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Mike Bloomberg made New York City a global leader in fighting

Mike Bloomberg made New York City a global leader in fighting

climate change and pioneering sustainability measures, while also building hundreds of acres of new parkland and re-opening major areas of the waterfront that had been abandoned by industry decades ago.

Mike Bloomberg led a major expansion of the City’s parks, adding more than 850 acres of new parkland, much of it along the waterfront, and opening new recreational facilities in all five boroughs. At the end of Mayor Bloomberg's term in 2013, 76% of New Yorkers lived within a 10-minute walk of a park or playground.
Mike Bloomberg made environmental protection a top priority, launching the nation’s first local program to reclaim brownfields and restoring 146 acres of wetlands. During his tenure, the City also purchased and preserved nearly 90,000 acres of rural land to protect the quality of its water supply.
Mike Bloomberg made major investments to improve traffic safety, bringing traffic fatalities in New York City to a historic low; to expand transportation options, including building the first new City-funded subway track in decades; and to strengthen existing infrastructure, including $5 billion to ensure the City’s 787 bridges are in the best condition in generations.

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As an entrepreneur who created an information technology start-up and grew

As an entrepreneur who created an information technology start-up and grew

it into a global business with 15,000 employees, Mike Bloomberg positioned New York City to lead the innovation economy of tomorrow. As a result of his leadership, New York City escaped the worst effects of the national economic downturn, and it far outpaced the nation in job growth after the recession.

As a mayor with a background as an entrepreneur, Mike Bloomberg worked hard to make it easier to start and grow a business in New York City – and to connect more people to those jobs. This resulted in major new investment opportunities for small businesses, as well as a record level of job placements during the midst of the national economic recession.
Under Mike Bloomberg, New York City became the largest funder of arts and culture in the United States, with more than $3 billion invested in the industry between 2002 and 2013. The arts industry helped form the backbone of the City’s economy and supported more than 320,000 jobs across the five boroughs.
Film & TV
A key part of Mike Bloomberg’s strategy to diversify New York City’s economy and make it less dependent on Wall Street was to expand the film and TV industry. For the 2012-2013 season, after major studio expansions, a record 23 primetime episodic shows were filmed in the City, and in 2012, the growing industry employed 130,000 New Yorkers.
In 2006, Mike Bloomberg set a goal of attracting 50 million annual visitors by 2015. In 2011 – four years early – the City reached that goal. In 2013, the City reached a new record high of 54.3 million visitors, who generated an estimated $59 billion in economic impact and helped support jobs.
Mike Bloomberg worked to position New York City to become the global capital of technological innovation. From 2007-2012, jobs in the City’s tech sector grew by 74 percent, making the City second only to Silicon Valley in venture capital funding for tech startups. The unprecedented Applied Sciences NYC initiative will mean even more investment and jobs in the years ahead.

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Mike Bloomberg worked to improve life in NYC neighborhoods across the

Mike Bloomberg worked to improve life in NYC neighborhoods across the

five boroughs. From economic development projects like the Hudson Yards to revitalizing large sections of the waterfront, New Yorkers benefited from new residential, commercial, and industrial development.

Mike Bloomberg brought new life to areas long neglected by the City, including major sections of the waterfront that had been mostly abandoned. From the South Bronx to Coney Island, and from Greenpoint and Williamsburg to Willets Point, the Mayor worked to revitalize communities with new jobs, housing, and parks.
As Mayor, Mike Bloomberg created the largest affordable housing program in the country, with 175,000 affordable housing units constructed or preserved between 2002 and 2013. Through innovative policies like “inclusionary zoning,” the Mayor created new incentives for the development of affordable housing.
As Mike Bloomberg worked to grow New York City, he has also made historic preservation a priority. The Landmarks Preservation Commission created and extended 40 historic districts from 2002 to 2013, the most designations of any mayoral administration since the Commission was founded decades ago.

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Mike Bloomberg pioneered bold public health initiatives – and other innovative

Mike Bloomberg pioneered bold public health initiatives – and other innovative

programs designed to help people take control of their futures – that were copied across the country and around the world.

Improving the health of all New Yorkers was a top priority for Mike Bloomberg, who quickly became a national leader on public health. After New York City banned smoking in bars and restaurants, cities and states across the nation – and countries around the world - followed suit. Thanks in part to the Mayor’s public health initiatives, life expectancy in New York City grew by more than three years.
Under Mike Bloomberg, New York City’s welfare rolls fell 25 percent, and nearly 900,000 people moved from welfare to work. The Mayor created the Center for Economic Opportunity to find new ways to tackle poverty, and in 2012 the Center won the Harvard Innovations in American Government Award.
To help low-income New Yorkers manage and save their money, Mike Bloomberg created the Office of Financial Empowerment, which launched 25 Financial Empowerment Centers across the city. The centers have been replicated by the federal government in cities across the country.
A passionate champion of immigration reform, Mike Bloomberg recognized that fixing our broken immigration policies was essential to our country’s future. As Mayor, Mike worked to help immigrant entrepreneurs launch small businesses, and he made City government information available in 170 different languages, via 311.
Since Mike Bloomberg started the NYC Service initiative in 2009, New Yorkers and visitors have volunteered more than 9 million times. The initiative has also engaged 1.6 million of the City’s public schoolchildren.
Mike Bloomberg brought an innovative approach to all city services, increasing New Yorkers access to information and service through significant investments in technology. Thanks to these improvements, New Yorkers became more connected to city government than ever before.