose

Слайд 35

The most important policy to remember is … never be inside

The most important policy to remember is … never be inside

a test cell or bunker while the beam is made!
SOP 027444 is the main Radiation Safety Program Procedure
* Personnel Dosimetry Request Form * Lost, Damaged, or Exposed Personnel Dosimetry Form * Declaration of Pregnancy Form * Declaration of Worker Status Form * Engineering and Administrative Controls Checklist * Request and Authorization for Radiation Exposure History Form * Notification of Nuclear Energy Worker Status
There are many other country and site specific requirements such as: Canada Specific Training (for Canadian Citizens); UK Local Radiation Rules; Radiation Safety in Europe – Belgium; Radiation Protection Organization (German); and many others.

Radiation Protection Policies & Procedures

Слайд 36

ALARA is an acronym for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. Since

ALARA is an acronym for As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
Since it

is assumed that any radiation exposure involves some risk, doses shall be maintained as far below the regulatory limits as is practical. To keep doses ALARA, the three most commonly used techniques are: time, distance and shielding.
Time – whenever practical, minimize the time spent near sources of radiation and minimize the output from RGMs.
Distance – to the extent practical, maximize the distance between personnel and radiation sources.
Shielding – incorporate attenuating barriers between radiation sources and personnel whenever practical.

The ALARA Concept

Слайд 37

Reduce Exposures by Minimizing Time & Dose Rate Dose = Dose

Reduce Exposures by Minimizing Time & Dose Rate

Dose = Dose Rate

x Time
500 mrem = 10 mrem/hr x 50 hrs
1000 cGy/min x 10 min = 10,000 cGy !!!
Слайд 38

Reduce Exposures by Maximizing Distance

Reduce Exposures by Maximizing Distance

Слайд 39

Inverse Square Law - Example

Inverse Square Law - Example

Слайд 40

Close the Jaws/MLC, Plug Beam, and Beam Down Whenever Possible/Practical Reduce Exposures by Using Shielding Materials

Close the Jaws/MLC, Plug Beam, and Beam Down Whenever Possible/Practical

Reduce Exposures

by Using Shielding Materials
Слайд 41

Some areas require specific authorization or an escort prior to entry.

Some areas require specific authorization or an escort prior to entry.

Be aware of and adhere to the following Hazard Communication: symbols, signs and other warnings located within and near restricted or controlled areas.

Radiation ‘Trefoil’ Symbols
Foreground and background colors may vary

Caution Signs

Radiation Hazard Communication

Слайд 42

Emergency Buttons/Devices Warning Lights Note: Actuating an Emergency Button/Device, or opening

Emergency Buttons/Devices


Note: Actuating an Emergency Button/Device, or opening the main

test cell door/gate, will terminate or prevent radiation.

Engineering Safety Controls

Слайд 43

Operators must physically enter the test cell, bunker or shielded enclosure

Operators must physically enter the test cell, bunker or shielded enclosure

to ensure no persons are within the enclosure and it is safe in all respects to generate radiation.
Once the test cell is cleared and the door closed, access must be continually monitored, otherwise the cell must be re-cleared prior to the next Beam-On.
Personnel who need access to an enclosure must get permission from the operator prior to entry.
It is absolutely forbidden to generate radiation while persons are within an Accuray shielded enclosure.
It is prohibited to enter a cell in which a radiation device is in use.

Access Controls - Mandatory

Слайд 44

Personnel Monitoring Facility Monitoring Radiation Detectors Radiation Monitoring

Personnel Monitoring
Facility Monitoring
Radiation Detectors

Radiation Monitoring

Слайд 45

Dosimetry Use is a Requirement for all Radiation Workers Basic Dosimetry

Dosimetry Use is a Requirement for all Radiation Workers
Basic Dosimetry Use

Guidelines Include:
Keep away from non-occupational radiation sources such as:
Airport checked luggage scans
Medical and dental imaging
Prevent the dosimeter from receiving excessive exposure to heat, sunlight or moisture
Promptly exchange at regular intervals (usually every three months)
Notify radiation safety personnel when a dosimeter is lost, damaged or accidentally exposed

Personnel Monitoring

Слайд 46

Test Cell/Bunker Commissioning and Routine Leakage Surveys Facility Monitoring Continuous Area Monitoring

Test Cell/Bunker Commissioning and Routine Leakage Surveys

Facility Monitoring

Continuous Area Monitoring

Слайд 47

Radiation Leakage Surveys and Area Monitoring Gas Filled Detectors –Ionization Chambers

Radiation Leakage Surveys and Area Monitoring
Gas Filled Detectors –Ionization Chambers
Benefits –

rugged, inexpensive, appropriate for Accuray environment except primary beam measurements
Potential Problems - recombination, dead time, pile up, RF & magnetic field interference

Radiation Detectors

Слайд 48

Briefly inspect the instrument for physical damage or excessive wear. Ensure

Briefly inspect the instrument for physical damage or excessive wear.
Ensure the

instrument has been recently calibrated.
Power on the instrument and perform a battery check.
Note the natural background radiation level and fluctuations in instrument response.
Always lead with the detector, maximizing your distance from radiation sources.
Think ALARA and caution is warranted as exposure rates approach or exceed: 10 mR/hr; 100 µSv/hr

Use of Survey Instruments

Damaged or ‘out of calibration’ instruments cannot be used and must be taken out of service.

Слайд 49

Management Responsibilities Promote a positive radiation safety culture and ensure adequate

Management Responsibilities
Promote a positive radiation safety culture and ensure adequate resources

exist to develop/maintain a robust radiation safety program
Radiation Safety Organization Responsibilities
Ensure protection of persons, the environment and property
Ensure regulatory compliance and advise on technical issues
Individuals’ Responsibilities
Adhere to all radiation worker requirements, postings, and controls
Demonstrate responsibility and accountability through an informed, disciplined and cautious attitude toward radiation
Individuals’ Rights
Stay informed of all risks and associated controls prior to performing radiation work duties
Have access to personal dose records

Responsibilities for Radiation Protection

Слайд 50

Limit the radiation dose to involved persons … the first action

Limit the radiation dose to involved persons … the first action

during any emergency is to turn off the machine.
If radioactive materials are involved, limit the spread of contamination.
Seek assistance from experienced radiation safety professionals. Contact the Accuray RSO and local Radiation Safety Personnel.
Evacuate the immediate area of the incident.
Control entry to the scene of the accident.
Indentify and isolate persons who may have received significant radiation exposures.
Record all details of the event chronologically.

Emergency Response

Слайд 51

For more information, visit: http://sharepoint/Radiation Safety/ Procedures, forms, links, contact information, announcements, and more

For more information, visit: http://sharepoint/Radiation Safety/

Procedures, forms, links, contact information, announcements,

and more
Слайд 52

Accuray is committed to maintaining a robust radiation safety program. As

Accuray is committed to maintaining a robust radiation safety program. As

a result, even our “Radiation Workers” are expected to receive less than 10% of the applicable limits (Accuray ALARA Policy).
Non-Radiation Workers are expected to receive truly negligible exposures: less than 1% of the natural background and typically below the limits of routine detection.
Everyone is encouraged to play an active role regarding radiation safety - think ALARA.