Подходы к выполнению задания части C-2


Слайд 2

Пошаговый подход Знакомство с требованиями к выполнению С-2 Знакомство с заданием

Пошаговый подход

Знакомство с требованиями к выполнению
Знакомство с заданием

С-2 для учащихся и критериями его выполнения
Знакомство с образцом выполненного учащимися задания
Пошаговое изучение частей задания С-2
Выполнение задания
Рефлексия: разбор выполненного задания
Слайд 3

Требования к заданию С-2 ПВ «Ваше мнение» Высказать свое мнение и

Требования к заданию С-2 ПВ «Ваше мнение»

Высказать свое мнение и привести аргументы,

доказательства, примеры
Сделать вывод
Последовательно и логически правильно строить высказывания
Использовать соответствующие средства логической связи
Правильно оформить стилистически в соответствии с поставленной задачей
Употреблять языковые средства оформления письменного высказывания точно и правильно
Слайд 4

Критерии оценивания задания С-2 Содержание и полнота выполнения (3 балла) Организация

Критерии оценивания задания С-2

Содержание и полнота выполнения (3 балла)
Организация текста (3

Лексическая грамотность (3 балла)
Грамматическая правильность речи (3 балла)
Правильность орфографии и пунктуации (2 балла)
Слайд 5

Нарушения в объеме Менее 180 слов – проверке не подлежит Более

Нарушения в объеме

Менее 180 слов – проверке не подлежит
Более 275 слов

– проверке подлежит только та часть работы, которая соответствует требуемому объему
Слайд 6

Opinion essay

Opinion essay

Слайд 7

Что входит в объем? Все слова, включая артикли, предлоги, адрес, дату,

Что входит в объем?

Все слова, включая артикли, предлоги, адрес, дату, начиная

с заголовка (если он есть в задании С-2) и заканчивая последующими словами в заключении
Слайд 8

Стяженные формы Считаются как одно слово: I’m, I’ve, didn’t, can’t DVD,

Стяженные формы

Считаются как одно слово:
I’m, I’ve, didn’t, can’t

Числительные, написанные цифрами
(23, 12601, 21.04.10)
Слайд 9

Как выделять абзацы Пропуском строки Незаконченностью заполнения предыдущей строки Возможна красная строка

Как выделять абзацы

Пропуском строки
Незаконченностью заполнения предыдущей строки
Возможна красная строка

Слайд 10

Общие стратегии выполнения ПВ Соответствовать плану Продумать ключевые фразы Соблюдать закон

Общие стратегии выполнения ПВ

Соответствовать плану
Продумать ключевые фразы
Соблюдать закон триады: тезис –

аргумент - вывод
Абзацы должны отражать логическую и содержательную структуру текста
Использовать средства логической связи
Слайд 11

План ПВ «Ваше мнение» Make an introduction. Express your personal opinion

План ПВ «Ваше мнение»

Make an introduction.
Express your personal opinion and give

reasons for it.
Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it.
Draw a conclusion.
Слайд 12

Introduction 1st paragraph: introduce the subject (general remarks) and state your


1st paragraph:
introduce the subject (general remarks) and state your opinion;

may ask a question;
you may start with a quotation.
Слайд 13

Introduction “All work and no play will make Jack a dull

“All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy”,

as the old saying goes. The gap year seems to be one of those traditions which remind us about the real needs of young people, and so prove that such old pieces of wisdom may be right.
Слайд 14

Introduction Different people have opposing opinions about teenagers. Can you generalize

Different people have opposing opinions about teenagers. Can you generalize

all teenagers? Who is to blame?
Слайд 15

Introduction To state the topic / problem: Is there too much

To state the topic / problem:
Is there too much emphasis placed

on …?
The British poet … once said that …
There are various facts that support this opinion.
Nowadays, we are often told …
Every day …
There is no doubt ...
Over the past few years …
Are you among those who …?
Why has … become …?
Слайд 16

Introduction В задании: The population of big cities is growing. В


В задании:
The population of big cities is growing.
В эссе:

Nowadays more people are inclined to leave small towns and villages for big cities.
Слайд 17

Introduction To express opinion: In my opinion … I believe …

To express opinion:
In my opinion …
I believe …
It seems to

me …
The way I see it …
I think …
As I see it …
Many people believe … but to my mind …
Слайд 18

Comment on the following statement: It’s reported that billions of dollars

Comment on the following statement:

It’s reported that billions of dollars

are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.
What is your opinion? What problems should humanity solve first of all?
Слайд 19

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration

projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. And I think so.
Problems of space exploration and problems of Earth are very important, I think. But which problem is more important for humanity?
Слайд 20

Main Body 2nd paragraph: present the first (and second) viewpoint supported

Main Body

2nd paragraph:
present the first (and second) viewpoint supported by your

reason / examples
you may agree or disagree with the opinion given in the task
Слайд 21

Main Body To list points: In the first place … First

Main Body

To list points:
In the first place …
First of all

To start / begin with …
Firstly …
Secondly …
Thirdly …
Finally …
Last but not least …
Слайд 22

Main Body To add more points to the same topic: What

Main Body

To add more points to the same topic:
What is more

Furthermore …
Moreover …
In addition to this …
Besides …
Apart from this …
Слайд 23

Main Body To introduce examples: For example … such as …

Main Body

To introduce examples:
For example …
such as …
For instance

in particular …
Слайд 24

Main Body Тезис: I my opinion, mobile phones are very useful

Main Body

I my opinion, mobile phones are very useful for people

who are always on the move.
Firstly, they can easily be contacted no matter where they are
Вывод: and so they always know the news.
Слайд 25

Main Body Тезис: To my mind, motorcycles are very convenient. Аргументы:

Main Body

To my mind, motorcycles are very convenient.
To start with,

you don’t need to rely on public transport,
and you can park them easily.
Слайд 26

Main Body In my opinion, we must spend that money in

Main Body

In my opinion, we must spend that money in

this two ways and we should be ready to protect our planet in space. I think aliens can flying somewhere is space and we must be ready. In other hand, we must solve our Earth problems like terror, transport problems and etc. This problems are very important for our live. All our money must spend in good way and make our live better.
Слайд 27

Main Body 3rd paragraph: present the second (third) viewpoint supported by

Main Body

3rd paragraph:
present the second (third) viewpoint supported by your reason

/ examples;
present the opposing viewpoint supported be reasons / examples and say why you disagree with it giving reasons / examples
Слайд 28

Main Body To introduce contrasting viewpoint: It is argued that …

Main Body

To introduce contrasting viewpoint:
It is argued that …
People argue

that …
Opponents of this view say …
There are people who believe …
Contrary to what most believe …
However …
On the other hand …
Though …
Слайд 29

Main Body Тезис: However, some people believe that using mobile phones

Main Body

However, some people believe that using mobile phones can be

Аргумент: Talking on a mobile phone while driving reduces concentration by up to 30
Вывод: and so greatly increases the chances of causing an accident.
Контраргумент: I don’t agree with it. It’s prohibited to use mobile phones while driving.
Вывод: Thus, you will avoid getting into trouble.
Слайд 30

Main Body Тезис: However, there is an opinion that motorcycles are

Main Body

However, there is an opinion that motorcycles are very convenient

because you don’t need to rely on public transport.
Контраргумент: But I believe they are not so speedy as public transport
Вывод: and it will take a lot of time to get to the place of destination.
Слайд 31

Main Body However, there are some arguments for spending a lot

Main Body

However, there are some arguments for spending a lot

of money on space exploration projects. It is opinion that the deeper we explore space the sooner we will get answers on different questions. Researchers will be always looking for a different forms of life. Human being was always interested in founding UFO.
Слайд 32

Conclusion 4th paragraph: summarize what you’ve said; restate your opinion briefly using different words.


4th paragraph:
summarize what you’ve said;
restate your opinion briefly using different words.

Слайд 33

Conclusion To conclude: To sum up … All in all …


To conclude:
To sum up …
All in all …
On the whole

In conclusion it is important to remind / add / point that…
Taking everything into account …
As was previously stated …
All things considered …
The issue is far from solving yet but I think …
Surely, it would be impossible to give full justice to …
To come back to the point raised at the beginning …
However, it must be added …
Слайд 34

Conclusion To sum up, such spending money on space exploration is


To sum up, such spending money on space exploration is not

only waste of time, but a part of every human’s life too.
In conclusion, I would like to say that all money which have all gaverments must be spend for people.